PM arrives in Grand Bahama to tell Katherine Smith Goodbye!


f1-pm_gbia_fredcooper_etal-largeFred Cooper, Bahamasair Northern Director with responsibility for Grand Bahama shakes hands with Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham at the Grand Bahama International Airport on Sunday, May 31, 2009. Mr. Cooper, who is one of the first employees of the nation’s flag carrier, officially retires later this month. Prime Minister Ingraham was departing Freeport for Nassau following a visit to the island to attend a number of events. Pictured from left are Adrienna Johnson, Customer Service Agent, Bahamasair; newly appointed Consul General to Atlanta, Katherine Forbes-Smith; Harold Williams, Assistant Airport Manager, Bahamasair; Prime Minister Ingraham; Mr. Cooper; Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Marvin Dames, and Minister of Public Works and Transport with responsibility for Bahamasair the Hon. Neko Grant. (BIS Photo/Sharon Turner)

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  1. Katherine Forbes-Smith new appointment was only to benefit her family attending college in Atlanta. Trust me!

  2. No, Ms Smith did not pose for an official photograph dragging slippers. I must be seeing things. All the best to Mr. Cooper in his retirement years and to Mrs. Smith on her appointment. She should have softened up a bit over the past two years.

  3. From what I have seen of Kaye Smith she will make a terrific Consul in Atlanta.fred Cooper is an old faithful and should be commeneded for his stint in GB.I wish all the paerties well in their new endeavors.It is good that Fred got the opportunity to retire at 65 yrs as that willnot happen again under HAI.The question is this though will NIB payments be lowered for retired persons?

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