Free National Movement’s Torchbearers Youth Association Offer Prayers for Student


Jamal Moss, President of the Torch Bearers Association

STATEMENT BY PRESIDENT: The Free National Movement’s Torchbearers Youth Association extends our prayers and hopes for a successful recovery to the thirteen year old student, shot on Blue Hill Road on Monday 13th September. While we understand that this event must be a devastating blow to this student’s family. We remind them and the many others who are victims of crime, that we stand with them and that we condemn such irresponsible, wayward and life threatening behaviour.

The Torchbearers are confident that the police will continue to conduct a thorough investigation and that the responsible party will be charged and eventually convicted for such a senseless and cowardly act.

While we encourage our young people to take advantage of after school tutoring, public parks, extra curricular activities and the ability to positively socialize with friends; we remind them to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings and to keep a watchful eye over children younger than themselves.

We remind all young people everywhere that crime cannot be tolerated in our Bahamas. Our country’s foundation is securely and deeply rooted in a spirit of tolerance, love, hard work and respectable people. Any criminal activity is an attempt to destroy the continuation of the dream that our forefathers had for this nation, to do this would be reprehensible.

Crime is a problem that affects us all and the solution is one provided by us all. If we speak up and out about crime and refuse to harbour criminals. If we decide that we will provide the authorities with the necessary information and details to solve crimes, then we will begin to see a difference in our communities.

The Torchbearers Youth Association continues to support positive Youth Activities and Programmes provided by the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture, the Ministry of Education; churches; community and civic groups.

To all Bahamian students who have returned back to school in the Bahamas and abroad, the Torchbearers Youth Association wishes you a safe and productive school year. Learn all you can while you can, the Bahamas needs you at your best and remember Youths are the solution NOT the problem