PM Press Agent gets fat juicy Government Contracts in the millions!


Camera woman awarded contracts to the tune of $90,000 per month!

Yontalay Bowe and OUTGOING PM Hubert Minnis.

NASSAU| Sources deep within DEHS and OPM shared with us some damning information.

According to sources, Yontalay Bowe, who is the personal photographer to the PM, has been given two garbage truck contracts valued collectively at $90,000 per month.

Sources went further and sent us pictures of where the business is located, which is the industrial park off Gladstone road (All things Waste Management).

But there is more. Sources tell us she put the contract in her (main) lover’s name to keep the PM from looking bad.

Our sources in OPM believe PM Minnis has benefited from these contracts. But to make matters worse, Bowe just received her permanent letter so that when the PM is voted out of office (so long bye bye), her job is secured when a new government takes over.

Bowe enjoys a government car, government phone, government office, and has a DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT, all at the expense of the SHAREHOLDERS (Bahamian VOTERS who will meet in a SPECIAL CALLED MEETING THIS THURSDAY between the hours of 8am – 6pm).

From our calculations, Bowe would’ve made a minimum of $4,320,000 of taxpayers money from her fat JUICY contracts.

First Minnis closed off an entire main road (Munnings Road) for one woman and gave her an IDB contract valued at $180,000 per year.  Now his unqualified photographer is a millionaire at a stroke of his pen.

And all this happens while Bahamians suffer at the hands of this government, with a national debt which has climbed to $10.2 BILLION with nothing to show for it!

Meanwhile the Minnis Government ensured that Friends, Family and “F…..”lovers were well taken care of.

See yinner  at the Board Meeting on Thursday. I AM A SHAREHOLDER TO!

We report yinner decide!

May be an image of outdoors
All things!