Residents Of Bimini Island Clash With Police as Police Dorm Goes up in Flames



An aerial view of the Bahama island of Bimini located just 50 miles off the coast of Florida.

Bimini, Bahamas: Two years ago back in December of 2005, Bimini residents morned the lives of residents on that island as Chalk’s flight 101\110 crashed off the coast of Miami killing all passengers on board. On Saturday morning Pandemonium had erupted on that island of Bimini as residents have took to the streets following an early morning shooting by a police officer that has left one man dead.

Reports from that island at this hour suggest that the police station, and patrol boats were all set ablaze on Saturday as residents protested the shooting of a young man at the Bimini Breeze Bar in Alice Town that took place around 1a.m. Saturday morning. Police vehicles were also said to be destroyed by protesting residents.

Police are holding information surrounding this latest shooting as officers are now dispatch from the capital for an investigation into the incident.

Sources have confirmed that a man known as D. Rolle was shot and killed by a police officer at the Bimini Breeze Bar on the island around 1 am Saturday morning.

Reports are unclear at this hour as to the details surrounding the shooting. However an eyewitnesses said that officer attempted to arrest Rolle at the bar, however as Rolle fell to the ground, the officer then allegedly retrieved his weapon and shot Rolle with a single bullet to the head. Police on the island are tight-lipped over the incident and are not releasing any information at this time.

Owner of the Bimini Breeze Bar in Alice Town Yama ‘Bahama’ Butler said Saturday morning he is still awaiting direction to open his establish as it is closed with all the evidence still lay in the establishment. Rolle was taken to the local clinic in Bailey Town and pronounced dead.

Residents are said to also be protesting their frustration of several incidents by young officers recently assigned on to the island. Owner of the bar Yama ‘Bahama’ Butler said he is concerned with the behavior of these ‘junior officers’ that appear to be misguided with their responsibilities on this island. The particular officer involved in the shooting last night, Mr. Butler noted, “appears to be misguided and his actions this morning is not a first as several residents has been left threatened by him before.”

Defense Force officers we also dispatched to the island around noon on Saturday as the clash with police intensified throughout the day. At last report police from Grand Bahamas, Nassau along with Defense Force officers were on the ground and had quelled much of the disturbance, however officers assigned on the island had already lost everything.