Davis wants bribery and corruption charges during the May 7th elections to be examined by a Commission of Inquiry

Nassau, Bahamas — Tensions between the former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and the current PLP Viceroy Philip Brave Davis are stronger than most would believe.
Although the two once shared a law firm together, we are told they have developed a very bitter, cold and stoic relationship.
During an early morning exercise DPM Davis with his armed bodyguards came face to face with the former PM Ingraham as the sun was about to rise.
Sources tell us the former PM appeared to have an instant nicotine attack as he became quite edgy and jumpy as the powerful PLP Viceroy {Prime Minister Christie’s secret weapon during the May 7th General Elections} passed.
Davis told PLPs that he will accept no less than 30 seats for the PLP in the Parliament during the May 7th General Elections campaign. The PLP won 29, which forced Davis, Roberts and Gibson to conduct an all out war in North Abaco to eradicate Ingraham’s stronghold in the community.
The PLP Viceroy opened a number of community offices across North Abaco during the October 15th by-election and locked Ingraham out of his own community. The former Prime Minister had represented North Abaco in the Parliament for 35 years.
Some tell us, Davis is on a warpath to bring to justice crimes committed under the former administration and has gone on record that he will support a Commission of Inquiry focusing on bribery claims committed in his constituency of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador. Claims by the Deputy Prime Minister suggests public money was used by the former Minister of Finance in that campaign in hopes Davis would be locked out of Parliament.
The plot failed, and now Davis wants justice for the naked abuse by Hubert Ingraham of public money.
The move could force Ingraham to be called before that Commission to explain how and why he used public money in an attempt to win an election – as the decision to do so is criminal and could result in further court proceedings.
The decisions by the Ingraham government to award massive “Loaded Contracts” through the National Insurance Board, namely to persons like; Porkey Dorsett, Charlton Morley, Floyd Willmott and Jeffrey Lloyd, could also come up in a Commission of Inquiry, which would again force former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to account!
Davis is known by politicos as ‘the quiet storm’ in the PLP, who also snatched FNM loyalist supporters one by one from the opposition party before the May 7th 2012 poll, a move many close to the former PM say, “deeply imploded the FNM campaign and demoralized Ingraham.”
And so the feud is tight!
And so while walking the two [Ingraham and Davis] passed each other without saying a word. Hubert Ingraham knows the PLP Viceroy Philip Brave Davis, if allowed, is the one man who will decimate his record before the public and make it sure and certain that he never turns to the top of the political ladder and abuse the country like a world dictator.
And Brave Davis knows that if Ingraham is allowed to hang around untarnished, some Bahamians will forget his cruel and painful hardships inflicted on the Bahamian people [taxes, unemployment, hiring foreigners over Bahamians] and they may start looking fondly back to those dark throbbing days of terror.
Ingraham told the press what he most regret following the elections was the lost of his close friendships in the PLP leadership, however, what he really wanted to say is “I DON’T want to go to Jail”!
We report yinner decide!
Mr. Davis I’m sorry that the once good relationship of two persons is strained however, the Bahamian need the truth to come out. I, along with other right thinking Bahamians agree with your stance, please continue to seek the truth for the unknown, non-confrontational, very concerned Bahamian who would like those, as-well as other conflict of interest questions answered. Don’t give up
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