Our 200,000 readers on yesterday (April 27th) should know…Royal Bank of Canada placed a gag order on staff after yesterday's EXCLUSIVE!


rat-in-the-plpNassau, Bah: Bahamas Press has been advised by our DEEP Throat located deep in the bowels of the 4 floor in RBC House, that the bank has decided to close ranks and go in the defensive mode. An e-mail was sent to all staff talking about an electronic Blog trying to malign the good name of the century old bank and the character of its hard working employees. Well blow me down, BP guess they consider the staff to be stupid and cannot read the facts for themselves ech? We did not shoot the gun, Mr. Holder did.

Well we knew that they would have responded this way, however, they should ask First Caribbean what happened when they took the same approach. “The staff can now see how dishonest Senior Management really are, they have not address the issues raised!”

We ask again, was Mr. Holder held accountable for his actions?
Did he discharged a gun to harm his wife and her lover Woody Big Wood Moore?
Did a deal go down?

Mrs. Terri Davies, please send out an e-mail answering those questions for the hard working staff who want to know the facts, these are not vicious rumours.

If these questions are not answered, we will on our own time and choosing, expose what we have, just a little hint, we will do three stories each quarter and a big finale for year end Oct 31, 2009, just ask your counterparts at FIRST CARIBBEAN what happened when they choose to close ranks and try to muscle their way out. We will hit you where we know it will hurt, the bottom line!

Mrs. Davies, please answer the staff questions, these are not ours. We have now put our best investigative writers on this case and clandestine meetings are being held with staff from all Depts. We think the staff need Union representation and we may assist them.

Please stop looking for the bogey man and deal with the issues, you have been warned and as they say, Stay Tuned.


  1. Some time before, I really needed to buy a good house for my organization but I didn’t earn enough money and couldn’t order something. Thank goodness my colleague adviced to take the personal loans from trustworthy bank. So, I acted so and used to be satisfied with my small business loan.

  2. Well there must be something to hide. RBC staff Bahamas needs strongly to contact the President or Secretary General of The Bahamas Financial Services Union – 323-0514 to get help. The executives of this union has the skills and know how to represent.They get their information. Ask the Ministry of Labour. Hats of to them. They sit and make decisions at the tables of Banks, Credit Unions, and help any worker in the sector that needs help. They are affiliated with the strong Unions in other caribbean territories. RBC staff needs to come out of oppression and speak their minds, stop running and hiding see (St Lucia RBC staff) they dont play. http://htsstlucia.com/

  3. Bahamas Press has is also now blocked off all online access in RBC BANK! 200,000 readers cannot be blocked, however, they wish to know more! What does Royal Bank of Canada has to hide?

    Bahamas Press/editor

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