The Few want to Subvert the Will of the Many in the FNM


FNM supporters in North Abaco will not support Ingraham again. Party must transition with new team and young people or face the music if Ingraham returns.
FNM supporters in North Abaco will not support Ingraham again. Party must transition with new team and young people or face the music if Ingraham returns.

Dear Editor,

I would appreciate you taking the time to publish this letter on what is happening to my great Party, the FNM.

I am a Constituent of St. Annes and read with dismay recently, that certain MPS in the FNM are circulating a letter to get rid of the duly elected Leader of the FNM, Dr. Hubert Minnis.

It amazes me how the few want to push their will on the many. I was a delegate and voted for Dr. Minnis in the last convention. He won by a margin of 3 to 1 over Loretta Butler Turner.

That was the will and the wish of the majority of We, the rank and file of the FNM. So to hear that my MP, Hubert ” Chipmonk” Chipman, and two or three other MPS are supposedly drafting and circulating a letter, to subvert our wishes for Minnis to be Leader, is a dastardly and cowardly act.

Then here comes this certified Idiot, Darron ” Burn up Peanut ” Cash, this morning in the papers, calling for a show of hands of the MPS who support Minnis, otherwise he should call a convention.

Let me remind you Mr.”Black Peanut” Cash, we had a convention, Minnis won, you lost badly as Chairman, in fact it was difficult for you to get a seconder for your nomination. I believe you were only able to garner some 18 votes.

I suggest that you sit small and shut up. The democratic process took place, Loretta Butler Turner lost badly and so did you.

As a member of the FNM, I will always speak up when the few try to have its way against the majority.

I would like to also say to my MP, Hubert “Chipmonk” Chipman, I am disappointed in you and I have been since you openly came out the day before our convention to endorse Dr. Duane Sands for Deputy Leader, declaring ” Ernie is my friend and only his close friends call him Ernie”.

What was most disturbing about that was you not endorsing anyone for leader, that spoke volumes. I understand that you and Dr. Minnis were classmates at St. Augustines and were part of the graduating class of 1971.

I lost all respect for my MP, Chipman and would just like to send him a very subtle message. You are only the keeper of the flame in St.Annes. This seat belongs to us, the Bay Street Boys. We from time to time and for expediency, allow a few negroes to keep it warm until we are ready.

This was the case for Bostwick, Turnquest, Bacardi 8 Allen and the same for you. Brent will be back for his seat soon. So while you along with Dr. Death, R. Ligtbourn, LGBT and others plot, we are coming back for our seat.

I remain a committed and strong follower of Dr. Minnis. He is the people’s leader.


I.S. Knowles