Royals to visit six Caribbean countries but not the Bahamas! WHY?

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla.

NASSAU| The British Royals will not be coming to the Bahamas when they tour the Caribbean and, from what we are learning, MOST HONOURABLE EVER and his scandalous Cabinet might have something to do with it.

The Queen has directed The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, to visit six Caribbean countries and one Overseas Territory from March 17 – 29, 2019.

The Royals will make stops in St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Cuba, and the Cayman Islands before jetting back home.

Prince Charles will exercise soft powers when he rolls into Cuba, designed to “highlight the growing bilateral relationship with the U.K. and showcase some of the cultural links between the two countries,” his website said.

Now, the Royals have not been to the Bahamas in a bit. In fact, the Queen maintains a residence on Windermere Island, Eleuthera where she is served by the natives. She personally has not been to her cottage in awhile and some are now asking why have the Royals avoided the Bahamas of late? Could it be the serious and damaging scandals of corruption and interference by her Cabinet Ministers now being asked to resign?

We report yinner decide!


  1. Prince Harry visited The Bahamas in 2012. Nothing significant about the Royal Family not visiting on this lap. You seem to view everything politically. Call a spade a spade for once in your life and stop being so biased

    • Wow FS. What did the PLP do to you? I am FNM BTW. Never voted PLP in my life. Your opposition seems to have morphed into hatred.

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