Statement on the re-commencement of Regatta’s

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Brave Davis Q.C. at the installation service for newly elected local government practitioners on the island. Minister Clay Sweeting, Special Advisor to the PM Kevin Simmons and Acting Director Neil Campbell all attended the event.

Cat Island| Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Affairs officials are delighted to recommence Regattas and Homecomings after Prime Minister, Hon. Philip ‘Brave’ Davis QC, announced that the Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival and Regatta would resume this year.

The PM was attending the special installation service for new Local Government Practitioners on the island.

Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Family Island Affairs Hon. Clay Sweeting, who was on hand for the Prime Minister’s announcement in Cat Island this past weekend, said his Ministry is excited.

“Regattas, Homecomings and Festivals have been supportive economic bursts for Family Islands, and we are excited as a Ministry to start to organize and support Family Islanders.

As a Government, we want to get back to normal as soon as possible and to encourage Bahamians to support our local economies with us as we continue to launch new initiatives to foster economic and cultural growth,” he said.

The Ministry will work with Ministry of Health and Wellness to ensure that all COVID-19 protocols are adhered to and will await official permission to resume festivals, regattas and homecomings.