14 Cubans intercepted turned over to immigration authorities…


Defence Force Apprehends Cuban Migrants

Cuban migrants awaiting to be transported to the Carmichael Road Detention Center. The 14 migrants were apprehended of Highbourne’s Cay in the Exuma Sound.
Cuban migrants awaiting to be transported to the Carmichael Road Detention Center. The 14 migrants were apprehended of Highbourne’s Cay in the Exuma Sound.

Coral Harbour Base, 23 July (RBDF) – A total of 14 Cuban migrants have been turned over to officials at the Carmichael Road Detention Center after being apprehended by members of the Royal Defence Force on Saturday afternoon.

While on routine patrol, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force patrol craft P-128 coxswained by Petty Officer James Darling, intercepted a 20-ft makeshift motor vessel approximately 2 nautical miles east of Highbourne’s Cay in the Exuma Sound at 12:30 p.m. this afternoon.

The 14 undocumented Cuban males were subsequently taken aboard the Defence Force vessel and transported to Coral Harbour Base where they were handed over to Immigration officials for further processing.

This incident makes a total of 26 Cuban migrants apprehended by Defence Force officials this month.

The organization remains committed in protecting the territorial waters of The Bahamas.

Defence Force patrol craft P-128 arriving at the Coral Harbour Base with 14 Cuban migrants. The migrants were transported to the Carmichael Road Detention Center.
Defence Force patrol craft P-128 arriving at the Coral Harbour Base with 14 Cuban migrants. The migrants were transported to the Carmichael Road Detention Center.

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