Young mother gunned down in jealous rage by boyfriend in Royal Bahamian Estates, GB

Murder victim Kaynisha McBride and her young daughter. She is now the country's 246th murdered victim since 2009.


Freeport, GB Bahamas Press is reporting the gruesome slaying of another Grand Bahama woman over night, and the scene by sources was described as a junior Nellie Brown-Cox murder.

Accused shoot, Mark Fyne, is assisting police with their investigations.

According to BP agents assessing the scene a young mother of one by the name of, Kaynisha McBride, was shot to death just outside a residence in Royal Bahamian Estates, shortly before 11:00pm last evening.

She was visiting her ex-boyfriend. The couple has a child together.

Particulars are that while sitting outside the ex boyfirend’s residence in a vehicle, a gunman approached the pair hitting McBride with a volley of gunshots in the upper body.

We are told the 25-year-old woman’s present boyfriend, Mark Fyne, is alleged to be the shooter in this latest incident and is assisting police with their investigation. Another man is also in police custody for the crime.

McBride was a resident of Eight Mile Rock and is a 2003 graduate of St. George’s High School. She becomes the country’s 246th murdered victim since 2009.



Police are requesting the public’s assistance in locating two (2) males responsible for a shooting at Butler Alley off Wulff Road. The incident reportedly occurred sometime around 3:00pm on Thursday 16th June, 2011. Preliminary reports indicate that the victim was inside his truck at Butler Alley when he was approached by two (2) males one of whom was armed with a handgun, demanding cash. It is reported that the culprits robbed the victim of his jewelry and subsequently shot him to the side. The 45 year old victim drove himself to hospital, where he is detained in stable condition. Police are investigating and are appealing to members of the public who may have any information regarding this incident to contact police at 911, 919, CENTRAL DETECTIVE UNIT at 502-9991, 502-9910 or CRIME STOPPERS at 328-TIPS.


  1. “the alleged shoot,” really and this is the story that seems to be causing so much up roar, how could one take their story for fact when it seems as if they don’t even proof read them before they are posted.

  2.  I must say that I am extremely appalled at the comments being posted.  It’s amazing to me how there seem to be so many people pointing fingers, if I may recall the only one that will ultimately be the judge of us all is God. Without the  facts I suggest that we all refrain from posting any comments, because its seems that opinions are diluting the fact that a life has been lost, a daughter has been left motherless, a mother has been left daughterless, and a family is left with the reality that they are missing a family member. It is amazing that you post this today, but what if God decides one of your family members must come home, and it is in this fashion, what will the comments be then. Would you want people to speculate and leave such brazen comments, I think not. So think and I reiterate,  think, because one day it’s her and the other it could be you. Let God do his work and be the judge of us all, not man.

  3. Everyone accusing the present boyfriend and the ex-boyfriend we need 2 let the police do their job!her family n friends knew she cheated on both men. RIP Kaniesha!!!!

      • Don’t say that. She might not have been cheating, you don’t know the reason for her being there. She probably went to get some monies or something for the baby. I wonder whether or not if the current boyfriend who they said was waiting on her along with her daughter and family if he knew she was going there though. Things is happen so bizarre sometimes.

  4. i wonder if these people is be online? can’t be. wake up bahamas or yall don’t know what www stand for? listen man yall ever here about forum ? people chat all the time stop freaking yall self out. everyone intitle an opinion. if bp don’t allow it facebook, youtube,yahoo will nothing you can do about the world wide web..


    • I am not sure what comments you refer to, but we would look at them. We however find it interesting no one is tied down to having committed the murder as yet.


  6. On behalf of the graduating class of St. Georges High class of 2003, we extend condolences to the family of Kaynisha McBride. She was a very good friend to all of us and will forever live in our hearts. This class has lost some 9 colleagues since we graduated in 2003. This is most painful to us as this is the 3rd colleague for the year. The Family ought not focus its attention on the report but on the case that is ahead of them. We ought to seek justice from the murderer. The law will vindicate Mark as he is also a good friend of mine. However, we ought to be careful of what we portray ourselves in the public. Facebook can make or break us. It holds no hostages for the innocent nor the guilty. We need to grow up and become responsible citizens on The Bahamas.
    To the family of Kaynisha, My class will be very helpful to you during this time of sorrow. We will be there to support and to listen and assist financially if we can. We in some way feel your pain. We have now lost 9 from our class in 8 short years. We must pray that this trend will cease but also remember that God expects us to live according to his word and his life example because we don’t know when our time will come.

  7. une 22nd, 2011

    The Editor
    The Bahamas Press

    Dear Sirs.

    Re: Published Story under the Byline “Young Mother gunned Jealous by boyfriend in Royal Bahamian Estate GB”

    I am the mother of Mr. Mark Fynes whom you erroneously, recklessly and possibly malicious identified as the shooter of the young lady (Kaynisha McBride) in Grand Bahama. I accept that Mark is or was Ms. McBride’s boyfriend at the time of the killing but even a basic enquiry or delay in identifying and accusing my son of the offence would have helped or allowed you to verify the true facts. Your story has caused extraordinary grief and embarrassment to myself, Mark, his family and friends and the family and friends of Ms. McBride.

    If you were not so reckless with the truth or took time to investigate the source you could have found out that Mark was actually at Ms. McBride’s home with her family awaiting for her to come home. While all indications suggests that the “shooter” was in fact the ex-boyfriend that is still in police custody whom also is the father of there girl child. You proceeded to falsely and recklessly published my son’s name and a candid photo slandering him in a criminal manner even before anyone was charge before the courts.

    I have therefore consulted with an attorney and was instructed to demand (and hereby demand) and immediate retraction of the story with the same prominence with which the first story was treated and that you, forthwith, publish an a retraction and an apology in the four (4) news papers of national circulation namely, The Guardian, Tribune, Freeport News and the Journal on their front pages.

    I reserve my right to take further action should to fail to respond as requested or refuse or fail to retract the material parts of the above story in a manner satisfactory to Mark and myself immediately.

    Anya Fyne

    P.O.Box F44747
    Freeport, Grand Bahama

    • To Anya Fyne,
      Your son was alleged to be the shooter. He was not accused of being the shooter and being charged with the crime. Madam there is a vast difference between alleged and accused of a crime. Because of his involvement with the victim he will be a person of interest. The report also said he was assisting police and that another man was being held in custody for the crime. That was the information given out by the police as reported on this site. Please do not let some lawyer gas up your head and take your hard earn money. Facts, proof and evidence will clear your son’s name; online opinions does not charge nor convict anyone. Please calm down, relax and let this situation work itself out.

      • you know JS some a these people think BP does play doll house like some a them in the FNM when we write stories. They clearly didn’t read the words in the story, but if they want take BP to court they should bring the writ, all we tell ya is this, HAVE YA DAMN LEGAL FUNDS READY to pay our bill!


        • Bp yall are SO IGNORANT! All Anya is doing is defending the fact that yall have the Bahamian ppl slandering Mark’s name and IMAGE! Then yall wonder why ppl call yall the Jungalist Media!

          • YALL Obviously are the JUNGALISTS BP! I only read it to see the image yal portrayed of Mark. Because yall really do owe him an apology

          • You are not getting the point MEL, you described BP as a Jungalists Website, well we put the question who are the Jungalists? US or you who can’t take ya eye of her? This means if we are the Jungalists, you mussy the jiggle-O?

            We report YINNER DECIDE!


          • @JS…did you really read this story on this website because the story says alleged but the picture says accused. Also, did you read the headline of this story? And i quote “Young mother gunned down in jealous rage by boyfriend in Royal Bahamian Estates, GB.” This headline does not imply that Mr. Fynes is a person of interest. Rather, it states that he is the “accused shoot.”Refer to pic You mussy read the story from the freeport news and comment on the wrong website a??

  8. Dear Family Mem. ,

    Ok, I understand you’re a family member and you’re reacting on emotions right now, but when you are able please try to understand the advice I was trying to give other young ladies and this really shouldn’t be hard for you to do seen that you have had experience in these type of abusive relationship yourself. We need to encourage these young ladies to avoid these relationship or leave them if they are already in them. For the most part they always ends tragic. Just for the record, I never slandered the deceased name, how could I when I don’t even know her or her boyfriend? Making a few suggestions is not regarded as slander. I am happy to hear that the police as someone in connection with her death and I pray that it’s the right person and that stupid bastard would receive the death penalty and your family could find some type of comfort. What I find more disturbing about this, is if it’s her ex boyfriend who killed her, he is worse than an animal, because he knew she had a child depending on her.

    •  I must say that I am extremely appalled at the comments being posted.  It’s amazing to me how there seem to be some many people pointing fingers, if I may recall the only one that will ultimately be the judge of us all is God. Without the  facts I suggest that we all refrain from posting any comments, because its seems that opinions are diluting the fact that a life has been lost, a daughter has been left motherless, a mother has been left daughterless, and a family is left with the reality that they are missing a family member. It is amazing that you post this today, but what if God decides one of your family members must come home, and it is in this fashion, what will the comments be then. Would you want people to speculate and leave such brazen comments, I think not. So think and I reiterate,  think, because one day it’s her and the other it could be you. Let God do his work and be the judge of us all, not man.

  9. First of all I want to give my condolences to the grieving family! My heart ached after watching the news i’m still in denial until I see the day she is laid to rest! Bp is painting an imagine of Markey that doesn’t even exist. Markey loved Kay very much and that I can vouch for! Eventually the police will prove his innocence and prove everybody wrong! It’s just cruel to kill someone that way. My heart really goes out to the mother and daughter!

  10. for some reason.. young men today are very fragile and imbalanced emotionaly mentally…. if you ga base yourself worth on according to who your with…u need counseling… im sorry for the lost especially the little girl…

  11. chal fynes my advice to you is to leave this country period before something happen to you because it seems as if your very valuable asset in solving tis case and bahama press just signed ur death sentence… dont tink man

  12. my ting is this: if the young man is assiting the police why the hell yall guh put his pic up for the murderer to kill him to.. his name suppose to be confidential man, sensitive information man…yall know we dont have a police protection program man… yall putting tis lil man life in danger and blasting his face……

  13. this country gone to the dogs the so call leader doing all the wrong things like gay rights when most of us have no rights are leader don’t believe in god evil is all over this country people dieing let fly there are no hope coming from are leader i hope we see what that red ment nothing but blood. my hearts out to the family.

  14. To Kim Sands….Miss I don’t know you but by your insensitve comment I can tell that your level of ignorance is extreme. While I understand what you are saying it totally not correct and feel you should only make such a comment if you know the people involved. and because you don’t know them and have nothing encouraging or movating to say…YOU SHOULD SHUT THE HELL UP!!!. Kaynisha is someone’s daughter, sister, mother, friend, cousin etc. How dear you slander her character that way??? I am 30 something years old. I’ve been with a man 5 years. One day he got up and everything about him changed in 5 years…the man I knew was different. I have a daughter for him. He tried to beat me every chance he got. So how dear you…I say this to say, you never truly know a person. And as far as it goes with her boyfriend, it wasn’t him. Her ex is being accused. Say what you want..but don’t you’ll dear slander her name. She was a sweet young lady who was taken too soon and in such a tragic way. respect that about her and if you have an opinion at least keep it respectful. It sickens me to read all the shit I’m seeing here that makes no sense. Rememeber…yesterday was for her, tomorrow could be for you because it’s always the peole with the most imperct life and the most problems that always have the most intellecutal comments Ms Kim Sands!!!

    • To Family Mem. If Mark been her house with her baby, why was she shot near the ex-boyfriend house? Were you there, do you have all the information that the police need? You say you been with the same man then all of a sudden he change and was cutting ya backside every chance he get. So how you know the young lady didn’t change and was doing something out there? Please refrain and only swear for yourself, and where you been. The truth will come out and justice will prevail. Now I understand there has been a great loss and you seem full of emotions, but coming online and getting riled up ain’t gone solve your problems. You want to do something, help her family celebrate her life; look to see if the child she left behind needs help in this trying time.

      • Everyone blaming the ex-boyfriend or her present boyfriend,let the police do their job,every1 coming on here criticizing both men n in fact all her family friends knew Kayneisha cheated on both men.may her soul rest in peace.

  15. I haven’t read all the comments yet and all I can say is wow. I was a schoolmate of Kaynisha’s and she worked at the plaza 2 mins away from my house, I saw her practically everyday. She was always a happy, cool person. I didn’t know too much of her personal life but that’s not on trial is it? The YOUNG LADY’S life is GONE and left her ONE DAUGHTER to suffer (emotionally) without having a mother to show her the ways of a woman. From what I SAW of this young man who’s pic is posted… his demeanor shows NOTHING of a ‘thug’. He is NOT imprisoned for this crime. This is one of his facebook pics that was STOLEN to use for this article. Why not use the ones with his hair NEATLY BRAIDED BACK in his CRISPLY IRONED linen outfit? At the end of the day GOD will allow justice to prevail (either in this life or in another) for this SENSLESS ACT. I will continue to pray for strength for the family and for God to keep watch over Kaynisha’s young child – the matter at hand is none other than – NO ONE has the right to take another life!

  16. All I can do is look and smile, I’m not smiling at the death of this young lady but how people “play” like they are so concerned and caring but just like Nellie Brown this will last for about a week and then things will go back to normal and who is “still” left with the pain and the tears (HER FAMILY!!!!) (I am not a family member just an outsider looking in) Then people will point fingers and talk what they don’t know and this pisses me off, ALL I EVER ASK GOD FOR IS TO DIE A NATURAL DEATH AND TO BE BURIED PEACEFULLY cause If Bahamians will not allow that to happen!!!! Can it be possible she was happy? and just living life? and got caught up at the wrong place at the wrong time? NO RIGHT cause leave it up to my Bahamian people (cause they know everything) they have all the answers, The truth shall come out but until then stop trying to “mess” up people’s names and make this girl out to be something she probably wasn’t. How many of you have heard about this girl until now? OK THEN !!!!

  17. You really want know the reason why I didn’t offer my sympathy? It wasn’t like I forgot to say it or didn’t care you know, that couldn‘t be the furthest thing from the truth. It just that every other day there is another murder in this country and saying sympathies is now starting to feel more like a routine or so expected. To tell you the truth, I don’t even know if saying it does more damage than good sometimes. So if people don’t say it, please don’t take it to mean that they don’t care, it might be that they just don’t know what to do. I understand is the pain and anger this family must be feeling, but if you are trusting in God you don’t have anything to worry about, things like this is designed to test your faith. Everybody will have their day, we all have family members and nobody is exempted from these type of circumstances. Today for you, tomorrow for me. Like I always tell people the dead already live their life, these lessons were intended for the living.

  18. hmmm….so sad, fynes it aches my heart to see what the media is doin to you!! i know you on a personal level and i can truly say that as far as my eyes could have seen, if there was one crime that you was guilty of, it was loving that young lady…justice will prevail!!!

  19. just incase yall cant get yall story together i know the both sides of the family yall so called*accused shooter*(Mark Fynes) and the deceased i am a very close friend of the Kaynisha, the same way yall got a pic of him off of her page yall should have chosen a better 1 why wud you prefer to make someone look so horrible when u have no idea of the person that you are trying to slander?? this is a pile of mess and i can assure that when yall get the facts of this entire story that yall will need to give the entire family an official apology. It hurts when u going thru something and ppl making it much harder for you to get over it by adding on to the story,but GOD IS IN CONTROL AND HE IS DEFINITELY IN CHARGE …….WELL AS FOR GETTING ANOTHER PIC AT THIS POINT I DNT KNOW WHERE ITS GONNA COME FROM BECAUSE (ACCESS HAS BEEN DENIED)……IT IS UNPROFESSIONAL AND UNCOUTH

  20. i site here and read all of yall coments and yal sound like yal care but if yal black asses did care yal wud just give condolences 2the family like 1person did and lask time i check the lord thy god said jugde not. nun of u no kaynisha nor knew mackey and all yal doing is slandering him and it aint even him who is the 1 she had problems with or even is the thug yal just like bp just trowing my boy under the bus with yal coments i pray the police hury show all of yal who they have from the begining fa the killer and not mackey this shit here is bp doing if anything where 2happen 2him because of stupid bahamains like yal i pray all yal drop dead and bp 2 and like my half sister wud always say PUSH OUT.

  21. Good morning, I didn’t know the deceased but this is a tragic story and my heart felt condolences go out to her family.My only comment is to all those who are judging Mark Fyne, don’t talk what you think, talk what you know. God admonishes us not to judge because He is the only rightful judge so I find your comments harsh and unfair.I pray the truth is revealed && that both families receive closure.That is all.


  23. I would encourage the media to retain this photograph of the young man. He took it voluntarily ad of course had it posted, which implies that he fully endorsed and approved of this depiction of himself. We need to stop airbrushing these criminals and show who they really are.

    It sickens me to see all of these apologists for this heinous creature, who placed himself above the Lord in taking this young mother’s life. And in the process daming her kids to hell.

    To the woman, I refuse to call her name, who claims that the beast was home minding babies as his alibi, if this is not the case, I pray the Almighty deal with you harshly.

    • When you asses dont no the story shut the hell up. If it was you in Mark’s place you would have been stress the hell out. If you need to know something, those two loved each other, but the jealous X couold not understand that.

  24. @DEEP THOUGHTS if u was such a big family memeber then i guess your ” GOOD AUNTY ” would of told you that mark fynes was at her house at the time of the shootin but i guess u another groupie. NA YOU GO SHUT YA MOUTH….and as far as bp goes i tink yll owe da family members and this young man a public apology because yll dont knw wat he is goin thru rite now

  25. the young picture that the have up as nothing to do with the shooting becuz wen we got the call saying that she got shot he was at our waiting her to come home from work just like me my mother and her baby was doin…so therefore that picture needs to be removed… mark is a nice young man and he loves my sister and her baby oh so much and he was always helpful to me and my mother and also my sister…i will love to have my sister bac but aye i cant so…but who ever did this will suffer i leave it in the hands of GOD

  26. Andrea Smith, thank you for being able to identify with why I might have made the comments that I made. All I want to see is justice for Kaynisha. You are a good cousin to be standing up for your cousin the way you are. It is good to see the faith you have in him, because we really don’t know him. I learn a longtime ago not to swear for anyone other than myself. I just hope for you and your family sake that he’s not involved in this, these days people don’t have to be at the scene you know, sometimes they is get others to do the dirty work for them. I am not saying that’s the case, but it could be a possibility. Anyway, let’s allow the police to do their work and I hope at the end of the day your faith would not be in vain.


    BP Media- Here is the APOLOGY REPORT you had to write after reporting the trio dead….
    you ask me for it, so there it is……

    Freeport, Grand Bahama — Bahamas Press reported a false tip tonight suggesting three persons from Bimini reroute to Grand Bahama via a vessel had perished in the seas. That earlier report was untrue and we can now report, was premature.

    We can confirm the trio was discovered alive and well after missing at sea. Rescue teams, we can confirm, brought them all safely to Deadman’s Reef, just off Grand Bahama two hours.

    Bahamas Press apologizes to the family for the added stress caused by our report. We apologize to the Bimini community for not properly crosschecking our initial report and we apologize to our wider international readership for our earlier, inaccurate update.

    To all the rescue teams we say a JOB WELL DONE!

  28. First of all Mark was home with the her daughter when this incident occurred. The story is incorrect and before you’ll go around judging people you first of all need to no them. Mark is a hard working soft spoken young man who loved and respected the victim and her daughter he is not a thug by any means.Please don’t slander people’s character.

  29. Believe me Keisha, I understand the reason you might be upset with my comment and it’s not my intention to upset you or your family. I know it as to be a very difficult time for all of you. Believe it or not I have a heart. Actually, I was referring in general to all young ladies who seems to be attracted to these thug like type of guys. I believe when I made my comment I mentioned I didn’t know the people involved in this tragedy, so you should realize that this is not a personal attack on their characters. Even though perception is not always right, let me tell you the impression I got from looking at those photos, I saw a beautiful young lady who seemed to care and love her child very much, from her smile I saw a very warm and kind person. It broke my heart when I saw her photo and especially, to know what happened to her. See Keisha, I am just tired of these nice girls getting mixed up with the wrong guys, that’s all. Sometimes, we don’t know who these people are until it‘s too late, but if you could see what they dealing with upfront and you know you can’t handle it then you should try to avoid it. Now from the photo of her boyfriend, Kaynisha seemed to be attracted to these thug looking kind of guys. Now Mark might not be a thug, in fact he might be a very nice guy, but this is why I always tell my nephew and other young men, be careful how you carry yourselves. If you dress like a thug or act like a thug, you shouldn’t feel bad if the world see you as a thug, that’s the impression you give them. I am just saying.

    • you dont have to make excuses kim,you are absolutely right these young girls dont seem to learn they dont like thugs use the correct word they like bums an average hardworking guy they dont give the time of day,but these lowlfe,uneducated bums they waste their time with and when they finally learn some sense its too late now he may not be one but you are judged by the way you look and the company you keep and thats the way it always going to be,but i am sorry she was killed that way ,she was again another beautiful young lady who had her life taken away from her but i hope they catch the scum who did it and hang his ass

  30. I read the comments left here and I see the reason why so many issues are among us as a young nation. If we would take more time educating our selves and less time thinking about foolishness we would become a peope of reason instead of acting like raging animals. I am not saying that the accused was like this, but the comments of the persons are firstly heated, obviously without thought and many dipicts a people not properly educated. My condolences to both families beause both are experiencing tremendous pain and lost.

  31. @Andrea Smith, were you there when this young lady was shot? do you have proof that your good cousin was home minding her daughter when she was shot and killed? if not then please stop defending STUPIDITYL. like the song say “NOT MY GOOD CHILD, NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK HE DID, HE WAS RIGHT HERE WITH ME……stop defending these heartless killers…always ready to attack BP, What is not decent about this pic? come on man, leave well enough alone and let the law deal with your GOOD COUSIN MARK FYNE who allegedly shot MY GOOD AUNTIE CHILD……UNDERSTAND? GOOD

    • Well Miss Deep Thoughts… can ask your good auntie if my good cousin marky was there!!!!! Am not defending stupidity, am simply defending Mark Fyne point blank. Dont get me mistaken here, i sincerely sympathize with the family on their lost, sincerely and i pray God they find out who did this horrific crime but any and everyone knows BP is full of crap and reports crap, 10% of the news might be correct and the 10% which is correct in this case is that a young mother was gun down…..the rest is Crab Fat!!!! Of course Marky would be questioned by the police because they were in a relationship, but why didn’t BP mention the fact that the Ex who she was last to be with was also in police custody. Just don’t make it look one-sided here and yes, they want ppl to look at the pic and say oh yes he is a thug/criminal. Bahamians are too gullible!!!!!!!!!

    • Your Good Auntie could tell you MARK FYNE was there with there n your good auntie child daughter! Bahamas Press JUST WENT ON GOSSIP and bashed Mark’s reputation!

    • at DEEP THOUGHTS mark fyne was at our house wen we got the call saying that my sister was shot to the head so therefore you are lying on this young man so your just going off of what you heard….#MIND YOUR OWN BIZZNESS

      • mark was by andrea smith aunty house??? and he was by kaynisha little sister house? wow ohh wow! i didnt knew you could of been two place sme timee……

  32. Oh Lord, seem like another thug apologist. I sincerely advise young ladies to have the common sense to pick wisely the young men that they have kids with. And the same applies to hapless young men.

    Based on this pic, the young man seems to be a wutless pot smokin bum who can’t or who refuses to hold down a job. The deceased seems to be a thug-lovin groupie who gets her kicks out of suckering imbecilic young men.

    Unfortunately I get the impression that the kids involved will be better off. God bless the kids.

    • Its so sad the image they wanted to Portray of Markey…He def can hold a job because he works for his father..not worthless or anything..Bahamas Press should have not went on gossip !

    • thats a very shallow thing to say.. it isnt nice to judge people on their appearances… because these so called elitist of society walking around n jacket n tie doing horrible tings…..
      not because a person look decent means they are…u cud look @ the media and see….respect people regardless of the way they present themselves .. because someone judging you the same way and u wudnt like to know what people are saying about you

    • @lincoln5505 from what I have read, you seem to be an *******. How could you criticize people that you do not know. Quit being so quick to judge and worry about your own problems which I am sure you have alot of. My condolences to the family!

  33. niggas is get too caught up on da poo-say
    after its just that, an to the vimmens dem, when u decide to have sex with the debil, u better know what ga happen when u decide to leave him cause u cant take him no more after he turn on you

  34. I have meet and knew Kaynisha.

    This shooting happened next door to me.

    She left behind a beautiful daughter.

    Another promising life lost.

    So much of Our Future is being uprooted by Crime & the Fear of Crime.

    We need change Bahamas.

    Our Minds and Our Leaders.

  35. Man o man I hope it isnt true, my condolences to the family on their loss, but I rememeber that young man from high school. He was very down to earth, and funny and not in any way a violent character. I would hate to think that things would change soo dramatically in such a short period of time. I also wish that you guys would have used a better picture of him considering his page had quite a few others that you could choose from! My prayers are with everyone involved!

  36. y advice to all these young daughters out there is to take their time to know these guys, before getting involved in these serious relationship. If you are going to mix up with these thugs, you better just know what you are dealing with and what you should expect from them. Don’t do foolishness, because you know these niggas already burned out most of their senses and they just don’t care no more. They don‘t have the tolerance to deal with much. Sometimes, it’s easy getting into these things, but it aint always easy getting out. I don’t know the people or the particulars in connection with this incident, I am just looking at the photos and sometimes pictures can reveal so much.

    • you all need to get your fact stright if my aunt want to post a pic of what ever kind thats what she chose. we as bahamain need to stop jugding one other my cousin wa not invole with her baby daddy he just never got over her .my cousin kayneish mcbride was a decit young woman never was invole with more than 1 man .when you dnt no someone call them mrs. and if someone act as if they hav all of ther sences thats what we have to go by .you think if we could pick who we want ,all of our lieves would be perfect, so to all who dnt kow kayneisha chose your words carefuly!!! cousin you might not be here to here this we the cousins and family we will forever love you kayneisha R.I.P !!

    • Kim i cant blame you for saying what you said, but that was BP intentions, to use the worse photo ever to make him look like a bad person. I call this unprofessional journalism because they took this picture of the decease facebook profile, so unprofessional. If they wanted to get some accurate info, they could of gone straight to the family, her mother can testify that he was home with them in EMR when this happen, this story just makes me sick. And they are not saying anything about the Ex, who is a known killer and sandilands patient, that i know for sure!!!!

        • @ Media or what ever you call yourselves…..why don’t you search for a picture of the Ex or maybe the Ex can give you a description of “this person” that ran up to the car!!! How about that????????

          • I mean lol time BP taught they was running with the right news! It’s sad to see out of all the pics that you guys chose though!

    • This picture says nothin. Just the worst pic BP could find. i know this guy well and its very shocking to hear this. probably heat of the moment if he did do it. Not saying he is right if he did do it but far from a thug.


  37. Why cant our people see that God is calling for his children to return to him and worship him. Can we not see the signs of the time? its time to look up for the bible indicates that our God is a jealous God. It also says that if we beleive in him, trust in him and call on his name he will save and his word will not return to him void. He say in all things we should give him thanks and acknowledge him and that we should always put him first and he shall lead and guide us. My Prime Minister and other inspiring leaders please call on God. Drop on your knees and call on God, lets die to self and remember bby whom and why we are here, young men and young woman seek God for happiness is found in him, I promise you will find peace in him, he is not in the clubs or on the blocks, he is not found in man, nor sex, nor drugs, or your girlfriend or boyfriend, see the enemy comes in like a theif and his only aim is to destroy and kill you. It is never to late to start over to turn to God. You dont have to go to church or dress in a coat suit to find him for he accepts you for who you are, dont mind what your boys may think but you be a leader and I promise you they will follow many are lost. Seek deep and be strong for change start with us. To many of our love ones blood are being consumed by this soil that we walk on,

    • This is a very inspirational comment. I hope that more Bahamian people both young and old will read this and take heed to what you are saying. For indeed, change does start with each of us.

  38. I just have to say, this news is so crappy and unprofessional. My goodness, at least get your facts straight first and post a descent pic of the person. Further more, my cousin Mark Fyne was home taking care of her daughter when she got shot. Get your facts straight BP, this is bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • My Point exactly..Cause i did not realize that the police revealed a for sure suspect..and i just cant see marky doing something like this..And yes they could have put up a more sensible picture

    • but seriously, isn’t that what this site is known for? They specialize in unprofessionalism and unreliable reporting. And have only a passing acquaintance with the truth.

    • I agree, bahama press needs to stop reporting FALSE dam news…wel all their story don’t be false, part of it do be true but the other 95% is soooooo falsecuz jus last month they report my neighbor, his wife & friend lifeless body was found at sea, only for us to find out him, his wife & friend were ALL Alive & well…they really need to stop & get their facts together cuz they hurting alot of people in the process

      lookin at that photo you would think he a thug or a bad person but that is NOT the case..he is a very quiet, humble, nice and easy going fella, they most likely looked for the worst photo to put up…and besides u can NEVER really know someone, cuz sometime some people look so charming & they the worst kind, so never judge a book by it’s cover….i hope the truth reveals itself in short order….none the less this news is sad, for all persons involved & may her soul rest in peace

      • You know concerned now that you have made a claim against Bahamas Press we welcome you to point us to the story you deem incorrect and let us make the necessary corrections. We recall never reporting such, but we challenge you to provide us with the link and detail to us for all to see where our report was incorrect.

        WE AWAIT!


  39. If the gal wants out or you suspect she is being unfaithful, just leave the relationship!



    • thats why no need to take some1 else life’s when you kill some1 and then you end up to prison for the rest of your life. if the woman or man don’t want you just LEAVE

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