Sandilands Robert Smith Child & Adolescent Complex without AC since April with 15 patients suffering in the heat!

Robert Smith Child & Adolescent Complex at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Center.

NASSAU| Patients are experiencing seizures as we write inside the Robert Smith Child & Adolescent Complex at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Center as the newly built unit has not had a functioning air condition unit for months.

We can say some 15 patients are on this ward, which has no windows to relieve the patients in this high summer heat.

We also understand nurses, who attempted to purchase fans to relieve the room have been blocked by the management at Sandilands.

The Minnis Government who has much to say about COVID has nothing to say about the suffering of Bahamians at the facility. If you have a relative at Sandilands, please, take dem home!

We report yinner decide!