State of Emergency Declared in Trinidad on Sunday

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar at yesterday’s press conference, at her home in Philippine. Photo INNIS FRANCIS

By Trinidad Express Newspapers

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has declared a limited State of Emergency in hot spots across the country.

The decision was made “after much deliberation with the National Security Council and members of the Cabinet” in response to the “spate of murders over the past few days”.


Arima, Arouca, Beetham, Carenage, Cunupia, Diego Martin, Enterprise, Felicity, Gasparillo, Grand Couva, Hermitage, Icacos, Laventille, Maloney, Morvant, Sea Lots, Trincity, Pigeon Point, Crown Point.

The PM’s statement:

The entire nation has been rocked with the recent tragic news of the spate of murders over the past few days. The situation has reached proportions which the government must respond to in the most definitive manner possible. I am advised that one of the causations for the spike in murders is ironically linked to the success by the police in the discovery of large drug hauls with values in excess of twenty million dollars in just one raid. These large sums of money simply do not disappear from the drug trade without consequences and in some of the cases now occurring, this is the result.

The question though isn’t just what is causing it but how do we deal with it?

As you know, we have deployed more financial and human resources than any government in recent time in dealing with the scourge of crime and until this recent upsurge the nation had been encouraged by the decline shown by year to years statistics. But a problem of this nature that has been the result of years of neglect will not disappear overnight and we reassess day by day each strategy deployed and how effective it is in achieving short term and long term objectives in reducing crime.

But the current crime spree dictates that more must be done and stronger action has to be employed now. The situation cannot continue like this without a response commensurate with the wanton acts of violence and lawlessness; it must be a response as well that will halt the current spike in gang activity and crime in general in the shortest possible time.

After much deliberation with the National Security Council and members of the Cabinet it has been agreed that the government consider the imposition of a limited state of emergency in hot spots across the country. Such a consideration must of course have the agreement of the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency, George Maxwell Richards and I will be meeting with him to discuss this matter.

The limited state of emergency will allow us to achieve a number of things in relation to crime reduction which would not be prudent for me to disclose in advance of the action taken. We are aware that such a decision will have an impact on the daily lives of innocent, law abiding citizens in these areas but I feel confident that they will recognise and appreciate the need to protect them and bring the current crime surge affecting them under control.

We have the will to tackle the crime problem in Trinidad and Tobago and the commitment to place every resource at our disposal towards waging and winning this war on crime.

We will succeed. The nation will not be held to ransom by marauding groups of thugs bent on creating havoc on our society. The limited state of emergency in hot spots across Trinidad and Tobago is merely part of a larger aggressive reaction response by the government.

As these measures are being deployed using both out police and military we ask all citizens to bear with the inconveniences that may arise from time to time. This is in everyone’s interest.

In fact, I intend to hold discussions with the Leader of the Opposition to seek his party’s support with certain legislative matters in Parliament. Trinidad and Tobago comes first. Nothing is more important than the right of each citizen to be protected and to enjoy a life of peace and tranquility.


  1. I think this is total ****, our Government continue to ignore the real problem and pretend day by day putting blame on one demographic of people. If you would like to stop crime it is simple start from the head come right back down ..beating up on poor people is not fixing the problem…she has inconvenienced families from getting money, students from studies, people cant get home from work, people cant go to night Jobs if they have jobs in the night, the country is losing money from this **** ..this woman needs to stop drinking rum and open her eyes to the problem, stop walking through poor areas and learn about what these people really need..a heartless woman

  2. I believe it would help to return Dominica born and Chicago based criminologist, Dr. Peter K. B. St. Jean, and his assistant Jamaican born criminologist Dr. Marlyn Jones back to Trinidad to help implement ideas that they brought to the T & T at the invitation of Jack Warner and the Crime Commission some time ago. The residents of some of the areas currently under the limited state of emergency had great responses to the action plan that those Caribbean criminologists brought to the Nation.
    Dr. St. Jean’s work has made much contribution to maintaining a peaceful Dominica, and he has developed an action plan to not only advance the effectiveness of reactive aspects of crime reduction, but the proactive component of developing the economic value of peace. Dr. St. Jean and his team of cutting edge practitioners and intellectuals can be reached at 716-603-0992 or at

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