Well looka Heckle and Jeckle! BP's BLAST FROM THE RECENT PAST!



They were presenters at a calling to the Bar back in 2005. Look closely and guess who was in the courtroom. Ahhh you guessed it, Heckle and Jeckle, all dressed in their junkanoo customes. Christie couldn’t help himself but stand to his feet and make some comments to the then newly returned leader of the opposition Hubert Ingraham. Ingraham squinched in his seat as if he didn’t want to make a LOUD NOISE. There was plenty foolish talking in the courtroom that day. Whilst someone was blowing HOT GAS all through ceremony.  And when you look at this picture you know who it was. We say no more. Photo by Peter Ramsay.


  1. BP, You is tooo much man. People need to read and also read between the lines. We must get rid of this Law Firm. Time for them to return to private practice

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