Nassau, The Bahamas – It was a treat this morning when children of St. Anne’s School received a visit from Governor General, Her Excellency the Most Hon. Dame Marguerite Pindling at the school’s assembly.
The Governor General visited to honour two students: BreAnn Ferguson and Caden Smith, both founders of charitable movements — ‘BreAnn’s Care Closet’ through which every student is assisted in being properly uniformed to meet the new school year; and Caden’s ‘Bahamas Red Nose Day Foundation’ to help eradicate hunger in the community.
The Governor General spoke to the children about good rules for life, asking them to Seek Wisdom, Be Gentle in Words and Actions, Invest in Engaging with Good Friends, and Show Love.
Finally, she explained that good people build good families, and they in turn build good communities, and good nations. The Governor General is pictured speaking at the podium. Head Boy of the Primary School, Aiden Rollins presented her with her portrait.
And Principal, Mrs. Cynthia Wells addressed the assembly of St. Anne’s ‘Blue Waves.’ (BIS Photos/Kristaan Ingraham)