No Pension Laws to Protect Bahamian Investments! It’s a Crying shame to see what is transpiring at City Markets


Workers at City Markets gather at the East West Highway head office demanding the owner to please give them what belongs to them. - Photo by The Nassau Guardian -

Nassau, Bahamas — When will the Government rise up and protect Pension Funds in the country and begin fighting for the poor in our society? Our article tonight is vintage BP, and whosoever corn gets mashed today, then so be it.

Bahamas Press is asking this question as we monitor the plight of the workers at City Markets.

Since the new owners took over the troubled food store chain, workers have been getting the bad end of the stick. Stores began closing, workers started to resign, the deli kitchens closed up shop; with signs of renovations posted, and the list goes on and on. What a mess!

However, what sparked our article today is the fact that workers now terminated at the store cannot get a dime from their pension funds, which was accumulated for many, many years.

Operators at City Markets we are told borrowed money from the people’s pension fund and to date, some workers finding themselves in distress are being turned around like the roundabout on the Independence Highway.

Fact is some workers cannot get any information on what their holdings in the pension fund are, and to date, nothing is being said on the issue. Bahamas Press’ mission here is to find out where, is the people’s money? More importantly we ask, where are the special-interest groups all across this country who seek right for animals, and get the legislation move in the House in a heartbeat, before they fight for Human Beings?

We have seen this ‘vicked’ backside rape of the working poor far too often in this country, where politicians are locked down in debates protecting dog, cat, rat, turtles, and now sharks, but don’t gives a rat dropping about MAMA and the loss of her pension money CLICO, and now City Markets? What kind of jacklegs are these, we are sending to Parliament?

Dion Foulkes - The Failed Minister of Labour has overseen lost more than 40,000 jobs since 2007 and has not created not one since appointed.

What kind of ‘vicked’ corruption is this? There are no pension laws on the books to protect the hardworking investments of Bahamians! WHY? Why would the pension administrators not speak up? What about the Oldest Union, The Bahamas Hotel And Allied Workers Union, how safe is their pension funds? In fact, how safe is the Government’s own pensions fund; administered by certain insurance companies?

When will the move to protect PENSION FUNDS begin? Or will we wait until they all become victims themselves.

Why is it, we have fast tracked laws to protect the sharks, turtles, grouper and dogs, but not humans? We are PLAYING MANNNNNNN!

How many people remember the situation with the Cole Thompson employees? How many people remember Clico in 2008? How many people remember Darbeau and the rip-off of pension funds in this country?

How could you love the sharks more than you love people? Who are the real predators here?

Poor people have no special-interest groups to lobby for them nor a government that cares about them.



  1. Na, as much as i hate governments I must say that this one enn gat nuttin’ ta do with Government or politics. This is just pure economics at work. City Markets was a very reputable company back in the days. #1 in days gone by, but competition has been stiff and I must admit that i’m surprised they survived this long after “the boys” took over.

    They may go under, but the good thing about competition is that it ensures that customers get every pennie out of their dollar. There are alternatives.

    The unfortunate situation are the workers and their families. The best thing that I personally think can happen now is to terminate all of the employees from the closed establishments and pay their allowances, pension + benefits. Let professional persons who at least have a background in retail/wholesale foodstore chain businesses take over and steer the course.

  2. This is why we need to get rid of dem wutless UNIONS that don’t do anything but collect money from de peeples….GO SHARKS!

  3. In my opinion the lousy ass Free National Mess government is doing EVERYTHING to lose the next general election.I feel sorry for the workers at City Market, lets see what the Minister says about the Pension fund. What a bunch of feckless misfits !

  4. In my opinion the lousy ass Free National Mess government is doing EVERYTHING to lose the next general election.I feel sorry for the workers at City Market, lets see what the Minister says about the Pension fund. What a bunch of feckless jackasses !

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