Haitian man sentenced to two years in FOX Hill for harbouring illegals….


Saintilus Souffrant

FREEPORT – Haitian national, Saintilus Souffrant, 41 was arraigned and convicted in the Freeport Magistrates Court #3 this past Monday before Magistrate Rengin Johnson for Habouring three illegal Haitian females at his residence on Gordon Avenue.

Souffrant was unable to pay his court imposed fine of $6000.00 and was subsequently flown to New Providence to commenced his 2 years custodial sentence at the Bahamas Department of Corrections. Upon completion he is to be deported to Haiti.

The three Haitian females, who were charged along with Souffrant and convicted for Illegal landing, were each able to pay their $300 Court imposed fines and were turned over to Bahamas Immigration.

On Tuesday they were flown into Nassau to be detained at the Detention Centre until repatriated to Haiti.