Charles Maynard is livid as Bahamian men failed to make 100m semifinals

Charles Maynard

Nassau, Bahamas — Charles Maynard, Minister for Youths, Sports and Culture is livid at this hour as the Bahamas, which once held a firm grip on the silver medal at the international IAAF World Championships, has not qualified for the Men’s 100m.

Bahamas Press
agents are now in Daegu, Korea, where the events are being held. Our source has noted a war of words has erupted between members of the Bahamian team.

We understand a decision by a coach has landed the Bahamas in the stew of not qualifying for the finals.

Our man on the ground tell us, a senior coach decided to allow substitutes to run in the qualifying rounds of the race and at this hour, the Bahamas silver medal boys, will watch the finals even though they could have beaten the Americans team this year.

Teams, we are told, believe the senior coach making the decision has allegedly committed TREASON, and that it is possible some kind of payments could have been made in Korea to see to it that team Bahamas does not make the finals. The Bahamas didn’t even make the semifinals.
In 2007 in Osaka, Japan Bahamian track star Derrick Atkins won the silver for the Bahamas at in the finals.

Bahamas Press is watching the event very closely and we advise the minister to have the BAAA’s watch their selection of coaches more carefully.


  1. As, was mentioned,the team was the men’s 4x400m.
    With regards to the very strong term “TREASON” I find difficult to accept such a strong statement. It is reasonable to suggest that a poor decision was made with hopes of making it to the finals without the team’s best. This was very unfortunate for us as a country…..We will be the talk of the Track world for a while…..It will be interesting to hear the response from the head Coach…..Lift up Your head to the rising Sun Bahama land…..We do have a good group of young 400m runners in the pipe line.

  2. they are biggots check the way they treate the father of shaunae miller it is clearly a situation where the kminister should have stepped in in light of the sacrifices and contribution this young lady made in the last year they treated my son the same way ten years ago placed another athlete on a team whpo was clearly no as qualified to go. the baaas plays politics with those kids and sometimes its detrimental to their futures. but what can i say everything in this country is politically motivated. the trials are held and when yopu hear team selections the bestathletes are not carried, then they make some public statement that the one carried was more versatile or some other garbage. ther cant run squat. but are replaced every year pulling their friends to meetingsa to vote for them.

  3. Shouldn’t that be the men’s 4×400 relay. I wondered about when I saw who they let run the relay. They took some people who I think should not have been taken, but that is what they do at the BAAA. Same ole deadbeats!!!

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