The real reason why Fred Gottlieb stepped down as BEC Chairman



Fred Gottlieb Chairman BEC, addressed residents of Abaco during a town meeting on the concerns of the new power plant being constructed in Wilson City.

Abaco, Bahamas — Bahamas Press found it rather unusual that Jr. Minister Phenton Neymour, would publicly comment on the replacement of the new BEC chairman as such appointments are made by the Prime Minister. BP can confirm, according to our sources, that a former employee of BEC, Michael Moss, who currently serves as Chairman of Broadcasting Corporation has been appointed to replace Fred Gottlieb.

Friends close to Fred Gottlieb said that he was tired of bull***. That the FNM Government would not listen to anything the BEC Board recommended, and therefore, it was no point in him wasting his time.

Sources also informed BP that Gottlieb has lost a lot of clients from his law firm because of him trying to defend the Government decision on moving the plant from Snake Cay to Wilson City and the utilization of Bunker C fuel.

BP’s research discloses that before demitting office in May 2007, the Christie Administration BEC had ordered four 12 Mega, Watt Diesel Generators and a New Power Plant for Abaco to be located in Snake Cay. Perry Christie’s Government approved this location. The first two generators were scheduled to be operational by October 2008. The projected cost to the taxpayers was some. $66 million dollars not including the transmission and distribution works. Latest estimates place that cost at well over $100 Million Dollars and counting.ABTour

BP’s further research uncovered that the Abaco plans left in place by the PLP Government was another victim of Hubert Ingraham and his failed FNM Government’s Stop Review and Cancel Policy.

BP information disclosed that MP Edison Key and Minister Earl Deveaux was protecting the special interest of Jimmy Vaughn the owner of Mangos Restaurant in Marsh Harbour and others who wanted to construct a small Tourist Condominium complex on Snake Cay. Fred Gottlieb strongly supported the decision of the Christie Administration to build the new Abaco Power Plant on Snake Cay.

The FNM Government decision to relocate the New Power Plant from Snake Cay to the highly sensitive Wilson City area is a classical example of a massive conflict of interest, which has brought untold misery to the residences of Abaco with the numerous numbers of power outages during the summer months and the major fight over the need to protect the environment. The PLP Program was to utilize Diesel, which the FNM changed to Bunker C Fuel.

BP do now proclaim that the long delay of the new Abaco Power Plant can be totally laid at the feet of MP for South Abaco Edison Key and the MP for North Abaco PM Hubert Ingraham the Chief Architect of The Failed, Stop Review and Cancel Policy.

It is sickening and insulting that the desires of one Jimmy Vaughn could cause the lives on thousands of the residences to be placed on their heads aided and abetted by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Fred Gottlieb soul must be dancing; he can now live with his conscience.
This is Part I on an ongoing saga on the FNM Failed Policies and its disgraceful handling of Governance of Abaco.


Hundreds of Abaco residents packed the New Visions Ministries Hall in Marsh Harbour to attend a town meeting where they voiced their concerns on the new power plant, which is under construction in Wilson City.


  1. Good luck, Fred. You are simply another victim of Hubert’s axe. He is a One Man Show, you know.

    I know you worked hard in trying to do things right, but in the face of HAI’s vicked ways, you just did not stand a chance. Thanks for trying, tho.

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