Police and ZNS dem could LIE ECH? Anyone saw ZNS last night?


tommy-turnquest<<< Tommy Turnquest, Minister of National Security with responsibility for the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas.

Click to listen to this CUNNING report by ZNS saying Prince Charles Shopping Centre is SAFE.

Nassau, Bahamas — Some WUTLESS people up at ZNS don’t know the difference between regular crime and the WILD WILD WEST. In the Bahamas we have no longer petty theft or shop lifting as a problem, it’s much bigger than that. In today’s Bahamas, police chases into downtown Nassau and shootouts on Prince Charles is the problem. Shoppers being held at gunpot and robbed, and if you ain’t so lucky you can get a bullet or two or three pending on the criminal mind behind the trigger.

In a report last evening ZNS attempted to put a spin on the whole crime problem up at Prince Charles Shopping Centre. In the report ZNS reporter suggested that Prince Charles is the safest shopping centre in the country. They interview two store owners who agreed, and had the police place the icing on the cake. Well, is that true? Officers of the eastern division were highly praised by some tennents of stores in the area, but what are they not saying in that report was the violent episode which just took place last week.

Last week the Tribune reported of some serious criminal incidents taking place in the area. What was ZNS trying to do when they were crafting this story on Sunday? They stretched their lie so far that they concluded that Prince Charles Shopping Centre has no criminal activity and is safe. Here’s the way the morning daily however reported last week’s story:

A shootout in broad daylight erupted near the KFC outlet on Prince Charles Drive when bystanders tried to rescue an old woman who was being held up for her purse.

What started out as an attempt by good Samaritans to catch a purse snatcher turned dangerous when the perpetrator pulled out a gun and starting shooting randomly.

Witnesses say the situation descended into complete chaos when an unidentified man in a car pulled out a shotgun and began firing back at the gun-wielding thief.

While those who initially confronted the robber were praised for their bravery, people on the scene criticized the police for not responding to calls quickly enough and said they fear Nassau is becoming a lawless town.

One said: “It felt like a movie. Nassau has become like the Wild Wild West, where someone can walk up to you in broad daylight and kill you.”

The incident began at around 6pm on Wednesday when an old woman was accosted by a man as she walked down a side street near the back of the KFC building. An unidentified man saw what was happening and ran over to help. He was quickly followed by several other men.

By the time they got to the victim, the robber had snatched her purse and taken off running down the side street. The men eventually, caught up and attempted to tackle him to the ground, probably hoping to hold him there until the police arrived, witnesses said.kirche1.jpg

Now that is what the Tribune reported not BP. The Tribune carried it under the title ‘Another Wild-West Shootout in Dangerous Nassau, Bahamas’. And if you were following the news for a while, you would remember last year how thieves attempted to rob an armor truck making rounds at the Royal Bank of Canada in the area. You would remember one of the robbers were shot by police and the other was chased into the Sea Breeze area following another shooting episode. All this happened in big broad daylight!

But here in the WUTLESS ZNS newscast last night, is some ill informed reporter, telling the country Prince Charles is the safest place to shop and the BIG HAT police officers are right there nodding in shameful agreement. SAFE? With old women getting knocked to the ground and robbed, and citizens in crossfire shootout all in BIG BROAD DAYLIGHT? SAFE MY FOOT! All we at Bahamas Press say is this, if the WUTLESS ZNS and Police tell you it safe, STAY FAR, VERY FAR away from the area!

Don’t forget now, Tommy Turnquest and the ‘Vigzy Head’ Judiciary both love to protect criminals and release them on bail. They both allowed 205 to walk out of jail in April. And guess what? according to Tommy, he looking for the person who gave us the list! Boy, das some brains for ya ech?



  1. that’s right they letting out killers and one of them killed my best friend collier knowles, chopped him to death with a cutlass. he better be glad the police got to him before his friends did, everybody that knew him loved him, and it was a senseless and violent death that could have been avoided.

  2. Thanks for your sentiments Joe Blow, but at last report the select committe on crime was in recess and of course according to insiders will not meet until completion of the budget debate.A very controversial matter involving the Cop is reported in the Nassau Guardian where a witness in a Murder case accuses the COP Ferguson of using coercion to get her to implicate two men in the killing.The Judge condemned the Police including Ferguson.I have always said that this man was unfit to be COP now more proof is added to the pudding.So we can see why the tenants in the Prince Charles Plaza were used to lie.The COP of Police fails to have our trust,so he must go b4 the country goes belly up.Tommy sure put his foot in mouth when he recommended him to the PM to assume the top post.It did not have to be like this.

  3. @ Russell Johnson; Can’t help but agree with you re: the above. While I was away was there any interim reporting by the Select Committee on crime? If not, Dr. Knottage should update us as soon as possible. I truly hope that Dames or Greenslade will become the head of the Police Force by the end of the year, if not sooner. We need a strong head who will get rid of corrupt officers and get others out on the streets on a consistent basis, where they are visible to the public as well as the criminals.

  4. We need answers to the myriad of problems facing our country and it is obvious we need a new shadow Minister of National Security.Mother Pratt is not the person to put fire under Tommy.I hate to say this but the only reason the PLP Govt failed is because the FNM while in opposition sat back and allowed them to mess up.Is the PLP trying to return the favour?I say we need strong opposition as the country is headed to hell as crime is totally out of control and poor Tommy who cut down banana trees on the Police Force b4 they had fully beared fruit is now left with an incompetent Commissioner of Police and his band of inept heads.Where is Greenslade?We wasted money sending he and Dames to Canada only for them to return and work under someone who knows nothing about 21st century policing.I say to Tommy remove the present Commissioner of Police and let him work out of the PMs office.It is time for Greenslade and Dames to show us what they learnt in Canada.Bahamians are scared and right now you Tommy are not supplying the answers.By making a change now you have nothing to lose so save your skin.

  5. @kevin mckenzie
    They let them out and now they are slaughtering members of the public. I only just hope on of them to soon find themselves around the same people who let them out. That was be a satisfying thought!


  6. Collier Knowles was murdered by one of those 205 persons that were recently released by Tommy TURNQUEST,according to information i have received.Bahamas Press please verify this information.

  7. Why didn’t they interview persons at KFC,Burger King,or Royal Bank they would be able to give a true stroy.

  8. I worked in an establishment there many years ago and it was the shortest stint on my resume for the simple fact that it was a war zone. When you didn’t have the robberies, you had the gangs clashing there all the time and there was always a high speed police chase you can count on, especially on that road that loops around the shopping center that is used as a short cut to Sea Breeze. Safest my foot. Cable Beach is safe, even Golden Gates is safer.

  9. I have some time off and will go to the Prince Charles plaza to see if I notice any improved security.Will spend one hour to get a true feeling as am so insulted am red in the face.

  10. @JR
    I have a friend who works at that KFC on Prince Charles and I know that they were robbed within the last 9 months(can’t rmember exactly which month but late last year or early this year though) but there was no report on ZNS!!!

    What kind of a circus they running man??? Does anyone realize how many robberies take place and are not reported? Most of the time only when persons are injured they are reported…

  11. Those puppet reporters at ZNS practice lying and covering up so much it has now become so natural for them to do. I really can’t see how they were able to cover that story without laughing. Another thing, I am trying to figure out is how they got those two persons to do the interview and keep a straight face, they must be pay them aye or you think they were hired actors? And look what area they trying to project as peaceful when everybody knows that is the wild, wild west. That just goes to show how much investigating they do before reporting these stories.

  12. Tonight my prayers are with that mother whose son died mysteriously while in police custody. After listening to her on the news, I agree with her a full investigation should be launched. Today with so many corrupted officers on the force you just don’t know what to think, but I pray that if any wrong was done to that woman’s child that it be revealed.

    kevin mckenzie :Bahamas Press please donot let the police get away with the murder of that 15 year old child.There are several statements that the police made that just does not add up.1-Why did the police denied his mother access to her child?Could it be that the police did not want her to see the bruises they had inflicted upon her child?2-A minor cannot and must not be questioned by the police with out that minor’s legal guardian/lawyer being present.Was this rule followed by the police?3-There are only 3 cells at this station and if you are in cell one you can see and hear what is happening in the other 2 cells and vice vesa.How come none of the occupants of the other 2 cells witnessed the young man preparing to hang himself?4-How come no police officer heard the loud noise that is emitted by a hanging person nor saw anything?These cells are quite visible from the police desk.This forces me to believe the police beat this child to death and then staged it to look like it was suicide.PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT RELATED TO THIS MINOR NOR DO I KNOW HIS FAMILY.THIS HAPPENED AT THE SOUTH BEACH POLICE STATION.

  13. At first I thought they were talking about Lyford Cay or somewhere like that then I wondered what Prince Charles they were talking about!!!!

    But Media, I heard Tommy said on a talk show on friday on Gems that Every month a list is compiled with those who have been released.. Last month was one of the worse months, I guess, which was probably the reason someone thought that it was important to leak the list…

  14. Bahamas Press please donot let the police get away with the murder of that 15 year old child.There are several statements that the police made that just does not add up.1-Why did the police denied his mother access to her child?Could it be that the police did not want her to see the bruises they had inflicted upon her child?2-A minor cannot and must not be questioned by the police with out that minor’s legal guardian/lawyer being present.Was this rule followed by the police?3-There are only 3 cells at this station and if you are in cell one you can see and hear what is happening in the other 2 cells and vice vesa.How come none of the occupants of the other 2 cells witnessed the young man preparing to hang himself?4-How come no police officer heard the loud noise that is emitted by a hanging person nor saw anything?These cells are quite visible from the police desk.This forces me to believe the police beat this child to death and then staged it to look like it was suicide.PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT RELATED TO THIS MINOR NOR DO I KNOW HIS FAMILY.THIS HAPPENED AT THE SOUTH BEACH POLICE STATION.

  15. If I am not mistaken, the RBC branch at Prince Charles has been the most robbed branch of that bank in the Bahamas. The KFC there has been robbed a number of times too and at one point, criminals tried to rob the old RND cinemas when they were there. The Super Value on PC has been hit a few times too so this ZNS report was nothing more than a PR stunt to drum up business or put a false sense of safety in the minds of Bahamians.

  16. The PLP Govt had members invo;ved with indiscretions and all that did was embarass them personally.As a result they were voted out of office.Imagine what is in store for the FNM as all the matters they have not taken care of involves the public being shafted.Personal indifference is different from neglect and lying.No one has commented on the fair attendance at the FNM cookout held at FNM HQ two Saturdays past.but am informed they had to give steaks away and many refused even though they were hungry.It is time for the FNM Govt to take stock and decide whether or not they wish to go 3 more yrs.The people cant take the punishment any more then to lie?Damage control must not involve lies,just tell us the truth as we know it already.Remember now if A SPOUSE ASKS A QUESTION THEY ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER.The prearranged interviews just show us how the Govt thinks we are fools.

  17. and this is the problem with society today, nobody is willing to take a stand an let the powers to be know that enough is enough. No demands just acceptance, and everyone suffers. If one person speaks out then te thousands makes him look like a fool, because as far as they are concern everything is honky dorry

  18. @Kim Sands
    I don’t think the issues we face as a nation matter to these politicians at all because it hasn’t touched them. We know what’s going on, and these people don’t even respect us enough to be honest. Telling the truth in situations such as this saves lives. The only people that aren’t suffering in our current state are people that were always well off. They don’t even have the moral ability to empathize with others. That’s the only way they can be straight-faced and tell bold lies. It is discouraging because everyday you see the sorrow on the faces of the Bahamian people. We really have to demand more from our government. Sadly, my expectations are lowered every day.

  19. Tommy is in over his head and don’t want to admit it, so who could blame him for trying to use the police and those Muppets from ZNS and a few store owners to paint us a pretty picture about crime in this lawless country. Tommy is just so desperate and realize people are fed up with him and this crime situation, so rather than trying to find new and innovative ways to combat crime, he decided to come up with these tactics. Which is making people more upset, because we are aware of what is going on around us. We are the ones living around these dangerous criminals looking over our shoulders in fear for our lives everyday. Tommy its okay if you want to pretend like everything is alright by having one or two shop owners come on TV smiling about how secure their shopping environment is and how safe they feel. It’s okay Tommy the rest of us don’t matter, we don’t need the police patrolling our areas, because in your eyes we are just a number and if anything happens to us it would be life goes on as usual. Just the other day a young lady was brutally murder by one of those persons who was recently let out of prison, you have not said a word about it and I doubt you have even offer your sympathy to the family but you have time for tactics. It’s ok though, we have learn not to expect any better from you. Just remember election time will come again and I am patiently waiting for you all to come around my door with that trust agenda. Trust me; I would be like a drunken sailor.


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