Nassau – Prime Minister is presently visiting with family members affected by the Labour Day Massacre, accompanied by Minister of Health Duane Sands, Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes, and President of the Bahamas Christian Council Bishop Delton Fernander.
Now this is interesting because the press was waiting for the PM to return to the country. They were not advised.
They were awaiting the PM’s visit to the families affected by the Labour Day Massacre. But they were not invited and never notified.
All we say is this: after selling dreams to the country and lies to the people, the Prime Minister is blocking members of the WUTLESS MEDIA from access. What happened to his policy of open and transparent governance? WHAT A LIE!
The point is simple – If he refuses to talk with them, they should refuse to talk to his government! And just go after the story. THE PRESS SHOULD JUST GO AND PAY A VISIT TO THE FAMILIES WITHOUT MENTIONING THE PM.
We report yinner decide!