Sicko to learn his fate today in case where daddy molested his 9-year-old daughter!


Where is the long awaited MARCO ALERT to let us know who the pedophiles are?

Behind bars

Nassau – A 50-year-old man who molested his 9-year-old daughter is expected to know his fate in the court of JUSTICE Renae McKay

There will be another interesting case in courts today and we at BP will be deeply interested in.

It is the case, which involves the biological father of a child, a 50 year-old man, who is charged with having unlawful sexual intercourse with his 9-year-old daughter.

The incidents occurred while the child was in his care. Her mother was at work at the time of the incident.

The jury we know will be deliberating and the country should hear from them sometime this week if not today. The Hon. Justice Renae McKay, one of the country’s most decent legal minds [now functioning on the bench] is hearing the case. And we know justice shall be served in this matter.

As we look deep through the court today and pray for the MARCO ALERT quickly come fully into operation know this; ONLY YOUR BP will let yinner know what happens as it happens while it happens. Meanwhile our friends in The WUTLESS MEDIA DEM ga try to figure out how they ga salvage Duane Sands and stand him up to overthrow Hubert Minnis.

We report yinner decide!