Tennis President locks the gates of the tennis centre and goes on holiday – locking kids out! WHAT IS THIS?

Young athletes are shown participating in the warmup sessions for the Play Tennis initiative at the BLTA’s National Tennis Centre. – FILE PHOTO

NASSAU| Members of the Tennis Association in the Bahamas are furious this morning as they are locked out of the National Tennis Centre just behind the Q/E Sports Centre.

President Perry and wife Esther Newton are allegedly off on holiday in New York attending the US Open.

Members are upset over the situation and question why the kids are not being allowed to play? Tennis is not a contact sport and social distancing is applied in the game. So why is the centre closed?

Members tell BP it is this kind of disastrous leadership wutless that is killing the sport.

Let the churrin dem play, Minnis! You are on the stage dancing doing the boggle to an empty field every night. WHY NOT LET THEM PLAY?!

We report yinner decide!