Someone please show Wesley Ferguson the DOOR as Taxi Union President…


Wesley Ferguson collected rent from some 50 taxi drivers monthly!

WESLEY “HOG” Ferguson

NASSAU| Hardcore Minnis supporter and the last JACKASS standing in support of the former PM is running for reelection as TAXI Union President and could see his final days in office coming.

The WUTLESS President decided to come on the attack of the Davis Government for releasing taxi drivers from Ferguson’s slavelike HOGGISH mentality.

Transport Minister Jobeth Coleby Davis has freed scores of drivers who once rented from Ferguson who enslaved them by renting them his plates monthly.

The Davis Government has made it a clear mandate to grant licenses to scores of persons who have been in the business for years but had to rent plates to survive.

The damn Minnis supporter Ferguson went boldly like the JACKASS AND HOGS he is to tell drivers to return their newly issued plates so they can remain working for him! Well, what is this?

Ferguson had some 50 plates that he rented and collected thousands of dollars each month. 

Scores of drivers have now left not only the FNM but have told Ferguson to rollout and hit the road as he never cared for their livelihood or wellbeing!

BP encourages Taxi DRIVERS to organize against WESLEY “HOG” FERGUSON and tell him – like Bahamians told Hubert Minnis on Election Day – his days as Taxi Presdient are up!

We report yinner decide!