Mayaguana Bride-to-Be Wins BTC Arawak Homes House


BTC Upgrade’ Sweepstakes and Text-to-Win Winners, Announced

Tameka Brookes accepts on behalf of her cousin Natera Burrows, grand prize winner of a brand new Arawak Homes House upgraded with all BTC services and a palette of fancy beverages.
Members of the crowd also had the chance to win phone cards and top of the line smart phones and tablets at the BTC Upgrade Bahamas Grand Finale Event.

Nassau, Bahamas – Recently engaged Mayaguana native Natera Burrows received the news that she was the winner of the BTC “Upgrade Your Christmas” House Giveaway, by telephone. The young bride-to-be, unable to attend in person, was in disbelief when BTC called her in Mayaguana from the Grand Finale party at Marathon Mall with the news that she was now the owner of a brand new, fully furnished Arawak Homes house equipped with the latest BTC technology and services… a value of over $150,000. The winner’s cousin, Tameka Brooks had represented her in the Grand Finale draw in Nassau and picked the winning house-door key.

Indira Collie, BTC’s Manager of Public Relations, said that the promotion attracted thousands of contestants and that Natera Burrows beat incredible odds to win.

“The 8 finalists were randomly selected from thousands of entries. The promise of a brand new house triggered an enormous response. Customers were eligible to win by paying their bill in full, signing up for a data plan or a minimum $10 top-up. Over the holidays we saw great participation in the number of customers willing to text up, top up, pay up or sign up. We know how much our customers appreciate these prize-winning opportunities and we will certainly be doing more.”

Crowds packed the party arena at the Mall drawn to BTC’s ‘Let’s Make A Deal’ prize-winning party game night, a preview to the Grand Prize Draw for the new house. Emcee, Demetrius the Karaoke King, kept the crowd entertained with prize-winning games and onstage antics. Bahamian artist Preston “Puzzle Man” Wallace, Junior BTC Starmaker Gabrielle Stubbs and dancers from several Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival groups also entertained.

BTC CEO Leon Williams addressing the crowd said a big thank you to The Bahamas for their ongoing support of all things BTC.

“On behalf of the 779 staff at BTC as well as the executive team and the board of directors, we want to thank you for coming out this evening and for your support during 2014. We are looking forward to your support now in 2015, and for all of the great new changes we have in store starting with the introduction of IPTV beta testing to Cat Island by the end of this month. Also, for more chances to win prizes we encourage you to watch the BTC TV Show, the new season starts January 21st on ZNS.”

Franon Wilson, President of Arawak Homes Ltd. said that BTC’s choice of prize was nation-building.

“This particular BTC initiative is truly epic,” said Mr. Wilson. “The fact is that BTC isn’t just giving someone a home, they are giving someone a chance to change their family’s life for generations… that is stability. So many of us talk about our grammy’s house as the family homestead. That is the impact of this giveaway. Home ownership is the Bahamian Dream and BTC and Arawak Homes are making that dream a reality for someone.”

Farrell Goff, BTC Mobile Product Manager, said this is BTC’s biggest prize ever. “In the past we’ve given away cars and trips, but this time we wanted to think bigger. With our house giveaway, we will take away all the red tape and requirements and skip the 30 year relationship you have to make with the bank. That is a major deal.”

The “Upgrade Your Christmas” House Giveaway finalists were: Shermaine Evans-Bain, Prescola Deveaux, Jerome Baptiste, Kelson Brice, Thomas Goodwin, Carl Williams, and the winner Natera Burrows, who was represented by her cousin Tameka Brookes.

The second prize winner of the promotion, Shahika Dorsett, won a round trip to New York City courtesy of Alamo Car Rental. Third prize winner, Shermaine Evans-Bain won his and hers jewelry from Columbian Emeralds, and the remaining finalists received top of the line Samsung smart phones.

The winners of the most recent text-to-win competition were: Dominic Collie first prize – $8,000. Danny McKenzie second prize – $4,000; Jules Knowles third prize – a Jorg Gray watch, signed by President Barack Obama.

BTC Upgrade Bahamas 2nd prize winner Shahika Dorsett, who won a round trip to New York City, said she plans to take her son to the Times Square Toys’r’Us.