Roberts takes on Senator Rev. Frederick McAlpine


bradley-roberts-min-of-wor.jpgBy Bradley B Roberts/PLP Chairman

Nassau, Bahamas — While we in the Progressive Liberal Party, understand why Senator Frederick McAlpine was so well received at tonight’s evening session of the Free National Movement convention, we are dissatisfied at his level of contribution. We confess that he was very amusing and entertaining, a welcomed relief at a Convention that thus far has been a dismal display of the effective communication of hope and relief for the people of our Country during such desperate times.

The single mother whose own home is without electricity, so she went by a family member to iron her children’s school clothes for tomorrow and to catch a glimpse of the FNM Convention, heard nothing about how she will have the opportunity to find new employment or to be able to send her son in the graduating class of 2010 to the College of The Bahamas, or how she will be able to afford healthcare for her ailing mother and cancer ridden child. For a moment however, she was entertained by a Senator who doubles as a Minister of the Gospel.

The only serious response to McAlpine, who really deserves no response at all, is to warn the Senator that times have changed since his crude and embarrassing performance during the 2007 General Election rallies. Times have grown serious and serious times require serious leadership. He was awarded for his abandonment of his Christian vows during that campaign by being appointed to the Senate. The deep feelings of rejection which fueled his unchristian-like behavior during the Elections, we had hoped would have been quelled by time, spiritual reflection, responsibilities to Nation building and his many challenges in a new marriage.042270000

We hoped for a moment, that as a Senator, who doubles as a “man of the cloth,” McAlpine might have used this opportunity to inspire Convention delegates and the Bahamian population at large, in a different more meaningful way. But again, he chose to clownishly sing for his supper, to please a man over more meaningful principles. He chose to spew messages of hate and folly over messages of restoration and timely wisdom – again, during the most socially and economically challenging period in our Country since the late 1920s.

Night two of the FNM Convention has fittingly been described by senior PLP observers as a “Worship Service” or a time of “Praise and Worship” – and not in a religious context but in speaker after speaker’s obsession with the leader of their Party. When they have not spent time praising their maximum leader, they have wasted time in response mode to Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, the PLP. This is the only level of leadership that they now have to offer during these ‘TOUGH TIMES.’ What a horridly frightening state of affairs when during a time of crises, a Government falls into trying to keep up with the Opposition, by creating entertaining distractions because they are void of creative policies and strategic solutions.

Like his team and leaders then, we are not at all surprised at the empty rhetoric of Frederic McAlpine, as entertaining as it might have been but on behalf of struggling Bahamian families, we are grossly disappointed!


  1. @Russell Johnson
    I have a honest question for you Russell and to your peoples. If Hubert Alexander Ingraham was in charge of The PLP would you support The PLP?… HONESTLY think about it. Because a good few of PLP’s especially the ones over the age of 55+ dont know nothing about FNM and Dont want too no anything and would support PLP even if a PUPPY is leading the PLP. Or for the young ones its basically cause there mom or dad are PLP’s

  2. @Russell Johnson
    “A country that ignores its past is bound to repeat it”
    I understand you fully and agree with you but your abusing it… You always bringing up bad things what the free national movement did in 1992 or whenever. When reality is were living in the 2000’s. The same problems in 1992 MIGHT NOT be the same problem in 2009. The ONLY reliverant peice of information should be 2002 to 2007 Perry Christie and 2007 to 2012 Hubert Ingraham. If we start to bring up things from the past which are IRRELEVANT of The BLAME GAME then how can we work together as ONE and have SUBSTANCE? But like I said I do understand you when you said about ignoring the past. BUT DONT POINT THE FINGER ON IRRELEVANT PIECE OF INFORMATION WHICH HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH TODAY.

    “Loretta Turner surely convince me that PLP’s complain too much just like the former Social Service minister. She want tell her WHY she enn do this… Why”.No she didnt said THE PLP.. but its the same game with different faces. Former Minister of State always making noise about anything Loretta bring in place when reality is she was Minister in charge of Social Service yet didnt do it. The main point is THE PLP had their chance in 02 to 07 and REALITY is SOMETHING WENT WRONG for the people to actually kick them out in their first TERM… Thats sends A SPECIAL MESSAGE that SOMETHING ENN RIGHT.

    And Furthermore you just give an example of what I CALL IGNORANCE.
    “it galls me that someone like Loretta who got advantages through her family being staunch PLPs can now ridicule the very grassroot party that ensured her familys existence by…” We as individuals have the right to choose what PARTY they want to enter. So what youre saying is just because Loretta family members are big time PLP she should only support the plp?… IGNORANCE. I mean come on now its 2009 gerin on 2010… what mommy and daddy is… I should be?…. THAT’S EXACTLY what you’re saying. We needs to stop and review of what we want in a party and who we want to lead a party. I have a serious SERIOUS problem with a VAST amount of PLP supporters who go soley on Pindling success or who would careless who leading the party. Once the person HAS P-L-P they will vote for them’. NOT SAYING YOURE LiKE THAT RUSSELL JOHNSON. But you must realize a bulk of people IN BOTH parties think that way and to me THATS IGNORANCE.

  3. @Bahamasyouth
    “A country that ignores its past is bound to repeat it*
    Just had to place that in so the point can be made that ignorance is no excuse.Therefore your quote,”All yal about 1962’s or 1942’s blah blah thats the thing of the past.Stuff from 1992 should be irrelevant”.May the Lord help us all if others are of your mindset.I love the quote where you call me a big time PLP lolo lolo dont even have membership in the party but that does not disqualify me from pointing out right from wrong.
    “Loretta Turner surely convince me that PLP’s complain too much just like the former Social Service minister. She want tell her WHY she enn do this… Why”.I dont know if the Minister said PLPs but I must point out that it galls me that someone like Loretta who got advantages through her family being staunch PLPs can now ridicule the very grassroot party that ensured her familys existence by them getting most of the funerals and business at their store on Blue Hill Rd.Maybe like you bahamasyouth she hates the past and now wants to play as if she got where she is due solely to her hard work.Tell your handlers that the past prior to 1992 will be discussed as it was through sacrifices by persons in that era you are not now forced to leave school at age 14 yrs.

  4. @LOU
    You do have a point but atleast YOUR BEING REAL and saying that His own have called him weak. I RESPECT THAT…

    But I dont know if its true that ONLY the fnm’s benefit from HAI. ITS POSSIBLE but I dont know to comment on it. And In a way I do believe you on that statement.

    But as far from PRAISING MR Christie now dis where me n u disagree completely. You want to make claims that they were sabotaging PC’s projects. We all know if thats true… that shows how weak his as a leader. If they were sabotaging his project WHY CANT HE LET EM’ Go…. Oh I forgot the old Christie believes in 4 CHANCES lol.

  5. Anyone, “Open minded”, should be able to see that only FNM’s benefit from HAI – the PLP’s that do, are only “baited” for their support (Political extortion)! But, may the record show that PC is completely the opposite – that is why his “own” have called him weak. He has demonstrated that EVERYBODY should benefit – not just special interest groups. That is why PLP’s turned against PC last election! They felt that a few of those PS (perm. Sect.) that were left in place, even though they were sabotaging PC’s projects, should have been fired! Small businesses were thriving, under the PLP administration! But, now the White boys are given QC’s, getting Arawak cay project underway and Big businesses are benefiting more from something as simple as the new customs regulations..What is next ???

  6. @Kim Sands
    NOt Darn me Not for me to get LOCK UP and for me to hide my face on tv like the COUPLA of people who got arrested for trying stealing from Stimulus Package. NOT ME….. and that’s a prime example of the NO NONE-SENSE I respect Mr. Ingraham for.

    But in all honesty BAHAMIANS COMPLAIN TOO DARN MUCH… IF dey forget to pay dey light DAS GOVERNMENT FAULT… Oh please grow up. But I do honestly see a shift in people who are younger than 30 because WE DONT DEPEND ON HUBERT NOR CHRISTIE FOR NOTHING. We take care of our priorities.

    But Lincoln Deal surely convince me WHY I VOTED FNM in 07
    Fweddy Maco..w/e surely convince me WHY I VOTED RED in 07

    Loretta Turner surely convince me that PLP’s complain too much just like the former Social Service minister. She want tell her WHY she enn do this… Why she enn do dat but MUSSY FORGOT SHE WAS IN POWER 2.5 years ago and didnt DO IT. REALITY IS THE PLP HAD THEIR CHANCE THEY BLEW IT….. Its up to them to PERSUADE ME from turnin YELLA and not red.

  7. @Kim Sands
    LOL… Im here was in my Economics class this morning. Where we discuss some SERIOUS TIMES.

    Altec why dont you go worry about Perry G. Christie and stop worrying about me.

    @Russell Johnson
    Majority of yal on this board are BIG TIME PLP’s. Ingraham has done alot of foolishness yes but he still is a BETTER leader than Perry.

    All yal about 1962’s or 1942’s blah blah thats the thing of the past.
    Stuff from 1992 should be irrelevant.

    2002 to 2007 Perry Christie
    2007 to 2012 Hubert A. Ingraham

    Unless Perry Christie changes his leadership style and control his administration he wont WIN. Thats reality… Youths are more in sink with THE FNM solely because of Ingraham. If Ingraham uses his head he should put Branville McCartney for Dept. PM. but from what i notice Tommy Turnquest wont be accepted as leader or dept leader. The same for Brent Symonette. Perry Christie has his work cut out for him to CONVINCE people like me that he truly changed and will be a BETTER PRIME MINISTER.

  8. Bahamasyouth where are you?I am going to pass by the Sir Cecil building and see if you are there getting pointers from HAI now called PAPA.Since you are getting properly indoctrinated dont let PAPA cause youi to go against your conscience.Again google Hitler and you will find that he caused many young Germans to follow the Nazi line.Or better still google the Holocaust then you will understand that you are being used like many youngsters now showing up on facebook.Since you claim to be s student research Perpall Tract murder 1972.I see a trend developing that I despise.The Torchbearers President should resign as he is now taking on the personification of PAPA.The jerk actually shouted BAMM BAMM BAMM.Those were the sounds that came out of Perpall Tract in 1972 and major was no more.I would like to know if the FNM proposes to be a party of FIRE,and GUNS and BULLETS like it was in 1972.

  9. Kim Sands :
    Bahamas youth aint been on for the day aye? He must be gone on a job interview. I really hope he finds something to do, because he has so much faith in this FNM government.

    LOU :
    Yeah !……Perhaps he may get some of the NIB pie !

    Kim Sands :
    That’s probably where he is, getting his piece of the NIB pie. So all that ranking and raving wasn’t in vein after all.

    In Bahamasyouth world, if you criticize HAI you are CLOSE MINDED and BIAS. If on the other hand you agree with him your OPEN MINDED!


  10. @Trinity
    You are making a lot of sense as usual, age should not have anything to do with it. Anyone who could sing praises to such a vindictive and petty leader are not worthy of being follow up. They need to have their head examine.

  11. I’m only 26 Kim…but I have never believed that being a young person is an excuse to be ignorant. You don’t get very far that way. This character who everyone seems to be having a conversation with is not worth it. I find it hard to believe that anyone who allows themself to examine the political career of HAI can call him any less than a damn crook. How is it that Bahamians are second class citizens in their own country? The rich are getting richer and the poor, even poorer in this time of recession. Why? Because special interests are high on the FNM agenda. You don’t need a lick of sense to see that. They give a good show, but at the end of the day, only the FNMs are benefitting. Look at the recent appointments of any major position in the last two years. Strictly along party lines. When there are far better and even more educated PLPs out there, they are overlooked. And that is just? This government has widened the divide in this country because of petty politics and vindictiveness. Whether or not you believe it, it’s a simple fact.

  12. Bahamas youth aint been on for the day aye? He must be gone on a job interview. I really hope he finds something to do, because he has so much faith in this FNM government.

  13. @Trinity

    They don’t have any solution, that’s why they gone up there cracking jokes and trying to get people like Bahamasyouth to believe they have everything under control. It is all detraction, I tell you. I realize Bahamasyouth may still be young and impressionable or haven’t reach that level of maturity yet, so it wouldn’t be fair for me to hold that against him. See, while Freddy may have been entertaining and funny, Bahamasyouth still needs to learn how to identify with these detractions from the real issues. We know better, so we should look out for the youth and help them to understand how these games are played.

  14. @Think Bahams My boy or girl stop playing games, you know an insult when your handing them out, but let’s move on, Because America borrows we borrow?, we should be investing in our people, instead of giving in to special interest and no looking after your people on the ground, it seems the voter gets the shaft and the cash gets the benefit, I have no problem with anything else you have said, but on the union biz, it still comes down to prudent negotiations with these unions, and the reason why this happens is because of party politics, and to your final words, I totally agree with you, we have no problem there, ONE BAHAMAS!.

  15. @Bahamasyouth
    “you QUICK To say Ingraham should do something about the Thousands of people without LIGHT. You want complain about this” .

    I never ventured into that area concerning HAI but I understand your frusrtration with me because you have been caught in a mirage.Get over it and come with facts before you repeat partisan foolishness.

    ” RUSSELL JOHNSON I FIND YOU TO BE VERY VERY VERY BIAS against the FNM. It making me upset naw… “.
    For this term in office I really can only find one achievement to praise the FNM Govt for and that is Ross University.Dont become frustrated if you raise issues and they are easily disputed.Be like me and research before you come with these long untrue stories.I notice you speak long but have no substance when it comes to this matter we are discussing.If not for stop,cancel review and victimise the FNM Govt. would rightfully be able to brag that they finish PLP projects.Govts are continuos but the FNM Govt.fumbled the ball and decided to do things their way.

    “REALITY is Perry Christie lost in 2007 due to the controversies and his LAID back leadership style. BUT THE LAST NIGHT OF THE CONVENTION HE MAN UP and admitted his mistakes and to me THAT’S WHAT I CALL A LEADER. If he play he cards right and show me that he has truly changed I could see myself voting PLP 2012”.

    Coming from you Bahamasyouth I can see that the change is indeed taking place.Now while you are in a bipartisan mood what is your take on the non democratic race for FNM Chairman?He once was delivery boy then the pitbull now he wants to be called PAPA.I dont know if you are aware of PAPA Doc Duvalier of Haiti but if not google and then you will get chills down your back.I can see you shortly being like me and cussing at HAI upon noticing his trend and similarity to that of PAPA DOC.

  16. @Awakened
    I never new that sleeping was an insult, must add that to my list of insults. I always thought it was a physical state of rest. Never mind that. You speak to agreements made by previous administration, my friend agreements you speak to, were many, did anyone ever stop then to think perhaps to slowdown and assess each agreement so as to determin a favorable outcome. Many of the investment offerings signed in 2005 – 2008 never took the present economic conditions into account and where funded by mostly mutual fund Investment firms. Guess what my brother these guys were the hardest hit by the downturn in the global economy, many now cease to exist. Thank God for due diligence in reviewing all agreements. You realize that many projects that perhaps would have started would now be at a stand still today, adding to the already depressed economy.

    Yes we can blame union leaders, also past Government negotiators for not placing standards of work agreements within union contracts. We are the blame for the low standards as it relate to unionized workers. This practise must stop!! we must stop the unions and members from robbing the public purse, either provide quality of service for wage compensation and benifits or break the unions. The unions are the main cause of over price services within the Bahamas.

    You also mention borrowing to pay dept, my friend I am not sure where you have been over the past few months, but even the great America is doing the same, in fact most of the countries in the world. Note the economic downturn is not just specific to the Bahamas, but its Global. It is to the Bahamas past Administrations that have left us in good standings so we could have the capacity to borrow. The fact that many countries can’t borrow speaks volumes for the men who ran our administration now and in the past…

    My friend think not party lines think for the country as a whole. Remember as I said before we have two parties who have different approach to Governance, one is passive and the other agressive. both achieve some level of good no matter what political pundits may say……

  17. @BahamasyouthDid you listen to the news this morning, I told you which party started what projects, and it was on the news this morning, but you choose to pull answers out of the air, I deal in facts, don’t just say things, for saying sake, again I’m not a party politic man, I am for the betterment of this country, please study your politics my boy.

  18. Kim, the FNM have no solutions. They pull their stunts to detract from the real issues.

  19. Bahamasyouth :@Kim SandsOh please stop it…. He is a funnier version of BRADLEY ROBERTS… The same Sh&T Bradley does be saying about the FNM…. The same Nanny is what Fredie said about the PLP….. HE ASKED QUESTIONS and it was QUESTIONS PERRY SHOULD ANSWER any fool would realize that THE under the PLP administration there WASNT A INCH OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION…. YET the FNM is doing more when we are going through a economic depression.
    If Perry CHRISTIE OWN administration and himself could ADMIT his leadership style in 2002 to 2007 why cant yal?????? FROM FRED to Alfred to Alfred G.

    One would think Freddy being a man of the cloth and all would have made better use of the time that was given to him to discuss something meaningful. While I normally enjoy a good laugh, I just didn’t expect for him to go up there cracking jokes and dissing people all night. Now I know some morons or people who don’t have any sense could appreciate something like that, but I aint one of them. I have a problem with any politician whether it be FNM or PLP talking their sh** and aint bringing no solution to the table what would benefit the country. There were plenty issues Freddy could have talked about, he could have even taken on domestic violence and marital rape. He could have encouraged some of these women to get out of these abusive relationships, but no, he was too busy wasting people time and trying to make personal attacks and he suppose to be a man of God.

  20. @Russell Johnson
    No NO all you talking about 1992 and FNM dis and FNM dat… Lets wake up and smell the bush. The PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL PARTY HAD A WHOLE 5 years in office. Thats 1,825 days and night in office to start something. You want talk about THE PLP started THIS… THE PLP STARTED that… when reality they mightve started some things But did they finish ? IF SO WHY NOT? You want say dont rushing things yet you QUICK To say Ingraham should do something about the Thousands of people without LIGHT. You want complain about this and complain so much….. That REMINDS me of Loretta Turner’s speech to the former social services minister. Yal PLP’s want complain so much but when yal was in office why YAL DIDNT FIX IT from the start?

    RUSSELL JOHNSON I FIND YOU TO BE VERY VERY VERY BIAS against the FNM. It making me upset naw… “Lou” is a plp but atleast he put RIGHT where right is.

    REALITY IS Bradley Roberts and others pained FNM for this economic depression.

    REALITY IS THE PLP has said The FNM is not doing nothing to help the people.. Then when Ingraham introduce a stimulus package you want complain about where the funds coming from or complained that the STIMULUS package was rushed. It dont make no SENSE talkin to ya if you just continue to keep ya eyes and ears CLOSED when the FNM speaks.

    OH YES BY THE WAY I watched Perry Christie’s conference today and see big IMPROVEMENTS when he spoke…. I actually could see that hes trying to CHANGE and be more aggressive. He had a clean slate the night he man up and said he made mistakes. But THE PROBLEM I STILL have is a good few of his supporters still dont see HIS MISTAKES and Still Blaming Hubert For EVERYTHING and still into these PETTY POLITICS.

    REALITY is Perry Christie lost in 2007 due to the controversies and his LAID back leadership style. BUT THE LAST NIGHT OF THE CONVENTION HE MAN UP and admitted his mistakes and to me THAT’S WHAT I CALL A LEADER. If he play he cards right and show me that he has truly changed I could see myself voting PLP 2012.

  21. @Bahamasyouth
    You obviously agree with my points as you have not defended.In regards to your question I say time did not co operate.Remember now HAI had ten yrs and that was not enough.The rushed Referendeum in 2002 proves that any matter that is of importance to the people should not be rushed.Hogwash is what I call the claims by the PM on Friday evening ,please ensure that he receives a copy of my claims so that he does not ill inform his supporters.One thing I can say about you though is the fact that you are getting free political lessons.Since you are such a good student be advised that the second tier of the PLP executive party team are under 40 yrs old.For easy reference visit is coming but those who are to be in place in the future are being taught by the more experienced.As a young person dont let anyone give you misinformation and try to convince you that it is true.

  22. Mr.Ingrahamm can pat his chest all he wants,the reality is, contractors, electricians, plumbers, tile layers a/c technicians, and other tradesmen have nothing to do in the morning, and the morning after. After Shane Gibson Build nearly 1500 houses,(a major accomplishment), construction has dried up.

    Construction is one of the only conduit, that channels millions of dollars on the street weekly, touching almost every household, from the poor, to the upper class. Mr.Ingraham, brought absolutely nothing to the table, that will put money on the streets, for the larger body of blue collar workers. All i can say is some rough times are ahead. All the rhetoric, and guile, and pureile comments(James Smith) comes to mind, will not put bread on the table. Mr.Ingraham will be found wanting in the ensuing months.

  23. @Awakened
    The stadium was done and planned by The FNM.
    Bahamar development was started and planned by the PLP.
    Just COMPARE and CONTRAST Hubert Ingraham to Perry Christie… and see who was filled with promises and who actually accomplished most of em’.

    Tourism is the engine and steering wheel in this country’s car. Tourism STARTS directly or indirectly all industries in this country. Including Banking. Without banks having MONEY coming in how do you expect Monies to come out?

    “Tourism, who killed Banking, we didn’t need to spend 6 million on Ms Universe, to advertise our out islands”… From what I understand. Advertising and Marketing are ways to communicate to the wider public around the world. Every year The Ministry of Tourism spends 6 million dollars for PROMOTIONS. If youre watching the superbowl dont you always see a commercial in reference to The Bahamas. And do you know how much money that cost JUST TO HAVE A COMMERCIAL DURING THE SAME TIME AS THE SUPER BOWL. Millions just for a 60 second commercial. Therefore, instead of paying for a spot in the superbowl they invested in Miss Universe. Whoever is hosting miss universe they must PAY. Curaco was suppose to host this year Miss Universe but couldnt afford it.

    Now on Mr. Vander-pool is ONE of THE VERY FEW PEOPLE who agree that they should start to promote EACH ISLAND. Mr. Wallace is the ONLY MINISTER OF TOURISM who attempted to change our Tourism type into SPECIALTY TOURISM. He said EVENTS after EVENTS that he worked with AIRLINES so that they can reduce prices to fly to the family islands a bit more cheaper. He said at the convention that For someone in NEW YORK to fly over here is MORE EXPENSIVE for someone to fly to ROME. HELLOOOO we have the proximity but OUR PRICES dont go hand and hand with our proximity therefore dis-enthusing visitors from coming.

  24. i will speak for Ivoine Ingraham my good friend from Bains Town.They promoised to fire him if he did not leave the race and he refused.He even said at the council; meeting he raised the issue and HAi appeared mad,now we know why.It was HSAI all along who was making the threats.I borrow some words from Fred Moss,” Poor Ivoine Ingraham, he’s still in shock, some how he’s still waiting for the start of convention, could some-one please tell this poor man it’s over and like the rest of us, he was screwed-over by Hubert Ingraham’.nOW WE KNOW WHY sLACKALPHINE WAS THE CLASSROOM CLOWN,HE THOUGHT hai WOULD FIRE HIM.LOLO.Papa is the new term that this delusional PM would like to be known by mmmppphhh.He is now out of civil servants to fire so he is slaying his own lolo.Can you now imagine any Minister being told that HAI wants to see them?lolo They better wear pampers to work bcos this short little man is on a roll right out of office.

  25. @BahamasyouthMy boy I can only answer you like this because I am watching the game right now and it’s a good one, the stadium deal was done under the PLP, again, I’m not a PLP or an FNM, but I do know that, all day we talk about what HAI says, the kind of person he seems to be is the kind that will say anything to throw lowness at someone, you talk about only having Tourism, who killed Banking, we didn’t need to spend 6 million on Ms Universe, to advertise our out islands and that was not Vander-pool’s idea to concentrate on the out islands, again misleading statements, but back to the game, we’ll chat later dude, let’s hope for a better nation, we can all do it together, let’s spread the wealth.

  26. @Think Bahamas Again with the insults, why am I sleeping?, because I disagree with you, we must find a state of maturity in our discussions, now to your point. Think Bahamas think!, if the negotiations were made at one point and time and the agreement was suppose to come into effect at another time(like after the elections or the next term of governance), wouldn’t that then mean the next administration would have to pick that up, this isn’t rocket science,….. an agreement is an agreement, the government needs to put those stipulations you mentioned into it’s initial agreement with the unions, everyone negotiates for their own best interest, you can blame the unions, and that is any government.

    And then you are now saying that there were no projects that the FNM started that the PLP had not finished off, that is if we’ve heard about it or not, come on, let’s us not be so close minded, every government picks up
    what the other left behind including it’s bills and debt, you know this, and good fiscal policy isn’t done by borrowing yourself into more debt.

  27. On top of all that was said about what this government is doing…LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR. If HAI really wanted to help the Bahamian people. All the infrustructure they have planned SHOULD GO TO BAHAMIAN CONTRACTORS, ENGINEERS, AND COMPANIES…and NOT THE ONES WITH THE CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. What sense does it make sending money out of the country in the middle of a recession. WAKE UP!!! When these foreign companies come in to do jobs that Bahamians can do…WE ARE LOSING OUT. Furthermore, it turns into hundred million dollar projects and you can bet your last breath that monies are going missing, because THE COOKIE MONSTER WILL GET HIS SHARE. We are deeper in debt under two years in this administration, than ever before. If that hateful and vindictive man had not fired people based on their affiliation with the PLP, had he not cancelled urban renewal, and cancelled major projects that were set to bring in millions of dollars…we would not be as bad off as we are in today. THAT’S A FACT!!! STOP BEING IGNORANT BAHAMAS!!! STOP IT. We need an external audit of this government. Rest assured they will hire foreign companies to do anything but to show us where our money is being spent. I could give a crap about the projects they have in the works because the money isn’t staying in this country. I’m tired of you people arguing in favor of this crooked administration. Stop speaking out of blind devotion, and try to get the facts for yourself. It’s dumb to argue when you don’t know all the facts. All these promises being made are to give you a reason to align yourself with that party, but trust me when I say, the last thing on HAI’s mind is the best interest of the Bahamian people. We are so easily pulled in by the rhetoric and double speak..but I beg of you…DON’t LOSE FOCUS….

  28. @Russell Johnson
    But russell you must be honest with yourself. You claim half of the projects were initiated by the plp right?…. So why they didnt literally start it let alone finish it?… They want 10 years to build 1 school, develop the airport etc. Only one thing I could understand a little that they started but needed a few more time and that’s Baha Mar. But you must be real to yourself and wonder why they started so much planed and literally didnt start it.

  29. @sax
    Stop being sensitive as plenty licks take place here.If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen.Bahamasyouth despite my constant criticism of him has matured since he got plenty licking and now actually brings a discussion to the table.So watch.learn then try and contribute.I love it when a blogger causes me to do research so please try and contribute.

  30. @Bahamasyouth
    These are my responses and you yo can now support the PLP. because except for Ross in GB all of the other points are PLP initiatives except again for stop,cancel rteview and fire.For easier reference they are listed.
    1. PLP deal.
    2. PLP deal.
    3. Lie – monies not owed from PLP time. Monies that became due under the FNM, owed by contract.
    4. PLP projects.
    5. Ongoing policy from first PLP Government.
    6. PLP Projects.
    7. PLP expended a lot of funds through Social Service to assist Sea Hauler Victims in the interim as they were expected to seek recourse in the court. FNM did what a government was expected to do and had the PLP remained in office would no doubt have don the same.
    8. What do you think anchor projects were all about?.
    9. Stopped, reviewed and cancelled project. Causing more hardship on Straw Vendors.
    10. Expected by any government and many new parks developed under PLP.
    11. Not in this period.
    12. Not in this period.
    13. PLP project.
    14. Created unemployment by stop review and cancel policy, as well as victimization.
    15. Recommendation by NIB under consideration by both governments, under the PLP people were working two and three jobs, under the FNM they are being fired left right and center.
    16. Your only achievement.
    17. Instigated bad press internationally – HAI style – remember the informant 1622- treasonous traitor.
    18. Both governments increased funding to SS. PLP unable to do more because they did not meet any funds in place by FNM. Also, people were employed under PLP – unemployment at 7% and moving to irreducible level. Prudent fiscal policies of PLP and direct foreign investment projects grew economy. FNM met funds in place to increase social asistance after they created the great need for social assistance with their bad policies. People want to work, they do not want hand-outs.

    In addition I am going to list other achievements of the PLP.
    Establish an effective Urban renewal.
    Signed multiple heads of agreements.
    Gave every Bahamian despite political leanings to work.
    Addressed the incidents of witness protection by passing the witness protection legislation.
    Suitably renamed the National insurance building the Airport.
    Placed the name of Sir Durward a staunch UBP on the wall of fame at the airport.
    Establish an office in Cuba,Haiti China.
    Completed the Milo Butler highway and left plans in place to expand it.
    started a program of road repairs throuhout Nassau.
    Put lights at Airports in the Family Islands .
    Provided telephones for use on each Island during Hurricanes.
    Offered a stimulus to workers at the Royal Oasis who were dismissed.
    Implemented an Airport authority.
    Arranged for the Privy council to meet in nassau.
    Put bleachers on bay st for junkanoo.
    Fixed up and added classrooms to delapidated schools.
    Built HO Nash school.
    Young man this is what the last PLP Govt achieved so stop letting HAI deceive you and others.Sax you too can tune in and check it out if you disbelieve me.

  31. @Awakened
    See I glad your thinking about the long term affects of borrowing. We all know The PLP administration understands clearly that the government dont have much funds however they still feed the public nonsense. They try to abuse this economic stance to make it seem like THE GOVERNMENT ISNT DOING NOTHING. Let me ask you this… If the government dont borrow where do you expect the funds to come from?… Ingraham himself said the government had to increase borrowings and rely on deficit spending to partially help BAHAMIANS during this time. YET ya complain Ingraham dis… he dat.

    The Bahamar deal was started under the PLP yes but was filled with plenty FLAWS. Economist here and abroad both agree’d that Baha mar would’ve cost Bahamians too much in the long run. Perry Christie sold the Hundreds of acres of land FOR A SMALL AMOUNT. Making the price for ONE acre to be $8,000. (COB Business Forum which talked about all of this from trained economist). The Sports Center deal WAS NOT struck under the PlP administration solely because there signing of agreement with CHINESE Government and Us was signed earlier this year. It might have been DISCUSSED IN THE PLP but The FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT had DISCUSSED, PLANNED and is delivering the sports center. THE FUNDS under the teachers, nurses WAS PROMISED by the PLP government. President of The PLP Union of Nurses..C. Hamilton had stated in many occasions that this is not political but The PLP and FNM have promised the allocated funds. YET THE FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT have Signed sealed and delivered the funds. building schools, two clinics, renovating airports great but You MUST also remember when their is a a vast amount of DEMANDS then you must SUPPLY to meet the demands. Here it is plenty private school children transferred to the govt….. WHERE YOU EXPECT THESE PEOPLE TO GO?…. FILL up the already overpopulated schools?… Secondly, Where-ever is people their must be SERVICES. Clinics in the family islands are already scarce therefore the demand is there but NOT THE SUPPLY. And everybody is entitle to health care but I guess it wasnt IMPORTANT TO THE PLP thats why they didnt build one yet they claim its the People’s party. Renovating airports, RIGHT, When last time I checked our main industry is TOURISM. So if the airports roads are not paved correctly… then there will be dangerous and a accident is bound to happen MAKING BAD PUBLICITY TO THE BAHAMAS CAUSING LESS TOURIST. THINGS LIKE PAYING CIVIL SERVANTS MONIES OWED ISNT a GOVERNMENT ISSUE? CONDUCTING A CENSUS TO HELP FACILITATE THE GOVERNMENT TO START PLANNING AND DEVELOPING SUPPLY TO PLACES WHERE THERE ARE A SURPLUS OF DEMAND… THAT’S NOT A GOVERNMENT ISSUE? Building airports and renovating them isnt a government ISSUE?…. WELL i guess it worked for Perry Gladestone Christie, Thats why hes OUT and HUBERT IS IN.

    “the Sea Hauler victims was a personal problem not the government’s problem, the courts were suppose to handle that and put the onus on the perpetrator or perpetrators of that crime” So aint the government is suppose to MONITOR and INSPECT these boats from Accidents like that?… Do the government inspect these BOATS?

    “Tourism,!!!, new ideas, these guys are clueless, this is just another ploy to kick the can further down the road, Vanderpool-Wallace will go down in history as one of the worst Ministers Of Tourism ever(where are the results from all that money spent on Ms. Universe)”. We always stating we have 700 ISLANDS AND CAYS RIGHT?… So why is it that the bulk of Tourist come to NASSAU and Grandbahama? … How you expect Abaco, Andros, Eleuthera etc. to survive too? Therefore Mr. Vanderpool-Wallace is the ONLY minister to stop focusing and advertising NASSAU but also to promote the family islands which for some are way BETTER Than Nassau. Theres hotels and casino’s in those Islands you know, therefore they need visitors as well. Also, Mr Wallace has STOPPED advertising on MASS TOURISM and now getting into SPECIALTY TOURISM. He’s the only MINISTER to implement Island Hopping so that tourist can NOT only depend on NASSAU but also look for family island for more adventure. And for Miss Universe…. YOU EXPECT PEOPLE TO SIMPLY COME TO THE BAHAMAS WHEN THEY DONT HAVE NO DARN JOB?… Ingraham said that economist say The US economy is catching itself BUT Unemployment seems to be going up in the US. Therefore hurting us in the longER run.

    Not Building the straw market aint the straw market was destroyed under Mr Christie watch? So dont you think since he always say when he was in office they had more economic activity than EVER… YET Couldn’t BUILD A DARN STRAW MARKET?

    “Upping NIB pensions and benefits, increase funds for Social Services where is this money coming from?, again the government has to borrow money”- ARE YOU KIDDING ME AGAIN. Last time I checked PRICE OF LIVING usually goes UP almost yearly. So If The pensions and benefits dont reflect MINIMUM Price of living how do you expect these pensions and benefits to help pay bills?… AINT MINIMUM WAGE GOES UP ANNUALLY? Therefore Minimum wage should be hand and hand with pensions. In other words so WHAT WAS 50 Dollars 20 years ago IS NOT THE SAME TODAY. Price of living GOES UP so should Minimum wages so should pensions and benefits.


    “nothing wrong with trying to help people, but this is again borrowing money to make government jobs”— The FNM is doing their job by fighting us through these economic times. You rather those people on the street JOBLESS? Or would you rather The Government which is their duty to assist them? TOUGH TIMES CALLED FOR TESTED LEADERSHIP. Ingraham said “The Government has had increase its borrowing and rely on deficit spending partially to sustain peoples living standards and he was honest to say its a unsustainable practice in the long run. BUT LIKE I SAID IF YOU GET DONT HAVE MONEY To FEED YOURSELF You ga try get a loan to help you. Inrgaham is basically saying thats why you should NOT abuse these loans but WHEN YOU HAVE SERIOUS TIME THATS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DEPEND ON TO KEEP YA AFLOAT.

    WHAT BAD PRESS? excuse me?… Have you seen the american press and blogs around the world making a FOOL OF US. And Its So so strange that ITS all P ELL PEE’s. From Bridgewater to Shane to Picewell to Cambrige. ALL OF THEM ARE WHAT darn PLP’s aye?… Was any of them PUNISHED from their leader?…. DIDNT they bring INTONATIONAL SHAME TO THIS COUNTRY.

    ” Obama to get things right in America, because our guys are idealess, there are at two or more generations waiting for there turn to contribute to this nation and they are stuck, because these guys would not move on” YOUR RIGHT! But i must say that The Bahamas depends too much on Tourist which are solely AMERICANS. Therefore reality is… When USA get str8 we ga get str8 too until then TOUGH TIMES CALLED FOR TESTED LEADERSHIP.


    The PLP’s have complained for the high amount of people who are LIGHTLESS, They complained about the teachers, nurses not being paid, They complained about THE ECONOMY not doing good, They complained about CRIME WHICH IS THE ONLY THING UNDERSTANDABLE. They complained about Carl Bethel as Minister of Education. They complained about 99.9% OF ALL THINGS THE FNM HAS DONE…… YET When they were in office they couldnt get ONE Development since they claim they have the best economic activity.

    So When dey was in office why I enn see a positive thing?????? please explain to me the POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT THEM BEING IN OFFICE

  32. Didn’t ask anyone for a reponds but thanks anyway you PLPs can’t help yourself you respond even though you say it don’t need one.I don’t mind sitting in the back of the class because i’m sure if i need to ask a question i could just look in the back of me and you will be willing to help me out,thanks once again.If you was so smart then you should understand my contribution and try to show me why i should look at you’ll different than the way i do,but that just how you’ll go.Mad people. @Russell Johnson

  33. @Awakened
    Awakened it seem that you are still asleep. The point is that if the present Government can complete projects no matter who started it. The question as to why the previous government was not able in a good economy complete the same. Your facts above speaks to the inability of the previous Government to complete task, projects, goals etc. This is a serious indictment on the former leader. The facts remain different Government have different approaches to governance.

    I am not one to dangle carrots in front of the donkey (unions) but I believe people should be held to task for poor quality of service. I agree what is owed must be paid but going forward the government should put a standard in agreement and if certain bench marks are not met by union workers no negotiations should take place until the standard is met. at the moment union leaders are high paid brokers but they should be held to task for worker output.

  34. @Think Bahamas I agree with you Think Bahamas, but the Prime Minister isn’t doing those people the government owes any favor, they owe them so pay them, my thing is the negative words in the speech, the uncouth things that were said by our leader, the youth watch this, follow this, then we ask why we are in the state we are in, the country takes on it’s leaders personality, calling Perry names, that was wrong, he should stay above the fray, it was a good speech but did not need the other diversions, yes this must stop, not because you have the power, you should abuse it.

  35. @BahamasyouthRussell Johnson let me get this while you are compiling your list, Again Bahamas youth and not to knock your naivety, but again, all I see in your list is borrowing monies to pay bills, nothing new, and any terrible home owner can do the same.

    The Bar Mar deal was set under the other administration, the Sports Centre deal was struck under the other administration, the funds to the teachers, nurses, etc. were not owed under the PLP the agreement was made under the PLP, and just happen to take effect under the FNM administration, building schools, two clinics, renovating airports great(again borrowing monies when you can;t find it to pay it back just to satisfy your political agenda), the Sea Hauler victims was a personal problem not the government’s problem, the courts were suppose to handle that and put the onus on the perpetrator or perpetrators of that crime(i.e. the captain or the owners of those vessels), Tourism,!!!, new ideas, these guys are clueless, this is just another ploy to kick the can further down the road, Vanderpool-Wallace will go down in history as one of the worst Ministers Of Tourism ever(where are the results from all that money spent on Ms. Universe),

    Not fixing the Straw market building a Straw market, building Public parks, upping NIB pensions and benefits, increase funds for Social Services where is this money coming from?, again the government has to borrow money,

    Creating an unemployment scheme, taking monies from NIB contributors and making hand outs, when citizens are desperate they would take any plan even when it’s illegal, temporary jobs, most of those jobs are at the airport right?, (NAB), that deal was struck under the last administration right?, nothing wrong with trying to help people, but this is again borrowing money to make government jobs, I know your tired of this, but where is this money coming from?, I can’t speak on Ross University, but what I know and I am only guessing, by the length of time Ross has been in the Bahamas(GB), the deal might have been struck under the last administration,(it’s only common sense), deals aren’t completed in a year or two, negotiations take time before an pick axe hits the soil.

    What bad press you mean the press that our own political enemies are sending out to the world to make one side look bad to influence our elections and in most cases making it up, Bahamians ain’t as stupid or as naive as we look, at least not all of us, we are being awakened everyday on the games these politicians are playing on us, so in reality our government is still waiting on Obama to get things right in America, because our guys are idealess, there are at two or more generations waiting for there turn to contribute to this nation and they are stuck, because these guys would not move on, and they talk about young people, the youth vote, it’s a ploy, they are joking with us, there is a lot more I could drop, but I just wanted to respond to your questions, HAI and crew don’t seem so impressive after all eh! all of us need to AWAKE UP!!!!.

  36. @sax
    Well Ingraham dont play if you enn doing ya job… NEXT. Did Perry Christie did the same when he was PM?…. NO. Second CHANCE MAN. Well Ingraham dont slunk when it comes to FIRING.

  37. I find it silly for people to respond in such a negative way over a speach. Party lines have clouded the judgemnet of some of our most outstanding scholars.Point and case Mr. Ingraham in his speech made several positive announcements it is now up to the public to ensure that his announcements are carried through. I note that most of what was promised were long standing and owed to the people. All of the negative this and that must stop, no one government either past present or furture will be perfect.. all have their detractors. Bahamians lets unite and give ourselves a fighting chance for a better quality of life.

  38. @Bahamasyouth
    Thanks for your response which I shall deal with but forgive my tardiness as I am compiling a list which is cumbersome but will summarise for easy reading.i shall not respond to your list until you are given the opportunity to see mine.

  39. @Russell Johnson

    Less than 2.5 Years in Office The Free National Movement had:

    1. Signed Sealed and is going to deliver Bah-Mar development
    2. Brand New Sports Center
    3. Paying nurses,teachers and doctors funds OWED from PLP time.
    4. Building of TWO schools
    5. Building Clinics in the family islands
    6. Renovating Airports in some family island
    7. Settling funds for Sea Hauler victims
    8. Renovating TOURISM by now focusing on the family islands
    9. Fixing the Straw market
    10. Fixing Public Parks
    11. Increase NIB pensions
    12. Increase NIB benefits for widows and orphans
    13. Dredging of Nassau Harbor to facilitate with BIGGER Cruises more $$
    14. Creating Temporary jobs for the unemployment
    15. Unemployment benefits for the unemployed
    16. Brought in ROSS university in Freeport
    17. Lack of bad press INTERNATIONALLY
    18. Increase in government funds for Social Service

    YET The Free National Movement is not DONE YET and done more than PLP in 5 years. And The FNM has a bad economy yet DOING MORE… Love it or HATE IT!

  40. @Honey Bee

  41. Mr Roberts isn’t afraid to call them out. FNMs are living in a bubble. Watch how all of a sudden the plight of the Bahamian people will become so important. This is such a “potcake” country. The nurses, doctors, and teachers will be getting what has been owed to them for quite some time. He’s acting as if he’s doing them a favour. Give me a break. They are running scared as they should be. For far too long Bahamians have sat back and watched Hubert Ingraham make us second class citizens in our own country. Now that the convention is over, and all the big talk subsides, watch what happens! I’m down for anyone who will let them know they stink. Since Brad is the man for the moment, then I will lend him my ear.

  42. @naomi
    just my point the man is Bad lolo lolo.I was so amused that even though speakers were referring to him they were too scared to call his name lolo lolo.Now thats a bad MF.

  43. @sax
    Go to the back of the class as you add nothing to the discussion.Shallow points that really need no response.

  44. @Bahamasyouth

    YET the FNM is doing more when we are going through a economic depression.
    The Prime Minister gave the statement last night at convention.Can you explain what is happening to make sure a bold and untrue statement.Persons on the ground differ but just maybe you can point out some facts for me.

  45. @sax
    I used to feel the same way about Bradley but when I see Hubert fire a whole Minister so he could take on Bradley, I was wow, the FNM really scared of Bradley or is it they have somethings to hide .

  46. Maybe if you’ll PLPs would be fair you might attract some sensible people.You’ll talking about Pastor Mack yeah he was just fine when he use to do those speeches for the PLP.If PLP was serious then why they dig up Bradley Roberts because he’s a serious turn off,him and Laura.You’ll PLPs really think you can attract more people when you have people like Bradley Roberts and Laura for big thing.Wake up.And PLPs so unfair and petty.

  47. @Kim Sands
    Oh please stop it…. He is a funnier version of BRADLEY ROBERTS… The same Sh&T Bradley does be saying about the FNM…. The same Nanny is what Fredie said about the PLP….. HE ASKED QUESTIONS and it was QUESTIONS PERRY SHOULD ANSWER any fool would realize that THE under the PLP administration there WASNT A INCH OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION…. YET the FNM is doing more when we are going through a economic depression.

    If Perry CHRISTIE OWN administration and himself could ADMIT his leadership style in 2002 to 2007 why cant yal?????? FROM FRED to Alfred to Alfred G.

  48. Boy, McAlphine was certainly on the roll last night. For a moment I forgot I was even watching the FNM convention, it was so hilarious till you couldn’t tell me I wasn’t watching comic view. I had me some good hearty laughs and then all of a sudden I realized he was finished and all the jokes ceased, then things didn’t seemed that funny anymore, because that’s when reality hit me and I realize the man just wasted people time talking his sh** and even aint have no solution. The man don’t seem to have a clue, people are hurting in this country and I don’t think that’s hardly a laughing matter. Somebody tell him we looking for comedians aye?

  49. @media
    LOL NOPE and his wife is a beauty….. I think his speech was the best one thus far because of his technique and especially sarcasm. He would be a ideal person for chairman because he would rattle up the fnm base and is aggressive as Bradley Roberts. But did Bradley Roberts court case for rape is finish???? Now on the PLP side Brad was the best choice for chairman because he is aggressive as for Carl Bethel oh noo buddy I dont know what Hubert was thinking but im sure its to be cont’d…….

  50. FROM Olive

    Senator McAlpine is looking for higher office so he just finish singing for his supper. You think he finish fighting women now.

  51. Now I better understand why some young persons just dont check for churches.Slackaplhine oh Slackalphine you are no role model.The man actually wanted shitbull to make him Chairman so we could see his total secular makeup.Where are the church Leaders?I actually heard Rev Wallace in GB on a talk show endorsintg the Govt as a card carrying member of the FNM shame,shame,shame.

  52. Mcalpine, Higgs, et al, disgruntled PLP’s. So they have to be at thier best percieved Fnm, behaviour. You see they never had to act that way in the plp, nobody does. when you leave the Plp, and join the fnm, your behaviour has to be synonomous with the fnm’s deportment, scorn, slander ridicule. You guys do not believe me watch Charles Maynard tonight!

    As for the older folks in the Plp. I admire them to the hilt. They are very wise and astute, cannot fool them, “if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it must still be the “UBP”

  53. Freddie is just a prime time political prostitute…what more do you expect from him. He moved from entertaining on the pulpit to rallies & conventions I guest the next time we see Freddie he’ll be on Comedy Central.

  54. freedie can’t clean Roberts shoes he is a manican to roberts yinna can be serious lets move on cause thats no comparison……..playin saint on sunday sinner saturday to saturday

  55. @mashup
    Since you are challenged I have coped a portion of Big Bad Brads speech so that you can better understand what he said::::::;;;;;;.
    “The only serious response to McAlpine, who really deserves no response at all, is to warn the Senator that times have changed since his crude and embarrassing performance during the 2007 General Election rallies. Times have grown serious and serious times require serious leadership. He was awarded for his abandonment of his Christian vows during that campaign by being appointed to the Senate. The deep feelings of rejection which fueled his unchristian-like behavior during the Elections, we had hoped would have been quelled by time, spiritual reflection, responsibilities to Nation building and his many challenges in a new marriage”.
    Now thats a low blow lolo lolo play with fire and you get burned.So mashup thats what am doing to you now uyou will understand why your pressure has skyrocketed.

  56. Bunch of jackasses! That is why this nation is so jacked up especiallly our youth! What more do you expect, when a leader shows no respect to anyone, then he encourages his cabinet to do the same and then hires people to do the same! Even the police force (the law) is now more brutal than ever – broking people ribs and jaw – what next !!! GOD in heaven. please tarry no longer ! We need you, Lord, more now than EVER !!! We have sinned as a nation and beg your forgiveness – I pray this even on behalf of those who are blinded by the “torch”!!!

  57. @Tink we fool
    A wrong message is being sent out and I demand that HAI stop that foolishness forthwith.Are they trying to scare a revived opposition?They better be responsible for their actions as PLP supporters still remmember the fire at gambier House and the gunshots at Mr Christies home.But what more can you expect from a Govt that continuosly breaks the law?

  58. @Examiner
    Pimps in the Pulpit and a Wife beater at that ? Well take a look back and remember the rapist in the Cabinet!

  59. @ Russell Johnson
    you here dat Bam Bam when Dr miniss was speaking das gunshot sound ech Bam Bam what kinda message they sending Bam Bam wonder why the youths Bam Bam I tell ya sound like shots ringing Bam Bam at a time when the nation grip by crime Bam Bam hehehe a bunch of foolishness fa my money

  60. Not this time Slackalphine you will be exposed for what you are a jivving conivving and ass kissing punk.For the first time I watched the convention on television because the first night I went to convention to look for my good friend bahamasyouth aka chet p but he ducked out.Slacvkalphine was enetertaining as the convention is so orchestrated someone needs to put some life in it.What disturbs me is the lack of a room shot.I wonder how much those persons in the frtont rows were paid.My good friend Carl looked out of it so Slackalphine was comic relief for him.HAI has everyone so scared of him right now that instead of looking out for what solutions they can offer all we hear is PLP,PLP<PLP.Big Bad Brad sure has their number so they are using a gangster rap to entice a society that is sick of violence and are now promoting that.I wonder who the Senator from Freeport is who has a bill of $100,000 outstanding?the contact for the creditor in GB is 3528911.The show last night reminds me of ANIMAL FARM.Napoleon aka Mugabe aka HAI aka shitbull has surely gotten his point across decisively and now everyone listening among his Cabinet.Poor Tommy aint sleeping as he awaits his fate and hopes that the shitbull does not deliver during his acceptance speech tonight.I will listen because I expect shitbull to be very nasty and vicious tonight I hope he does not take a drink before he speaks so he can be his real self.Look what Big Bad Brad cause lolo,all are panicking and running to shitbull for shelter.Slackalphine looked so scared that he went over his allottted time as he wasnt sure what HAI wanted.

  61. tell me sumthin how freddie became such an expert on whose gay and all things break wristed ??????? Is he a pastor fa true???????? was this info passed to him in a confession or was he asked for sexual favours cause if not he vasting time on a topic of no interest what are his principle or policies what does he do other than entertain crack jokes people too hungry too laugh

  62. I though Mac was very entertaining……..he was better than the paid entertainers.

    The convention so far has been like a grave yard and Mac was a god sent.

    I usually stay up late watching every aspect of all conventions but after the entertainment bit of Mac I went to sleep.

  63. In the Bahamas we have always been a people who have set ‘High Standards’ for our Pastors, Priests, etc. Whereas, I do not have a problem with christians been in politics but, one like Frederick McAlpine should have steered the people more towards God and bring about more healing in his speech…or even offer a prayer for the nation problems (crime, domestic violence, umemployment, etc) bring that difference to a convention and represent himself for the kingdom….

    It was lacking substance in terms of really what the country needs at this time, enough of the tearing down man, calling ppl names….he ended his speech “I look to you” (Hubert Ingraham)…my goodness nothing representing God….”A nation that forgets God shall surely perish” should have been the ending and who the people should look and turn to….sad, sad example of a ‘Man of God’

    At least when Mother Pratt was in politics…she brought God with her and she left with him…and everyone knew what she was all about when she spoke…she always brought him and let people know who they needed to ‘look to for their help”

  64. Tanisha :Brad only mad because Mcalpine cooked his grits last night! He really believes that the F.N.M fears his ignorant hip! His attitude is a reflection of his looks!

    Pimps in the Pulpit and a Wife beater at that. I cry shame on that Wutless wife beating so called Pastor. Lord, bring the fire upon him.

  65. @mashup
    yeah, but the only difference is one suppose to be a Pastor, a Man of God….and we wonder why our country the way it is….people mixed the hell up.

  66. MacAlpine did the dismantling last night. brad’s just mad because Freddie is better at it than him.

  67. McAlpine attack the PLP mercilessly during the campaign and all he got was a Senate seat. Half way through the term he is on the attack again. The FNM better do something for him or he will turn on them faster than you can say Jim Jones.
    BTW, its personal between Freddie Mac and Bradley.

  68. @Tanisha
    So what about HAI looks..and reflection??? He looks like a damn “bulldog” to me, and that reflects how he treats people…Din’t care how many people couldn’t pay morgages and other bills because he wanted to “send” people home and stop/cancel PLP initiated projects…

  69. What I found most amazing was how every single speaker was worshiping Mr. Ingraham……..It was sickening, like he has some hold over them. And they talking about the young people, not one of them brought any substance, all they did was ass kiss, maybe for a promised position or to be noted in the eyes of their maximum leader, and the funny thing about it was when you looked at Mr. Ingraham, he looked like he was not even amused by their ass kissing, and brown nosing. It was horrible, they are a shameful group, worshipping a man like that….muddo. They red and they scared. I was thoroughly disappointed in the youth talent for how they big that up, my expectations were so high, and then they brought in these brown nosing, bam, baming group. What the hell is that, that is what you want to lead? If that is their best, I hope the PLP get their youth talent in order. Muddo sick…totally disappointing

  70. Brad only mad because Mcalpine cooked his grits last night! He really believes that the F.N.M fears his ignorant hip! His attitude is a reflection of his looks!

  71. MacAlpine was hilarious and just as idiotic as the “Big Bad Wolf” in his convention speech. I love to see these morons tear each other down.

    Are you not entertained?

  72. As usual, “singing for his supper” kissing and sucking hip to HI….I guess now they will give him MP…but he needs to not be up in ppl face so much with all ‘public affairs’ and have so much to say…makes you wonder what kind of Pastor he “WAS” and who would sit and listen to him run on

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