Our News Cable Bahamas Team in big hot row! Nightly news could collapse like Aliv…



Cable Bahamas’ head office.

Nassau, Bahamas – Trouble is brewing at the Cable company once again and this time its not Aliv.

Sources deep inside the company tell us serious management issues have erupted in a war on the Cable Bahamas Our News set.

We have learned about four reporters have served notice on the Cable Company and are calling it quits if Cable doesn’t get their act together.

The journalists all worked for the Nassau Guardian who last year also ran into problems with Cable Bahamas when they changed the news format from NB12.

We understand every effort to save the newscast from their decision is being done.

Cable Bahamas has outstayed and outplayed its welcome in the Bahamas and right now all its sister companies are feeling the same rejection from residents.

On Grand Bahama the since Hurricane Matthew cable services appears as if it has vanished off the island.

Will Our News collapse like the FNM before a general election?

We report yinner decide!