Power outages in the Bahamas are UNACCEPTABLE letter writer say….

People paying their bills in BPL and yet the power remains off!

By Michael Culmer

Tonight I turned of my generator so that I can experience what most of the country go through on a daily bases with BPL and the constant power outages.

There is absolutely NO way that this should be acceptable. After two hours of pure heat and kids complaining and fanning,I decided to turn the generator on.

I went in my car for a drive to see how much areas was off and to ride by the beaches to see the amount of people park up and sleeping on the beaches.

The majority of Nassau power is off and the beaches are packed with people who leave the safety of their homes just to feel a little cool breeze on the beaches.

The gas stations are jam packed with people purchasing gasoline and diesel for generators and their vehicles.

Several persons are just sitting around in gas stations yard for what ever reason they are.

There are accidents on just about every stop light.

This is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to the Bahamas and the Bahamian people. There is no way the Minister and every member on the board of directors at BPL should not be forced to resign.

The Bahamas is being held hostage by a group of clueless no ideas fools. They care nothing for the Bahamian people as long as their families are being paid from over priced fuel and rented generators.

Blackouts has always been an issue in the Bahamas but this is the worst it has ever been. Millions on top of millions of dollars of tax payers money spent on rented generators that is supposed to put an end to blackouts as they said,but it has gotten worst.

242 it’s time to vote for a M.P and a Prime Minister who will support and push for the switch over of BPL to solar from high cost of fuel and unnecessary millions on rented generators that don’t work.

I try to keep this as less political as possible because PLP,FNM and DNA supporters are suffering throughout these dark times.