Davis on passing of ADC Inspector Blatch


From the Leader of the Opposition On the Death of Inspector Carlis Blatch

Opposition Leader Hon. Philip Brave Davis Q.C.

I and all my colleagues and the entire PLP are simply devastated by the murder of Inspector Carlis Blatch. We ask ourselves how much sorrow and needless death are we to bear.

One of our nation’s finest has been taken from us. A man who had come into his own and with the promise of a great future in front of him snuffed out for no good reason. The meanness of the act of murder in front of his child shows us how low we have sunk.

No statistical chart can provide any level of satisfaction on the state of law and order. Another good person is dead.

Our dear Governor General has been stripped of an able aide de camp. The nation bears the scars.

We mourn with his family tonight. May God give you peace and comfort.

May be rest in peace.