Sports Notables Inducted In National Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2015

Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture the Hon. Dr. Daniel Johnson (second from left) and Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor General, centre, are pictured with the National Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2015 honourees, and their representatives, at Government House during the Induction Ceremony. (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture the Hon. Dr. Daniel Johnson (second from left) and Her Excellency Dame Marguerite Pindling, Governor General, centre, are pictured with the National Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2015 honourees, and their representatives, at Government House during the Induction Ceremony. (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)

NASSAU, The Bahamas — Fifteen persons were inducted in the National Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2015 during a ceremony at Government House on Thursday evening, November 19, 2015. Among the sports notables, five were inducted posthumously.

The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture selected and recognized them for their contributions to the field of athletics — either as coach, sports writer or athlete.

Inductees were: Foster Bethell, softball; Kim O’Kelley, tennis; Sydney “Butts” Outten, baseball; Jim Duncombe, golf; Judy Lundy-Miller, track and field; Oralee Fowler, track and field; Linda Woodside-Major, track and field; Leslie Miller; track and field; Neville Wisdom, sports administration; Shonel L. Ferguson, track and field; Hubert Alexander Dean, sports journalism and sports administration (deceased); Anthony “Bando” Bostwick, baseball/basketball (deceased); Kenneth “Six” Francis, sports journalism and sports administration (deceased); Mizpah Archer, bowling (deceased); and Kenneth Rolle, Sr., sailing (deceased).

The Hon. Dr. Daniel Johnson, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, congratulated the 2015 Class on behalf of the people and government of The Bahamas.

The ‘Hall of Famers’ were hosted to a Reception by the Governor-General, who also presented them with citations during the ceremony.

The 2015 Class members now bring the total of National Sports Hall of Fame inductees to over 120 persons.