105th murder suspect turned himself into police


Freeport, Grand Bahama – Bahamas Press is now reporting the capture of the suspect in the murder of Dennis Louis. His body, you would remember, was the one Police on Grand Bahama near Pelican Lake in West Grand Bahama

Apparently, the suspect wanted and believed to have committed this crime is now in police custody. Bahamas Press’ deep throat on the Royal Bahamas Police Force confirmed, Oswald Pinder, turned himself into police custody on Friday around 12pm. He is expected to be formally charged before the court on Monday for his involvement in the country’s 105th murder since 2009.

Pinder, we know and you should also know, had been arrested before for being in possession of a firearm. Here is a classic case where even the Americans are now becoming concerned with the Bahamian Criminal Justice System; where criminals who have illegal weapons are released on bail and are given a second chance to evade the law to kill innocent Bahamians.

Pinder walked into the police station on Grand Bahama. This time he turned himself in. Watch now and witness how some JACKASS lawyer will advise him to plead not guilty and tie the noose around the neck of the Criminal Justice System.

We need Change!


  1. I agree KK. Now lets just hope the RBPF can learn to be affective and do their job properly so that if he is guilty he doesn’t get off due to their arss whoopings etc.  Only in a mismanaged country can police officers do the crap the RBPF does and get away with it. Why dont we ever hear about these cases of police brutality being brought before the courts. Why do officers such as the two who MURDERED Eddison Key be given half pay etc? why are they not immediately FIRED, and arrested like everyone else who commits such offences? Sometimes i think our leaders are so sure that everyone here is dumb and easily manipulated that they dont see a need to do better. AND ITS REAL SAD THAT AMERICA HAS TO CONTINUOUSLY EXPOSE US AND SHAME US FOR OUR WRONG DOINGS BECAUSE WE AS A PEOPLE NEVER FESS UP TO IT AND INSTEAD SWEEP EVERYTHING UNDER THE CARPET LIKE THE NASTY CROOKED CORRUPT PEOPLE WE TRULY ARE.

  2. I don’t know whether this man committed this crime or not so I won’t get into that. However it is important to remember that turning yourself in to the police because you are a suspect does not automatically mean that you are confessing that you have committed a crime.  Instead of being so quick to label him a criminal, lets just commend him for doing the right thing by coming forward.  If we start making everyone that turns themselves in to the police think that this is an indication of guilt, nobody ever will.  Innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

    • Point taken, the word I should have used was suspect instead of criminal. At least these persons are now finding the courage to come forth and are now turning themselves in and we should be here encouraging them to do that. I would just like to clarify that my comment my was not really geared at this case particularly, because I really don’t know the accused or the situation to form an opinion. My comment was really based on my views of our justice system and how I feel it is so easy for persons who are accused of murder to receive bail.

  3. That’s good how these criminals are now coming forth and turning themselves intothe  authorities, I guess they don’t mind doing this, because they know they will be given bail anyway.

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