Statement by Prime Minister Davis on the Passing of House Speaker Vernon Symonette

Mr. Vernon Symonette former Speaker of the House of Assembly
PM Davis Q.C.

PM DAVIS: My government and I note with sadness, the passing of former State Minister, Speaker of the House of Assembly and FNM member of Parliament for the constituency of Inagua and later M.I.CA.L., Mr. Vernon Symonette.

A longtime resident of Inagua, Mr. Symonette is well known for being one of the few Parliamentarians who lived in the constituency they represented.

He served his party well, advanced their ideals and was a fair referee as House Speaker. I enjoyed Mr. Symonette’s ongoing dialogue and debates with me and other House members around the various interpretations of the House Rules and the protection of the rights and privileges of the minority House Members. At all times Mr. Symonette’s demeanor was calm, steady and his rulings well reasoned.

No doubt Mr. Symonette and I respectfully crossed swords on legislative and policy matters on any number of occasions, but overall, Mr. Vernon Symonette was a good man who loved The Bahamas and served it well in several capacities.

As he transitions into eternity to receive his just reward, we thank him for his public service and the contributions he made to our national development.

He will be sorely missed.

On behalf of my government, the officers and members of the Progressive Liberal Party and the Bahamian people, I express condolences to his family on his passing. Further, I express condolences to the Free National Movement and the Parliamentarians who served with Mr. Symonette, all members of his extended and political family.

May he rest in peace.