Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad…80 workers at ZNS to be axed by the ‘TRUST’ government


ZNS-TVNassau, Bahamas — Readers were losing sleep to find out what was the big bust-up in ZNS on Friday.

Last Friday you would remember was nomination day. And all the big wigs were out. Surprised by their reduced support were are told the FNM Chairman and former Chairman, both whom Hubert Ingraham fired recently, were seen cussing in the parking lot of the Thelma Gibson Primary School.

One eyewitness told us Carl could be heard cussing Johnley for not executing his duties in organizing FNMs at the botched turnout on nomination day. The eyewitness said Carl could be overheard saying in the schoolyard: You is one a**, one big a**, we had to fire you and look now, you cannot organize a simple f*** group to come out at nomination. [HE continued to cuss Johnley]

But Johnley was not easy either. The eyewitness said Johnlee began cussing louder over Carl saying: Who is the a** me or you? You is the biggest a** we’ve seen since this campaign began. I see why Ingraham had to fire your a** as minister of education!

It was at this time the eyewitness said Carl attempted to take off his FNM t-shirt but quickly avoided doing so as a sea of yellow t-shirts began to enter the school gates turning off Commonwealth Blvd in ‘Lizzy’. But this was just the beginning of the ball of confusion now unfolding inside the leadership of the FNM.

Following nomination day ZNS reporter, Clint Watson, failed to broadcast his FNM assignment for candidate Duane Sands in the Friday 1PM news report. This action brought further chaos with the leadership of the party as the other four candidates nominated for Elizabeth could be heard on air.

BP can confirm Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham made a heated call into ZNS boardroom demanding an answer to the “sabotage” by the newsroom’s failure to report Sands nomination. Livid, we are told the PM cussed as he slammed the phone down and called back demanding an immediate answer. Little did Ingraham know it was his own FNM reporter who had failed to report the story. Could this mean even ZNS has abandoned support for the FNM?

Ingraham’s call was followed by another call from Tommy Turnquest minister responsible for broadcasting. Insiders in the OPM tell us the Prime Minister was cussing for hours like an untamed guerrilla from the West Coast.

Reports are an emergency meeting was called over the weekend to begin the axing at the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas [BCB]. A source close to the axing exercise told BP, “Some 80 employees of the 300 plus will be fired from the BCB. We do not know when the exercise will commence; however, we were told the axing would be completed by the end of March this year.

Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.


  1. Well if he fired Carl and Johnley for not doing there jobs then wats the big issue with ZNS?!?!?!? Atleast we know P.M Hubert don’t play with jokers..give him his props! Also as young Bahamian I hope we can show some respect for the person who is holding the office regardless if we like them or not..He is the P.M when Perry was one i showed him respect…Lets show them that because one day you or someone you may be in that spot..

  2. Firings are out of the question as this Govt has enough on their plate as is.When it takes place decency will again be out the window as this wutless Govt is heartless.Guerillas were not born but created by callous authorities.

  3. They should just fire everyone at zns and work out a deal with cable bahamas. The channel 12 news kicks zns’ a**.

  4. Lmao I hipe jerome and clint are on the chopping block. As for dogface bacardi breath ingraham he aint gon stop until some punch him square in his ogly face! An as for michelle talkin bout showin him respect well ms michelle respect my dear is earnt and not just given. So not only should the helicopter pic remain there we now need a “cussing gorilla” pic to go along with it. ZNS is deep in the bush with the analog cameras and personally I could carw less who they fire because the lot of them seem very ignorant and lousy. Recently I saw jerome sawyer postin unbecoming comments on his facebook page in regards to a recent blunder ZNS made by showing the breast of a haitian lady who was in hospital. I think their total disregard for tje fcc broadcating rules is grounds for a mass firing. So as much as I hate and despise the oogly one I’m glad he firin some of them ppl at ZNS. They too “WUTLESS”

  5. PAPArization of the country continues as the little small man is doing all to retain power.I advise evryone at ZNS to drop the bomb on PAPA first by advising all of your family members in Elizabeth to vote against the FNM< candidate.Dr Sands might be a good man but he is stained by his association with PAPA.that little vamit 10/45 who claims to be a man of God when it suits his purpose will go down in defeat with the rest of the wutless crew 16/02.bAHAMIANS ARE KNASHING THEIR TEEYH WHEN THEY CONSIDER WHAT THEY DID IN 2007

  6. I am not a fan of Mr. Ingraham or the FNM but I think we should have a bit more respect for Mr. Ingraham as “Prime Minister”, even if you don’t like or respect him as a person, please let us try to respect his position.  This is just how I see it. Could you please remove the helicopter pic?  That is really not needed to get the message across.

  7. Kim, ZNS is suppose to become PBS type station, they are losing and costing the taxpayers to much money, and just being a mouth piece for the ruling government at the time isn’t enough, I am sorry for them to, but losing money won’t cut it, especially in these rough times.

  8. To tell you the truth, I hardly watch ZNS these days. I prefer watching channel 12 news, I think those reporters over there are putting the reporters at ZNS to shame. In any event, I still don’t want to see all those employees at ZNS lose their jobs, especially the ones that were really pulling their weight and doing what they are suppose to be doing. If this downsizing exercise is being conducted as a result of somebody forgetting or failing to report Dr. Sands nomination, then that person who was responsible for reporting it should be held accountable, not other people who had nothing to do with it. It is not easy not having a job when you have a family to feed and bills to pay in an economy where it is n’t always easy to find another job.

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