RBC Royal Bank sponsors Royal Bahamas Police Force Summer Camp and Royal Bahamas Defence and Police Force Summer Youth Programme


Hardworking COP Greenslade is working overtime to keep Bahamians and their children safe while removing lawlessness out of the society

Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade, surrounded by RBPF summer camp kids

TOP COP Ellison Greenslade is putting the safety of young people and the society FIRST!!!! Boy it ga be a long time before we get someone this dedicated to country!

Nassau, Bahamas — During the summer the Royal Bahamas Police Force conducts a series of summer camps throughout the districts of New Providence and the Family Islands. The first RBPF summer camp was established in July 1993. The camps were created to provide a safe environment for children during the summer months, enabling them to engage in day long recreational and educational activities. The main goal of the summer camps is to strengthen the relationship between the Royal Bahamas Police Force and young people. Secondly, the RBPF summer camps aim to direct young persons to positive social interactions that promote cooperation , peaceful conflict resolution, provide mental challenges and build moral character .

“It’s Lunchtime!” - RBPF campers eagerly line up for lunch.

Recently RBC Royal Bank and FINCO branches donated funds to the RBPF summer camps within the respective branch communities. RBC Royal Bank is delighted to again partner with the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) in support of youth development, through sponsorship of the annual RBPF summer camps.

Today the RBPF runs fifteen (15) summer camps throughout The Bahamas. In New Providence there are nine (9) summer camps: Southeastern Division, Central Division, Northeastern Division, Southwestern Division, South-central Division, Western Division, Eastern Division, Band Division and Southern Division. Six camps take place in the Family Islands: San Salvador, Cat Island, Bimini, Inagua, Andros, and Eleuthera. Campers range in age from seven (7) years old to seventeen (17) years old. The campers apply to the camp in the division in which they live. This year the summer camp has been extended to six weeks beginning the 1st July until 9th August.

Although each RBPF camp provides campers with a unique experience and has its own distinct activities, all the camps operate under the auspices of the National Crime Prevention office which assigns an officer to visit each camp daily to ensure a safe and fun environment.

Sergeant 2552 Darvey Pratt, National Crime Prevention Council, on behalf of the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the campers, expressed gratitude for RBC’s support: – “Without RBC’s assistance there would be no camp for our young people.” He explained: “You must understand the feeling and satisfaction we get on seeing these young children’s face light up when they are given a hot plate of food. It is very emotional. I thank RBC for doing their part in the development of our young people throughout The Bahamas.”

The Royal Bahamas Defence Force Summer Programme

RBPF campers learning how to crochet.

The Royal Bahamas Defence Force Summer Programme was established in summer 2008. The RBDF Summer Programme was created to provide a safe summer environment which would serve to inspire, empower and educate young persons. The Programme has grown from 250 children during its first year to serving over 1,000 young persons throughout the community. The main goal of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Summer Youth Programme is to increase a sense of national pride, purpose and identity in summer students.

For many years RBC Royal Bank has supported numerous RBDF youth development initiatives including the Legends Classic Basketball tournaments and the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers programme. RBC’s sponsorship of the RBDF Summer Programme enables the RBDF to conduct a high quality programme, free of charge to the campers. A registration fee of $10.00 is the only fee charged for kids to attend the programme.

Campers range in age from five (5) years old to sixteen (16) years old. The RBDF Summer Youth programme time table is carefully planned to ensure that students receive a balance of activities and experiences. Specialist Math and English programs, as well as general activity, are supported by sports and physical activities.

The programme is separated into two camp sessions, each lasting 4 weeks. Each camp provides an invaluable resource of healthy meals, educational programs and a safe environment over the long summer break. Camp Alpha ran from June 24 to July 19th, 2013. Camp Bravo commenced July 29th and will end August 23rd, 2013. The camps are operated by members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force. To enhance the learning experience special guest speakers and presenters come in to speak to campers on various topics.

This year, in commemoration of the 40th Independence of The Bahamas, the theme of the programme is ‘ Celebrating 40 years of independence, connecting the past with the present for a brighter tomorrow’. Camp 2013 focused on all things Bahamian integrating the various aspects of Bahamian Culture across all camp disciplines. One particularly exciting session introduced the campers to games which Bahamian children played in the past including spinning top, shooting marbles and ring play.

Lt. Origin Deleveaux, Public Relations Officer and Camp Coordinator, thanked RBC for its sponsorship: – “It is because of the generosity of corporate sponsors like RBC that the 2013 RBDF Summer Programme has been able to accommodate more campers this year than previous years.” He continued: – RBC has been a great supporter of RBDF initiatives and continues to be a major player in youth development.”

The Important Role of the RBDF & RBPF Camps

Happy campers at the 2013 RBDF Summer Programme.

Summer is a time of year anticipated by many. For some children the closure of school promises family vacations, new learning opportunities and frequent visits to the park and beach. Other children find that, when school ends for the summer, the door closes on their opportunity to continue learning, their access to proper child care, and even a good meal. Research has shown that all young people experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activity during the summer. This learning loss is higher for underprivileged youth. There is a large achievement gap between the children from lower versus higher- income households as a result of unequal access to summer learning opportunities.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force Summer Camp and The Royal Bahamas Defence Force Summer Youth Programme are two initiatives attempting to quell the summer slump, while addressing the needs of underprivileged youth. RBC has been involved with both camps for a number of years.

“We are delighted to support the annual Royal Bahamas Police Force and Royal Bahamas Defence Force summer camps. We are always keen to be part of such initiatives that have a positive impact on society and its members, especially the next generation”, said Mr. Nathaniel Beneby, Market Head, Personal Banking in The Bahamas, Cayman and Turks & Caicos Islands. He continued: – “The RBPF and RBDF summer camps empower the youth and communities throughout The Bahamas by providing thousands of children each year with a safe and fun place to go during the summer break.”