FNM Cronyism strikes again! Rhonda Bain to be appointed Judge


ronda-bain<<< Pictured from left to right are, Hubert Ingraham, Rhonda Bain and Chief Justice Burton Hall.

Nassau, Bahamas — The FNM and its bossy, biggety leader have done it again! Well deserving FNMs need to pull out their note pads and start making notes of all the crazy decisions and nonsense being done by their political party and its Mugabe-styled leader. Attorney Rhonda Bain is set to be named Judge in this country’s Supreme Court. Well we thought the new idea was to clean up the Judicial System, so why are they appointing Legal Riff Raff to such high positions?

We understand that the Bar Association made its displeasure of this appointment known to the appropriate authorities however the disapproval fell on deaf ears as when Hubiggety Ingraham aka Mugabe Ingraham says something he MEANS what he says and in this instance, the deal is sealed.

Everyone knows that the ‘Bald Head Monk’ has been “tight friends” with Rhonda Bain even before she spat out twin boys for one of his close friends back in the 1980s. So even though Ingraham has turned away thousands of well deserving FNMs by REFUSING to help them in areas they are QUALIFIED to receive help, he has decided to appoint an UNSUITED LEGAL PIGEON (no we can’t call her a Legal Eagle as eagles sore high) as a JUDGE in this country’s Supreme Court. What a crying shame and a sad time in this country’s Legal System!!!

It is also a well-known fact that Rhonda Bain hates most men!!! So dog eat your lunch if you are a man and come to stand before her for judgment when she is appointed. It is said that she experienced some horrible crime back in the day at the hands of several men and since then she has been on a rampage against men especially when she started her own practice.

This woman is also known to make ALL judgements based on her FEMALE EMOTIONS so God help ALL a YINNAH who come before her if she don’t like ya ma or ya pa or she think you did something to her in the past.

Yes, people of The Bahamas, this is what we have come to. People are being selected to serve as Supreme Court Justices because they are FRIENDS with the FNM leader. This is madness!! What next are they going to shove down our proverbial throats!!??

It’s also said that Chief Prosecutor Bernard Turner will also be appointed JUDGE. This man has WORKED HARD and has a PROVEN track record, is QUALIFIED and is MOST DESERVING of the title of Supreme Court Judge. We cry shame that he has to don the same wig and gown that Rhonda Bain is set to put on. Shame!!!

We hope everyone remembers how the FNM at its rallies leading up to election 2007 lambasted the PLP for cronyism. Who’s doing it now eh!!?? Who’s doing it now!!??


  1. I’m glad BP allowed it. Its always funny to me to read comments from people who side with the FNM call other people dumb and can’t spell, use all kinds of incorrect grammar and write like they’re texting. Yeah, you smart alright. We’re dumb. LOL. Just because we use proper English and know a thing or two. Media, why didn’t you school that lil nanny mouth future jailbird on the fact that our constitution allows for the approval of judges to be done by the Prime Minister in consultation with the Leader of the Opposition. The chief justice can nominate persons and he can accept “advice” on nominations but the PM has final say on who is a judge and who isn’t.

    And to think, I’ve only spent 18 years of my life in school. Wait a minute. Thats a whole year longer than this child has been alive.

  2. Bobby Nique :Anyone who thinks that the FNM picked the judge is a real jack *** yes i said it, governments do not pick judges dumb ***, yall need to learn the system of your ***** country I am 17 and know the system better and has sense, yall could affot to not like Ingrham, because as far as I am concerned international governments raather this one than the last one who had a bunch of punks so all yall dumb son of a ****** wake up go take ya damn BGCSE’s yall dont have like da old people i see read ya constitution learn about your country, stop listining to yall pastor for political knowledge, read some damn books and stop being stupid fucks who can’t and think before ya damn speak, yall *** for real after what i see on dese comments my lil sister gat more sense den yall stupid’s OMG OMG OMG people in the world today need to really be smarter dumb *** bahamians have a 17 year old know his country better than dem sad SAD DAMN PEOPLE, the bahamas realy has to change I am so sic and tired of isolation with governments FNM government do dis PLP government do this come on bahamians its suppose to be government because all thoses guys work together dey pass bills and vote on stuff and yall dont even know, just like the dumb *** straw benders who cant even damn make sense when speaking or read or reason sigh sigh sigh sad nation I am growing up in

    BP I am surprised this person is allowed to use such foul language!! I thought the “F” word was prohibited on this site.

    • BP apologies for this post drama, but that’s what you get when someone has an extremely low vocabulary, a foul mouth. We should expect no better from Bobby.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. Thomas FInley :PLP supporters are so ignorant that no wonder we are in the state that we are in: don’t you people know that the executive has no role in appointing ordinary justices? what they learnin’ you’ll?

    I figure you were coming out with some garbage. If the damn (sorry BP) executive is a damn (sorry BP) DICTATOR and a SPITEFUL WRETCH, YES he WILL ORDER who serves as Justices.

    And, Finley in this case its the FNMs who are ignorant cause they put this Monster, Mugabe-styled freak in office.

  4. PLP supporters are so ignorant that no wonder we are in the state that we are in: don’t you people know that the executive has no role in appointing ordinary justices? what they learnin’ you’ll?

  5. @Drama King
    That is your opinion, and perhaps you are right. I just got some other information that says it is not. Who knows, everything in this little country, no I say most countries goes by who you know or who owe you one favour.

  6. Rudy and KK the back and forth argument continues…to Rudy I am most definitely in DISagreement with you. THIS IS cronyism. It is what it is.

  7. @KK
    Yes KK you are right as far as the US Supreme Court, but I beg to differ as people applying for Supreme Court Justice. I know factually that this has happened, but more than likely the ones invited will get the job.

  8. @Rudy
    The Supreme Court of USA is not the equivalent of our Supreme Court…rather it is the equivalent of the Privy Council/ Court of Appeal. Local US Judges are elected within their respective states.

    In the Bahamas traditionally only persons that are asked to apply to be Judges are accepted. Magistrates may apply at any time but Supreme Court Judges do not (unless you want to be looked down on by your senior colleagues). Look at the current Judges now and the ones predicted to be appointed and tell me how many of them applied on their own for the job.

  9. @KK
    That’s not so KK, you can send in an application. I know of persons who have, if you know of a vacancy. I gather the ones who are invited probably stand a better chance. The CJ will usually try and recruit some people as well.Judges to the Supreme Court in the US are appointed by the President, so I guess it’s all political.

  10. Anyone who thinks that the FNM picked the judge is a real jack *** yes i said it, governments do not pick judges dumb ***, yall need to learn the system of your fucking country I am 17 and know the system better and has sense, yall could affot to not like Ingrham, because as far as I am concerned international governments raather this one than the last one who had a bunch of punks so all yall dumb son of a ****** wake up go take ya damn BGCSE’s yall dont have like da old people i see read ya constitution learn about your country, stop listining to yall pastor for political knowledge, read some damn books and stop being stupid fucks who can’t and think before ya damn speak, yall *** for real after what i see on dese comments my lil sister gat more sense den yall stupid’s OMG OMG OMG people in the world today need to really be smarter dumb *** bahamians have a 17 year old know his country better than dem sad SAD DAMN PEOPLE, the bahamas realy has to change I am so sic and tired of isolation with governments FNM government do dis PLP government do this come on bahamians its suppose to be government because all thoses guys work together dey pass bills and vote on stuff and yall dont even know, just like the dumb *** straw benders who cant even damn make sense when speaking or read or reason sigh sigh sigh sad nation I am growing up in

  11. @ KK
    We should have elected Senators, elected COP’s and ALL persons vying for canidates should be highly qualified and experience in the ministrial post they will be appointed too…example Carl Bethel Minister of Education, that way you avoid Minister’s who seems to be clueless in the potfolios they were appointed to. Can anyone answer this question? Are ex-convicts allowed to vote?

  12. @Rudy
    What you must also realize it that you cannot simply apply to be a Judge, you must be invited to apply by the Judicial Services Committee. While it may seem that some of the ‘brightest don’t want to make the sacrifice’, the truth is that most of them aren’t even asked. We should have elected Judges as they do in the USA

  13. Was any body watching the game Cavs vs Magic?Lebron James MVP#23 is the best,better than Kobe.Let’s go Cavs NBA world champs

  14. @KK
    Well you are right about her qualifications. She is giving up a highly paid job from what I understand. Further she was offered this position before the FNM came to power. It seems the CJ likes people who have worked at the AG’s office as legal draftsman, so it may look like croynism, but I don’t think so, but we will wait and see. It is easy for the Bar to criticise but its best and brightest don’t want to make the sacrifice. The majority of the foreigners come here get too caught up in our politics and most of the time resent us for what they think we don’t deserve to have. Hopefully, we can get the government to better the pay and working conditions so that the positions on the judiciary will be more appealing to our over 1000 lawyers.

  15. In a way I don’t have a problem with this appointment from the view that she is experienced, qualified and was at one point director of Legal Affairs in the AG’s office.

    On the other hand I have a problem with these blatantly ‘friendly political favors’. It is clear that since her high flying, higly paid position at Bahamar isn’t seeming so concrete anymore and she ain’t looking to go back into private practice, this is a way for her to chill on the government pocket while gaining a dignified position then retiring with a sweet pension.

    It annoys the hell out of me that no matter how much you invest in your education and build yourself up in a career, unless you come from a political dynasty or are friendly enough within the circle, these doors are never opened up to you. How many much more serious, capable young legal minds are being overlooked for this appointment. SMT

  16. It just goes to show once again that laying on your backs in this town can get you great rewards. What are we teaching our children?

  17. Typical of the prime minister. I lost respect for Mr. Ingraham during the election campaign when he said that, out of every 10 police you see, 8, of them voting fnm. I thought that was a stupid and dangerous remark

    And the police force has been totally politicise by this government. Where a qualified assistant commissoner of police, whom the public sees as their new commissioner is left dangling by this administration

    One thing i can say about this present prime minister, he certainly leaves persons he think he can trust in some prominnent positions!

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