The Dark Horse REVEALED! BJ NOTTAGE enters PLP Leadership Race


bj-nottage<<< Bernard J. Nottage, Candidate for Leader of the PLP!

Yes the day has finally come! This Thursday at 11AM at the Bain & Grants Town Headquarters on Meadow Street, the Hon. Bernard J. Nottage will declare his candidacy for the Leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party.

Since last year, Bahamas Press has reminded its readers that something BIG was coming! Since last year we said Change is on the way here in the country. We were scoffed, mocked and laughed at. Well, the time has come.

Readers would remember BJ was the member of the PLP who orchestrated Christie’s return back to the PLP prior to the 1998 Party Convention! He helped Christie re-enter the Party and saw Christie’s election at the head of the organization. Today, BJ will along with Paul Moss and Fred Mitchell form what BP describes as the horsemen of the APOCALYPSE. They shall together topple Christie as leader of the Progressive Liberal Party, and force the CHANGE needed in the country! When the dust is all settled we believe the next government of the PLP will have BJ, BRAVE and Bradley as the face of the NEXT PLP! MAN OH MAN WHAT A TEAM!

The PLP needs serious leaders! The PLP needs men who Don’t Play, that don’t pussyfoot around. They need a team that will tell the FNM goodbye and not be silent on issue after issue. Men who don’t shuffle and dance and talk you know what! THERE IS NO TIME – to borrow a line – FOR ‘COTTON CANDY POLITICS, FLOWERY WORDS AND SMOKE SCREENS! The People of this country wants CHANGE and as we’ve said over and over, CHANGE IS COMING!

Dr. Bernard “BJ” Nottage was born in Nassau on October 23rd, 1945 to the late Olevia Nottage.

He received his training as a gynecologist at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland and The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist.

An outstanding athlete in track and field, BJ Nottage was also a long time president of the Bahamas Amateur Athletics Association (BAAA).

Dr. Nottage served in the Cabinet of the late Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling and was also co-deputy leader of the Progressive Liberal Party. Dr. Nottage was elected CEO of the Coalition for Democratic Reform from February 2000 before returning to the PLP in 2005. In 1998 to 2006 he served as Chairman of The Centre for Positive Change.

He is currently the Leader of Opposition Business in the House of Assembly.

He is married to the former Portia Butterfield and they are the parents of two sons. Dr. Nottage is a member of the Anglican Church community.

His hobbies are sports, exercising, traveling and reading.


  1. @Russell Johnson
    So WHAT RUSSELL? have you done your research yet RUSSELL? Are you ready to tell BP family what we seek to know about Jerome Fitzgerld? Come to the front of the class and share. Fitzgerald is NO PLP! And BP will prove it in a few hours.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  2. And by the way the PLP will not change its Leader at convention so the dissenters will have to sit down with Christie and try and come to a solution on their concerns.I love the spirit of the young persons out of GB who must be given a place in the new heirarchy of the PLP as they have the guts to confront the evil HAI empire headon.Young Liberals take a cue and make yourselves more visible in public protests.Senator Fritzgerald time will come and all of this foolishness about what he was in 2000 does not matter.Many in the FNM Cabinet were once PLP as well,so what?

  3. This foolishness about HAI the dictator being decisive whilst the democrat Christie is weak does not even desrve being flushed down the toilet.It is similar to saying that a husband loves his wife because he is always beating her.HAI is ten times worse than the version that was rtejected in 2002 even by his own party colleagues.When this despot fired Steve McKinney and Philippa Russell two days after the General Elections in 2007 he sent chills down the spines of many Bahamians who are now cowering like dogs.I see how dictators change the minds of citizens because in our country many are too afraid to confront the bully but prefer to attack Christie instead.Some PLPs are cowards too afraid to tell HAI just how they feel but instead try to take it out on Christie.Well HAI and your many cowardly supporters freedom will reign and your loud talking does not scare me.I really want to call you a stupid ..s.

  4. WOW! I must say BJ is a worthy candidate as well,…..This is going to be quite an interesting convention. I just can’t wait.

  5. @hardhead gal
    I probably need to flip a coin, because I mix right up like conch salad. If Perry could pull himself together and stop being an emotional wreck, he might be reelected as the leader of the PLP, because people like Perry as a person, but he doesn’t really makes a good leader. The last time he was in power he was very indecisive and even now with all the mess the FNMs are doing, he wasn’t even saying anything about it. When I look at personality, I would pick Perry any day over BJ, but if I want to see the PLP regains power in 2012, I think I would go with BJ, because I just don’t think Perry stand a chance going up against Hubert again.

  6. Jokes! No one will ever be able to think like us. We say one thing and act out another. No matter what the outcome, I will not be suprised.

  7. I am not a fan of BJ, but when I thought about it some more, I believe that BJ would make a better leader than Perry. These days all Perry doing is acting touchy and crying all the time.

  8. I hope Dr. Nottage is elected leader along with Jerome Fiztgerald as his deputy. The lousy fnm will be blown out of the water. Two organized and visionary gentlemen. Always prepared and focused on the debates. The Bahamas will move ahead with these two at the helm. Good Luck,to them both.

  9. I am listening to BJ on Love 97 show “Issues of the Day.” he is being interview by Wendell Jones and i must say, Wendell is asking him all the right questions and to no ones surprise, BJ is handling himself right.

    The theme of BJ interview so far seems to be that he has 2 issues within the PLP: issue with the process in which party stalwarts and these “super delegates” (that he keeps mentioning) are elected and secondly the state of the constituency offices (aka, the ineffectiveness of the chairwoman).

    I think BJ certainly can lead the party, but i still think he will loose.

    If the PLP doesnt coalesces around whoever the elected leader is after the convention, look for HAI to capitalize on the PLP’s disunity and call a snap election next year. The only way the FNM is returned to power is if the PLP is in a state of dysfunction and HAI is hoping against all hope that this is the case.

  10. There is turmoil in the {PLP right now and between now and convention some accomodation has to be arrived at.Divisions run deep and even though we only see the faces of Rigby and Galanis many more are on board.Nasty HAI is enjoying putting more stabs wounds in Christies back as he has always had an inferiority complex when it came to the latter.Pc is learning the hard way that opposition politics is not easy and smiling with your enemy just wont cut it.I say to the FNM laugh now because when the HOA meets again whether its PC or BJ the honeymoon is over.PL<Ps want the Govt.brought to account and now that the gates are open watch for the many lawsuits from persons who this wuthless Govt.fired.

  11. Objective Thought :
    Ya know my mind is always working so this is what I came up with; What if BJ wins the leadership of the PLP and is able to persuade Phenton and Charles to come over and join him knowing that PC and Adderley won’t have anything to loose anymore, do ya think HI would be able to persuade them to join the FNM to stay ahead of the competition????

    That won’t happen because Perry would retire before joining the FNM and Malcolm has his cake already. If BJ could win, a big if, and bring those two PLPs back, then Hubert would be screwed royally. The problem with that scenario is that BJ has to win and that will be no easy task. Too many ifs and the backstabbing of Perry is making the stalwarts angry. Objective, i don’t think BJ winning will bring us together. Betrayal is never rewarded like that.

  12. @Kim Sands



  14. Ya know my mind is always working so this is what I came up with; What if BJ wins the leadership of the PLP and is able to persuade Phenton and Charles to come over and join him knowing that PC and Adderley won’t have anything to loose anymore, do ya think HI would be able to persuade them to join the FNM to stay ahead of the competition????

  15. I hope you’ll listen to the Prime Minister today. He said, “IT IS AN INSURRECTION! I so move!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. A quiet revolution is going on in the P.L.P, and PC is out in left field, the people will make B.J the new leader because a new vision is needed. I never knew a vision or an idea that is old. Young men dream older men see visions and B.J has got a vision for the country how long I ask how long shall we perish under PC

  17. I was also impressed with Paul Moss especially when it came to Business Incorporation, Land Registration, and getting rid of the Quieting of Titles Act. Moss says what he is going to do in a bold way, with clear and concise reasons! I will be supporting Moss at Convention! Where can I get tickets?

  18. @Objective Thought
    OT, i support PC and i have said over and over on this blog that the only person who can run against pc with a chance of winning is BJ!

    I agree with you that PC greatest weakness is he doesnt know how to respond to those who attack him. i respect BJ and would support he or PC, if any one of them is leader.

    The tape that Steve just played of HAI mocking PC was terrible and not called for by the PM. but i wont be surprise if HAI calls an early election if he sees the PLP is wounded and in turmoil from this convention.

  19. Well, BJ has finally launched his campaign so ya know I am on board!!!

    I like PC but he has allowed the FNM to paint/stain certain names on him without putting up a BIG fight and now he can’t get those names removed. We all know the names such as indecisive, lazy, weak and slow!! While I don’t believe that PC is any of the above, he hasn’t done anything to change those persons who believe that minds.. PC expects people to know what is going on without being told….That’s my biggest problem with him!! Even if PC wins and BJ sticks with the party, I believe BJ will still have a good chance within a year to once again become leader of the PLP!!

    Now, I listened to Paul on a show today and the more I listen to him, I like him more and think that one day he will be an excellent leader in the PLP and this country!! But right now I think he should join BJ and defeat PC!!! If PC looses, I see an opportunity for a young person to get the Farm Road seat in a bye-election!!!

  20. its 30 minutes into this interview and bj is subtly throwin jabs at PC. next week will be hot hot hot!

  21. Russell Johnson :
    BJ is on Hard copy at 5 p.m today.

    I am listening right now.

    In the first 5 min BJ talked about the the constituency offices not functioning. Duck Glennis, duck. Thats you he talkin about. BOL!

  22. BJ is on Hard copy at 5 p.m today.Hopefully a copy of Dr Nottages press release will be posted online.He did say however that win lose or draw this time he will not abandon ship but instead fight from within.An ironical twist to the Nottage launch was the presence of Phil Galanis who was responsible for giving his support to Mr Christie during the first contest between these two giants resulting in Mr Christies win.Who wins is just a matter of speculation as they would have the unenviable task of uniting the party.The loser must be given a role in the heirachy to ensure that the voices of the dissenters is heard.Will stalwart consellors blink?We shall see.

  23. @Kim Sands
    So true Kim, they row and fight in public but are best buddies in private. That is why we shouldn’t get too carried away with defending them.

  24. It has happened and BJ has declared and I was priviliged to be there.Does the PLP go into a vote and allow division?SDo many questions that should be answered shortly.

  25. @Examiner
    I would never refer to myself as a stalwart of any party, but I can vote and my one little vote can make a whole lot of difference. By the way, what is wrong with Allison carrying a box of mangoes over to Hubert’s house? Most of those politicians are friends you know, regardless to being on different side of the fence.

  26. @Kim Sands
    I believe Allyson to be a liar and an informant. She now carring a box of mangoes to Hubert’s house. He talk that in the House yesterday. She is trash in the PLP. We cannot allow the ” all for me” Maynards anywhere near leadership. Kim, I do not know about you, but I do have a vote as a registered stalwart of the party.

  27. Just can’t believe Glennis, all that time I was here thinking the woman had a level head on her body and she gone and get caught up with the likes of Obie. What a big disappointment, everybody knows he don’t have any morals. Then to put icing on the cake, come to find out Allison isn’t BP dark horse. Anyway, I guess with the passing of her father and that bombshell testimony she had to gave recently, it might of been to much on her right now. There will always be a next time and the good thing about it is she still has youth on her side. One day we would have a woman with integrity and the know how running this country and she would be someone who we can all be very proud of. She will not be easily manipulated. She will budget the people monies wisely and take care of what needs to be dealt with in the best interest of all. She will make sure the nation children are protected and when school is opening, she will make sure our children has a safe and healthy environment to learn in. there will be more youth and after school programs to the young people to engage in. The elder will not be overlooked and only remembered during special holidays, there will be things for the elderly to do as well.

  28. @Altec Altec, just thought i’d like to point out, a little birdy told me that the anti-PC candidates will combine their delegates into the one candidate who realistically has the best shot of winning at the convention once they have a solid idea of the amount of support each candidate has. So, altec, their delegates won’t be split, it will be 4 vs. 1. One on One none them could beat PC, but I def. see them having a chance if the little birdy was right.

  29. Objective – the fact that there are many participants in the leadership race has no bearing. If in the first round PC does not get 50% + 1 then it goes to a run off between the two top vote getters. If those are BJ and PC< and Paul, Fred and whoever pledge their support for BJ, it could get very interesting.

  30. Objective Thought :
    Boy BP Obie and Glennis close nah… They even sitting next to each other at the funeral!!!

    They could stick together all they want, they ga need each other to cry on each other shoulder after October 22. But we could tell ya one thing, If the PLP find the nerve to put in leadership these two jokers – who cannot rub two coppers together – BP will take pleasure in joining Hubert Ingraham.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  31. @Wisdom
    Well, just in case you have selective memory syndrome, HI said the same thing back in 2002 even after the referendum proved that the tides had turned on the FNM…

    So why can’t PC speak with confidence???

    Watch and see what the FNM will be saying when the election is called…even though they could see that they don’t have a chance to win!!!

  32. You had the right man, but for the wrong job P.C., Now we have the right man for the job B.J. Nottage. I was fortunate enough to walk and talk with B.J. , who i found to be a visionary, bubbling with brilliant plans and ideas for the country and enthusiastic about bringing them to fruition. There are three things B.J. love deeply they are God, his family and his country.The dreams,visions and hope he has for his people, true passion and deep concern for his nation are great. B.J. is a born leader I know the real man.

  33. P.C. lost a whole General Election what could he do different in 2012, oh I forgot he could reduce the opposition numbers in parliment to even less

  34. I would go to war with B.J. anyday because I know he has my back. I could not say that for P.C. ask all of his loyal supporters.

  35. When USA President Reagan was shot gunman there was a press confrenece lot off confression a reporter ask the question whos is in charge of the country now. One man Alexander Haigs jump forward and said I am in charge.BJ Nottage has step forward the PLP party are leaderless the country are leaderless. Its time for a change its BJ time. I am with BJ 100%.

  36. All you twisted minded people out there I am very sorry for you beacuse you donot know B.J Nottage. B.J. is an excellent organizer and he is not a traitor ask P.C. or anybody who knows him. He’s a man whom you can trust with your money and the country.

    Serious Talk

  37. But it would be VERY ENTERTAINING to se what PC would use for his theme for the up coming election.
    Because, I listen to the clips on ZNS last night and PC is telling all his challengers the same timng he told Mr. Ingraham last election. “…I garentee after the convention HE would be the leader of the PLP”
    Didn’t PC told Ingraham and the Bahamian people, after the 2007 election HE would remain PRIME MINISTER OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS?”
    Say somthing NEW PC, we’ve heard that line before.

  38. Ishaq :
    I personally think BJ will lose, but I do think that if the Bahamian public had a vote he would give Christie a good cut-a**!!!

    Ishaq, You dead right, PC running scared, and Ingraham is allowing PC to use up all the PLP Opposition’s “TV Air Time” on ZNS, for His personal gain.
    PLP Opposition’s “TV Air Time” should be used to scrutinize the FNM government.
    Mr. Wendell Jones is a good seer; Jones was the first to let the public know.
    Mr. Perry Christie IS A GIFT TO THE FNM.
    Ray Minus Jr. will always beat Quincy Pratt.
    But ask Quincy Pratt what will happen if they have a rematch?
    Some people never learn.
    Ask PC if he think he can beat Ingraham.

  39. Wisdom :

    Examiner :
    Kool PC will finish off BJ’s political career. The 4 horsemen will be slaughtered and put to eternal rest.

    You can be right. But if that be the case, MARK MY WORDS, ….so goes the PLP chances of winning the 2012 General Elections. PC can never beat Ingram.

    You guys don’t get tired talking NONSENSE hey??? HI is NOT God, in fact, he isn’t even close!!! Just in case you didn’t know, PC beat Tommy and HI at the same time back in 2002 despite the LIES that FNMs try to spread!!

    I hope that you won’t bet your life on that because you WILL be a dead man!!!

  40. Big P :
    I am all for this and all those Christie lovers must be nuts the mans leadership or lack there of cost the plp the last election what part about that you all dont get. Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result at least with BJ you have a forward thinking man who wil bite the pitbull head off BJ aint going to be dancing no where Hubert beware.

    This is what I hate with PLPs.. They talk bad about each other too much.. The people went for “proven leadership” the last time and look what they got!!! They have gotten LOUSY leadership that is sinking this country in to deeper and deeper debt!!!

    PC might not have had a handle on his people but he had his hand on the wheel of this country at all times!!! I can bet you that the majority of the people would now choose a leader who can control the goings on in the country and does not have total control over its people rather than one who controls his people but allows the country to fly out of control though!!!

  41. Rad :
    We either over simplify or over complicate matters.
    Alyson in all of her glory could not win the either Leadership Role of the party now or ever and I say that as one of her biggest fans. That’s they way things are and we know this all too well. We all want change but in reality, these things take time. Let’s start with Deputy because like it or not Christie isn’t going to lose! If that combination of Christie, Brave and the New Chairman doesn’t get the job done then we have another convention to address this.
    We’ll decide if one or all twiddling there thumbs and make the necesary changes.

    You are right on target!! PC is selling himself as a new man who has learned from his mistakes so I believe that he will have a short time to prove himself and if he does not he will be voted out or asked by the party to resign!!

    BJ should run for deputy and Ken for chairman..

  42. As I said yesterday, Selfishness will hurt BJ, Paul and any other person who wants to enter the leadership race!! There are too many people in the leadership race so PC will be returned as leader of the PLP!!!

    I like BJ and would not mind if he or PC wins the leadership race but BJ aint serious about winning unless he could get Paul to step aside so that his chances can be better, he CANNOT win!! He took too long to formally announce his candidacy… I think he took so long because he did not want to spend much money so he aint serious!!

    I still think his chances would be better if he runs for deputy leader!!! PC and BJ is the team to beat in the upcoming general election!!

  43. Examiner :
    Kool PC will finish off BJ’s political career. The 4 horsemen will be slaughtered and put to eternal rest.

    You can be right. But if that be the case, MARK MY WORDS, ….so goes the PLP chances of winning the 2012 General Elections. PC can never beat Ingram.

  44. I personally think BJ will lose, but I do think that if the Bahamian public had a vote he would give Christie a good cut-a**!!!

  45. Is it only me who notice that a VERY VERY small amount of the current PLP administration is present to Mr. Gibson’s funeral?

    Is it only me who noticing that Alison Maynard-Gibson to Peter Gibson acknowledge everybody BUT THE PLP HIGH OFFICIALS… NOT EVEN Leader of the Opposition Perry Christie… Alison said “other parliamentarians” So In other words shes not ACKNOWLEDGING THEM.

    Alison Maynard has been a faithful MEMBER TO THE PLP but after the John Trovolta scandal shes The ONLY PERSON I HAVE RESPECT FOR. You mean to tell me just because Im a PLP Supporter I should “LIE” for the plp supporters?

  46. @Rad There wont be another convention until after the general election, Christie wins a 2nd consecutive term as PLP leader

  47. therealtruth :
    In a biblical sense, it is not a good omen, dark or black, neither is the Horsemen of the Apocalypse!
    In any event, this battle that is looming in the P.L.P may very well be the beginning of the end for some friendships, alliances and affiliations within the party.
    CHANGE is coming alright, it is just not what some people will be expecting!!!

    therealtruth, I can understand if you say “THE BLACK CRAB” isn’t a good omen for BJ LOL!, and you know the PLP, they GLORY in the CRAB.
    It is one of the hiden symbols of the Great PLP party.

  48. @wisdom
    In a biblical sense, it is not a good omen, dark or black, neither is the Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

    In any event, this battle that is looming in the P.L.P may very well be the beginning of the end for some friendships, alliances and affiliations within the party.

    CHANGE is coming alright, it is just not what some people will be expecting!!!

  49. therealtruth :
    BP THE DARK HORSE IS NOT A GOOD OMEN, IT REPRESENTS DEATH! BJ may very well be riding towards his own political demise!

    therealtruth, Lets not confuse BLACK HORSE with Dark Horse with DARK HORSE.

    Here is the definition from the World English Dictionary:
    dark horse n
    1. somebody about whom very little is known or who tends to be reticent, especially somebody who subsequently reveals unexpected talents
    2. a candidate who gains an unexpected amount of support in an electoral campaign
    3. a little-known competitor who achieves unexpected success in a race or other sports contest

  50. BP THE DARK HORSE IS NOT A GOOD OMEN, IT REPRESENTS DEATH! BJ may very well be riding towards his own political demise!

  51. Rad :
    We either over simplify or over complicate matters.
    Alyson in all of her glory could not win the either Leadership Role of the party now or ever and I say that as one of her biggest fans. That’s they way things are and we know this all too well. We all want change but in reality, these things take time. Let’s start with Deputy because like it or not Christie isn’t going to lose! If that combination of Christie, Brave and the New Chairman doesn’t get the job done then we have another convention to address this.
    We’ll decide if one or all twiddling there thumbs and make the necesary changes.

    Rad, AGAIN, there goes the “Uncivility” of a Civil Servant.

  52. The CDR could have been a viable 3rd party today. the problem with them, the BDM and other small parties is that they all try to eat the apple in one bite and every general election we see these small parties contest multiple seats to become the government.

    The CDR, like the BDM, contested too many seats and in order to have a national campaign, you have to have MONEY. <b.The CDR and BDM had ideas but no money to run multiple candidates.

    In 2002 had BJ focused all of the CDR’s small resources on keeping his seat and maybe contest 1 or 2 constituencies like Clifton or South Beach (constituencies where both candidates from the PLP and FNM were new commers), they may have held on to Kennedy and might have had a good chance in picking up another seat in the HOA. But alas, it was not to be. Lol!

    When the PLP needed BJ after 1997, BJ bailed and started his own party.
    he failed miserably at that and was in the political wilderness and the main men who were with him joined the FNM!

    I like BJ but i just dont see how he wins the leadership. He like Fred Mitchell is a good legislator, but not a good organizer or leader. PC has won a general election, BJ has lost one and lost badly. So we know what both men can do.

  53. Out of curiousity I just passed BJs HQ on Meadow St and notice that there appears to be some sprucing up of the exterior of the building.Something is on for tomorrow so I shall return to my old nrighborhood and see what happens.Will there be a runoff in the event that no one gets sufficient votes?The plot thickens and tomorrow we shall see just who in the PLP supoport BJ.Will there be a compromise?Will the PLP tactics change?will there be more demonstrations against any Govt. bad policy?Ah well the trustees and voting delegates will decide.Oh suppose BJ endorses Christie?lolo I hope BP does not curse him.

  54. I have said from way back and repeated it many times that the only person in the PLP who can legitimately challenge PC is BJ.

    Now with that said, BJ will still loose.

    You cant stab the man in the back who brought you back into political prominence, well, yes you can! but know this, this is going to galvanized PC troops and rip open those wounds that honestly never healed when BJ left to start the CDR.

    Granted age is a factor here with BJ in that his political clock is ticking if he wants to be PM, but BJ should have accepted the fact that if he returned to the PLP it would be seen as wrong in the eyes of many in the party establishment to challenge the man who resurrected his political career.

    But know this, BJ BETTER WIN, cause if he doesnt, he will spend the rest of his time in the HOA as a back bencher and he knows this. Thats why when he looses, i wont be surprised to see him resign his seat and bow out of politics. Its leadership or nothing.


    Media: BJ will along with Paul Moss and Fred Mitchell form what BP describes as the horsemen of the APOCALYPSE. They shall together topple Christie as leader of the Progressive Liberal Party, and force the CHANGE needed in the country!

    if all these people are in the race, then PC wins by default because the anti PC vote will be split between Paul, BJ and fred!

  55. I am all for this and all those Christie lovers must be nuts the mans leadership or lack there of cost the plp the last election what part about that you all dont get. Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result at least with BJ you have a forward thinking man who wil bite the pitbull head off BJ aint going to be dancing no where Hubert beware.

  56. Dibbles :
    @Kim Sands
    I totally agree with you that Mr Christie should return as leader.

    Red Blood,”….they say the third time is a charm, or is that 3 strikes and your out?
    Now there goes the “Uncivility” of a Civil Servant.

  57. @Wisdom

    We either over simplify or over complicate matters.

    Alyson in all of her glory could not win the either Leadership Role of the party now or ever and I say that as one of her biggest fans. That’s they way things are and we know this all too well. We all want change but in reality, these things take time. Let’s start with Deputy because like it or not Christie isn’t going to lose! If that combination of Christie, Brave and the New Chairman doesn’t get the job done then we have another convention to address this.

    We’ll decide if one or all twiddling there thumbs and make the necesary changes.

  58. If Allison Maynard runs for PLP leader she would win hands-down. Trust me, this is the right climate for her to throw her hat into the race.
    Even OBAMA mother died before he beome USA President.
    I PLEAD to the Hon. Lady (Allison Maynard ) Be the DARK-DARK HORSE and throw your hat into the race.
    You can beat those three men. Yes, let us bring true change; Allison Maynard and BRAVE at the helm.

  59. I don’t know why decent people like Allison don’t consider running for leadership. If BJ is the best they have to challenge PC for leadership, then Christie should be returned as the leader.

  60. I think its time this country has someone other than liars….I mean lawyers in the top positions.

  61. Russell Johnson :
    We shall see and to ensure that I dont get second hand news I shall be there.I reserve my comments because I believe something huge is brewing in the PLP.mmmppphhh

    Russel how long we’ve been telling them something coming for Christie? How long nah? ORRRRRRRRRRR! It coming.

    We told him resign in dignity and hold what’s left of his legacy, but now he wishes to get KICK OUT HIS OWN PARTY. And so be it! Christie GONE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  62. BJ you are a big Trator, and can not be trusted.Go back to CDR and stay there take Minister Neymour and Maynard with you.This time when you get beat by Mr.Christie you would be gone and gone for good.

  63. We shall see and to ensure that I dont get second hand news I shall be there.I reserve my comments because I believe something huge is brewing in the PLP.mmmppphhh

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