Sandilands Celebrates with Charles Davies Junkanoo Parade



Mr. Charles Davies takes part in the Junkanoo Parade named after him at Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. (Photo/Tim Aylen)
Nassau, The Bahamas – Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre is once again demonstrating that a successful and effective therapeutic community should constantly provide cultural orientation for the clients. Such cultural orientation prepares the client for entrance into society.

One critical aspects of Bahamian Culture that is kept alive at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre is “Junkanoo.” On Friday Sandilands will celebrated its 10th Anniversary under the Patronage of Mr. Charles Davies a former Hospital Administrator. In attendance was Honourable Carl W. Bethel, Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture and Honourable Charles Maynard, Minister of State for Culture.

The first Sandilands Junkanoo Parade took place back in December 1997. The parade committee attributes their success to the participation of the Major Junkanoo Groups who graciously provide music.

While rehabilitation may remove the individual from their natural home environment, it ensures that the culture of the wider community is not ignored.

Whilst some patients in rehabilitation may lose family, job status and friendships, but there is no justifiable reason for them to lose their culture.