Report Confirms Perry Christie Must Go, or the PLP will DIE!


7perry<<< Christie nibbles on his finger at a public event. Report confirms that members of the opposition party are in trouble if they fail to embrace CHANGE!

Click to read report delivered to the PLP in June 2007 – Part 1

Click to read report delivered to the PLP in June 2007 – Part 2

Nassau, Bahamas – Members of Progressive Liberal Party will discover that since May 2, 2007 nothing has been done to better their position with the voters of this country. They’ll learn also soon regrettably, that because of their failure to CHANGE, particularly its leadership, they will find themselves encased as a dying opposition party.

Bahamas Press has obtained documents of a post-election report done on behalf of the organization, which entail reasons why the party lost the government in 2007. The Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research confirms what an Aunt Jean Nursery School three year-old child could have told the PLP. It concluded that Perry Christie’s weak leadership was the number one factor as to why they lost the general elections.

The report confirms that the PLP is quickly turning into an SENIOR CITIZENS PARTY [THE SCP], with young people between the ages of 18 to 50 now favouring the FNM. The PLP is popular among the uneducated, whilst it is controlled by the ‘BLACK ELITE’, or better yet some ‘BLACK CRABS’! It confirms that young persons with post high school education and college degrees favour the FNM. It notes that the organization was tainted by SCANDALS [THIS IS TRUE], and highlights conclusively that the PLP must CHANGE and must be seen to be making inroads to CHANGE immediately!bahindep-741836

On Thursday this week, once again Lady Pindling delivered a lecture to the party’s council members. This time she came prepared with talking points, BP was told. At the last party meeting she noted her intent to return to active politics, stating that the country needs the PLP and that she was prepared to enter the fight. Sources deep inside the PLP say it is possible Christie could face a Pindling challenge for the party’s leadership at the upcoming convention later this year.

As we have said on this blog many times before, if Christie remains as leader of the PLP and if Ingraham runs in the upcoming election, it is certain, the PLP will sit in opposition for a very long time. And to those who question the truth behind what we present on this blog all we say is this, read the report for yourselves.

Bahamas Elections

We wonder where this crew think they’re headed? On a suicide mission we could only guess.


  1. Having had the opportunity to read the first few pages of this report I am perplexed as to whether I should hang my head in shame or roll on the floor laughing.

    Shamed by the bold and pretentious way these charlatans have bent the PLP over and mercilessly fkd them in giving them this canned report which any high schooler in the Bahamas could do much better. Or laugh at the sight of same.

    This foolishness is no more than some FNM asshole in the so called intelligentia of this country would have given these fools in a bar room conversation. The report is patently false in its representation of the PLP base and flawed in its logic of its developement.

    But of course the PLP wouldn’t know this because they couldn’t trust a Bahamaian to do the report and the foreigners more than likely didn’t want any locals around to see how the fkd the PLP.

    The PLP ought to have known the value of polls from 2002 and should have had a consistent programme of polls to monitor the mood of the electorate for its entire first term.

    Of course this would require PC to talk to people more intelligent than Ron Rolle and he just couldn’t do that.

    This report does not address the obvious anomalies of the elction results with registered voters staying home in droves in key PLP constituencies and ones where they could have walked to the polling stations!

    I supposed this is what the PLP deserves. Its always easier to get fkd when you bend over.

  2. I would like to weigh in on the comments regarding this report. First of all whoever commissioned the report, should have saved their money, because it was very obvious coming closer to the elections that the PLP was losing ground among the Bahamian electoral, and the difference in the votes was honestly due to the lack of decisive decisions made by the leader of the party. That is keeping it honest! Now what I don’t understand is why we feel we have to go outside the country to get someone to come in the country to organize this report. All our leaders have to do is LISTEN to the people who are voting for them and they will know what is important to the voting public. Our leaders do not want to LISTEN, the PLP has moved from the party for and of the people to the Party of the privileged and entitled. I have read comments about the young people in the PLP party, and here is my honest opinion; What people need to see in both parties, (because the same issues exist in the FNM) is a transition of the old guard to the younger generation. Let us not fool ourselves, we cannot get rid of the old guard completely, but the voting public has to see that the process is taking place. True leaders are not insecure about talent and potential, and real leaders when they take office first identify their successor so that the legacy continues for Nation building. But the reality is the mess that exist in the PLP is not just because of the old guard, but the young people have to share some of the blame too. There is a sense of entitlement that exist among this new fresh young PLP as if because they have youth, education, prosperity, etc. they should automatically be given the chance to lead. Foolishness! I was thought that you have to earn respect, it is not given to you, and the young people in the party have to demonstrate discipline, and diplomacy. How can I vote for someone who airs their dirty laundry in the public forum. there is a place for that, and let us not hide behind democracy, it is shameful. I have the right to have as much sex as I want, with whomever I want, it is my democratic right, but should I do it on Bay Street? When we talk about leading this great country, I want a leader that I can believe in, not because of the color of his skin, his money, his house, his family blood line or what ever else we think should cause us to be entitled to have the right to lead, it should be because one has demonstrated the love for this country and it’s people and because one has shown the head, heart and stomach to lead. Consider this, what has the young people of whom we speak and who want to lead in the PLP brought to the table for this country to be entrusted to them? Every thing is a process, and change will come, but not at the expense of the Bahamian people. Now before you get me wrong I am a young person in my very early 30s that support the PLP and have ambitions, but I am disappointed on the approach that a lot of the young persons have taken in being noticed, and I am also disappointed that the leadership of this party has not taken steps to rope the young people in so that we would not have this rift, and make it seem that it is the old against the young. Voters will not support a divided party, and leaders don’t divide they unite and inspire.

    As for Lady Pindling, I do not believe that she is running for any political office. to be honest she has done it all, there is nothing no one can offer her at this point in her life to encourage her to run. I think her re-emergence is an example of what the people on the ground feel; which is a deep disappointment in the direction of the party and also the laid back attitude and a lack luster leadership. Where is the voice of the people in opposition? The PLP was born out of the struggles and social injustices of the Bahamian people, but the PLP today is more concerned about position and power instead of the issues and business of the Bahamian people, and remaining relevant. And no I do not agree with the statement that Lady P represented what was bad in the “old PLP” she is a woman who has seen much and been through much to fight for the people of this country, and she is very supportive of the young people, but I think her mission is the energize the base and to try recapture the spirit not the personalities of the what the PLP stood for. The PLP was about the PEOPLE, not deals, greed, power, money and everything else that has plague us in the past.

    It is time for a change, but a change in our MINDSET! I support the PLP, but I also love my country and want the best for my people. We as the young people….and the older members of the party have to get it right and fix our message, and create a platform and vision for the people.

  3. Finley, my cousin finley, Let the fnm run with the one legacy. A government that is suppose to be so smart and a prime minister who fnm pundits paint as the best prime minister “een gat no mo legacy dan dat”

    History is not going to be to kind to the prime minister, Oh, i forgot, he does have another legacy “STOP, REVIEW, CANCEL!!

  4. Objective thought i agree with both of your post. Mr. Christie surely defends his time in office. The current prime minister after his ignominious defeat, twice, i might add, the referendum, and the general elections, said that he had nothing to do with the fnm.

    Also a misconception that all the young people flock to the fnm, both parties have their share of young people. Mr. Ingraham has the record for the biggest cut-hip, TWICE!!……in an election year

  5. New leadership is always welcome but you do not throw out the baby with the water when acquiring it.Youth is on the side of the aspirants who need to learn a few other things and get politically savvy before just taking over.Dont get carried away by Obamas victory as he worked hard among the grassroots to attain it.Just check out HAI Cabinet,dumbo will never learn<Tommy cant cut the mustard and 10/45 is snarling and no one is backing off.Whats the big rush?Democracy must work b4 we reach a point of changing leaders in any organization.The aspirants need to be tested and no sitting at parties and socials prepares them.I am no politician and I recognise that whoever attracts the masses wins the pie.There are many issues that any aspirant can tackle but I see nothing happening.Since they all read these blogs I have a test that I wish them to take.Who will take on the debacle with phone card vendors who are being harassed daily?I will give the answer on Wednesday 27/5.And TP enjoy yourself bcos it aint long now b4 the house of victimization and do nothing falls.It did not have to be like this.Notice am cool as a cucumber lolo.

  6. @Objective thought
    Objective don’t get HOT OFF under the neck at us, we had nothing to do with the report. As we said a three year old in preschool could have told them the same thing.

    But I guess money buy land ech…

    Kim tell us what ya think?


  7. Drama King :Something has to be done before the next election cause plenty people cant take another term of FNM rule ESPECIALLY under Mugabe Ingraham. So if we call ourselves a two-party country, then we only can look to the PLP to get its act together and make itself attractive enough for the people of this country to vote for. The first step is to select proper leadership. Christie must realize now that he is old and played out.
    It is very obvious that the young people of this country vote for the FNM. Therefore the PLP has to use strategy to get their votes. The first thing should be to have bright, new, fresh ideas that would interest young people. The next thing is to put all the old PLP has-beens BEHIND the scenes. Who wants to vote for someone who was scandalized back in the 1970s but refuse to go quietly into the night. Again I say, Raynard Rigby, Ryan Pinder, Jerome Fitzgerald – These guys should be the new leadership of the PLP and watch the landslide victory.

    I don’t know why people keep saying that the young people voted for the FNM because that is a big LIE!!!

    The young people were split down the middle!! The one thing that made the difference in the election was the Haitian/Bahamian vote… All of my Haitian/Bahamian friends turned to the FNM because they said that the PLP was being too hard on their people!!

    By the way, the total votes between the 2 parties was less than 4000!!!

    Are you trying to say that their are only less than 4000 young people in this country???? Yall have to get real and stop repeating NONESENSE!!!

  8. Russell Johnson :This story has teared me up bcos I recall how we treated Sir Lynden after he lost power.The PLP must be very careful how they handle the demission from office of Mr Christie as the next General Elections is a slam dunk.No matter any improvements in the economy the families of manmy civil servants will remember how family members were treated by this corrupt and incompetent Govt.A healing process will be needed after the next Gen Elect. and the only Bahamian capable of leading that charge is Christie.Remember that the only reason remnants of the UBP are now able to exert economic power is bcos of Sir Lynden who extended an olive branch to the vanquished.Even the Cahairman of the Police Staff Association is under tremendous pressure from his members who feel so betrayed by the FNM that they are really working to rule.Christie is in fact the only hope for the Bahamas and crybaby 10/45 as the Indians in his party are lined up to take scalps and only he can stop the bloodbath that could ensue after the next Gen Elections.Many hate to hear talk like this but it is a reality as the people are tired of the FNM for misleading them with the TRUST agenda.Christie might not be all we want but he is all we have.

    I agree with you that PC is the best that we have at this time to win a general election but he is not “all that we have” at this time as you put it…

    Here is a big difference between PC and HI that got my attention and caused me to have much respect for PC… When HI lost the govt in 2002 and the then leader Tommy lost his seat in parliament, HI did not want to be the opposition’s leader in parliament.. Instead of defending his previous govt in parliament, HI, as told by Dupuch, used to go in and get marked as present when parliament meets but he went back home.. HI was like a little boy playing hooky from school!! He only went into parliament when he was about to speak and leave soon after he had spoken!!

    Fast forward to 2007 when PC lost his govt, PC went to parliament everytime it met and continues to go whenever it meets.. PC defends his govt’s policies with honor and with great pride!!!

    HI burst back onto the scene 2 years after being kicked out of govt, destroyed Tommy’s chances of contesting a general election after lying to Tommy ( HI told Tommy that he will never run against him as long as he was leader of the FNM) and took the reigns of leadership from him!!

    HI still was able to convince people that they could TRUST him over PC… HI has always been a better politician than PC and he still is but I will take PC as leader any day over HI!!!

  9. Be patient Altec, it’s coming. Just make sure your Kalik cold cause you know we had to make up from last week Sunday. Standby we’re uploading now and that SPECIAL Sunday treat should be done and ready to serve in a short bit.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. media :
    @Drama King
    BOY DRAMA this some deep stuff ech? Algernon and Bulgie on on side, Lady Pindling on the next. Boy things gata be bad in these organizations.
    Well listen, WAIT UNTIL tomorrow. Very early tomorrow there’s another BREAKING STORY from BP. Deep in the heartland of Andros, they’re flipping land. Again we have the facts! We have the prices and we know the people involved. Stay Tuned, BP readers, this one ga be HOT HOT HOT!
    Bahamas Press/editor

    BP i waiting for you to post this story!!!!

  11. Something has to be done before the next election cause plenty people cant take another term of FNM rule ESPECIALLY under Mugabe Ingraham. So if we call ourselves a two-party country, then we only can look to the PLP to get its act together and make itself attractive enough for the people of this country to vote for. The first step is to select proper leadership. Christie must realize now that he is old and played out.

    It is very obvious that the young people of this country vote for the FNM. Therefore the PLP has to use strategy to get their votes. The first thing should be to have bright, new, fresh ideas that would interest young people. The next thing is to put all the old PLP has-beens BEHIND the scenes. Who wants to vote for someone who was scandalized back in the 1970s but refuse to go quietly into the night. Again I say, Raynard Rigby, Ryan Pinder, Jerome Fitzgerald – These guys should be the new leadership of the PLP and watch the landslide victory.

  12. Christie is in fact the only hope for the Bahamas and crybaby 10/45 as the Indians in his party are lined up to take scalps and only he can stop the bloodbath that could ensue after the next Gen Elections.Many hate to hear talk like this but it is a reality as the people are tired of the FNM for misleading them with the TRUST agenda.Christie might not be all we want but all we have.
    This is The most Bull I have heard in ALL MY LIFE. This is what they want people to believe. The fact however is that his own Team don’t respect him by the lawlessness in the party .This is why the PLP have been this way for so Long. Only p-ssy cats are afarid to fight. get it over with now,and heal before elections.

  13. This story has teared me up bcos I recall how we treated Sir Lynden after he lost power.The PLP must be very careful how they handle the demission from office of Mr Christie as the next General Elections is a slam dunk.No matter any improvements in the economy the families of manmy civil servants will remember how family members were treated by this corrupt and incompetent Govt.A healing process will be needed after the next Gen Elect. and the only Bahamian capable of leading that charge is Christie.Remember that the only reason remnants of the UBP are now able to exert economic power is bcos of Sir Lynden who extended an olive branch to the vanquished.Even the Cahairman of the Police Staff Association is under tremendous pressure from his members who feel so betrayed by the FNM that they are really working to rule.Christie is in fact the only hope for the Bahamas and crybaby 10/45 as the Indians in his party are lined up to take scalps and only he can stop the bloodbath that could ensue after the next Gen Elections.Many hate to hear talk like this but it is a reality as the people are tired of the FNM for misleading them with the TRUST agenda.Christie might not be all we want but he is all we have.

    Associated Press Writer Young-joon Ahn,

    BONGHA, South Korea – Thousands streamed to a village in rural South Korea on Sunday to pay their respects to ex-President Roh Moo-hyun a day after he killed himself by jumping off a rocky cliff overlooking his home.

    In central Seoul, mourners laid white chrysanthemums — a traditional Korean symbol of grief — and bowed before a portrait of the 62-year-old ex-leader at a makeshift memorial outside the 16th-century Deoksu Palace.

    Roh, who relied on pluck and hard work to rise from his impoverished youth in rural Gimhae to become leader of this nation of 49 million in 2003, died Saturday morning. He left behind a note that described his suffering and asked that he be cremated.

    His suicide, just 15 months after he left office, came as he and his family faced intense questioning about $6 million given to the Rohs during his presidency by a Seoul businessman implicated in a number of bribery scandals.

    The allegations weighed heavily on a man who prided himself on his “clean” record in a country struggling to shake a cultural tradition of corruption.

    Prosecutors grilled him for hours three weeks ago, and said Roh denied the bribery allegations. They were to announce soon whether they would seek his arrest.

    “What’s left for me for the rest of my life is just to be a burden to others,” Roh wrote in the note found on his computer. “Don’t be too sad. Aren’t life and death both part of nature? Don’t feel sorry. Don’t blame anybody. It’s destiny.”

    His death stunned the nation. South Koreans were glued to TV monitors across the country. Many snapped up special newspaper editions about Roh. Tens of thousands flooded his Web site, posting condolences.

    “Roh’s life — fraught with challenge and glory and disgrace — ended like this. We pray for Roh’s soul,” the conservative Chosun Ilbo newspaper said in an editorial Sunday. The paper, which had an uneasy relationship with Roh, had called for a thorough investigation of the liberal ex-leader.

    Roh’s supporters accused his conservative opponents of driving him to his death with the aggressive investigation.

    “The people and history know well what led a former president to face that tragic end,” Kim Yoo-jung, a spokeswoman for the main opposition Democratic Party, said in a statement.

    Prime Minister Han Seung-soo and other top officials from conservative President Lee Myung-bak’s administration were turned away from the village of Bongha, the village Roh moved to after leaving office.

    Some Roh backers hurled eggs at a bus carrying Lee Hoi-chang, the conservative who lost the presidential election to Roh in 2002, South Korean news reports said.

    In Bongha, 280 miles (450 kilometers) south of Seoul, mourners — many weeping — clad in black burned incense and left chrysanthemums before bowing to Roh’s portrait.

    Scores of people, many bearing flowers and holding their children’s hands, walked more than a mile (about two kilometers) or took a shuttle bus to tents set up at Bongha’s community center and waited in long lines to pay their respects.

    Roh’s coffin, draped in red, had returned to Bongha from a hospital in the nearby city of Busan on Saturday, and was met by his daughter and son. His son, Roh Gun-ho, tearfully laid a single chrysanthemum before his father’s portrait on Saturday.

    The late ex-leader’s brother, Roh Gun-pyeong, sentenced last week to four years in prison in connection with a separate bribery case, also arrived to pay his respects after being granted a provisional release.

    Roh’s family agreed Sunday to a state-organized funeral, Roh’s aide said by telephone from Bongha. His body will be cremated as he wished and the mourning period could last up to seven days, the aide said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak to the media.

    More than 13,000 mourners have made the pilgrimage to the small village near Roh’s birthplace, Gimhae, police said.

    “Please rest in peace,” one mourner wrote in a guestbook. “We pray for your happiness” said another.


    Associated Press writer Hyung-jin Kim in Seoul contributed to this report.

  15. Well blow me down,the report must be debated and adjustments made.The perception of PLP supporters being uncouth is ludricous.In order for anyone to survive the attack of HAI and crew you better use foul language.Only this will attract their attention.The PLP will always have problems with the middle class despite creating it for black Bahamians.How far from their base should they venture?Thats a serious question for the next PLP leaders come PLP convention we should hopefully be seeing future leaders emerging.Bootlickers need not apply for leadership in the FNM or PLP.I suspect Christie is seriously considering the recommendations and failure to at least address could cause another group to leave.This time however they could eclipse all other PLP breakaway groups as young people want change now.

  16. @JT
    Like the report said the PLP is considered to be the party of those who can’t have a decent conversation without resorting to foul language,and name calling.

  17. Drama King :

    canesfins :Lady Pindling is not coming out to challenge for the leadership.

    I figured that she was not challenging leadership. The PLP needs fresh young minds. The party is stifling its young people. Raynard Rigby, Jerome Fitzgerald and Ryan Pinder….those are the guys who should be leading. They all have something to offer.
    This report that BP is telling us about shows why leadership of the PLP need to back off if they are not being SELFISH and has the party’s interest at heart.

    Good group of future leaders

  18. Can someone,anyone please tell who did these people interview. No one seems to know or have been questioned. My Goodness my baby sister could have told you the PLP was going to loose and why. This crap is one of the many reasons the party broke. The money could have been spent better.

    Who ever hired these guys fire them!!!!!!

  19. @Altec
    Such good advice I thought. Why did they have this report done if they weren’t going to at least take some of the advice. It was interesting to read about a strong youth arm and attracting professionals. PLP has to stop trying to discourage young people from taking on leadership roles. Them old PLPs got to give it up!!

  20. the report is sobering BP but what stings even more is since that report was complied in 2007, there isnt any visible signs that the PLP has made any adjustments at all.

  21. canesfins :Lady Pindling is not coming out to challenge for the leadership.

    I figured that she was not challenging leadership. The PLP needs fresh young minds. The party is stifling its young people. Raynard Rigby, Jerome Fitzgerald and Ryan Pinder….those are the guys who should be leading. They all have something to offer.

    This report that BP is telling us about shows why leadership of the PLP need to back off if they are not being SELFISH and has the party’s interest at heart.

  22. If I were a member of the media, I would be pro Fnm too: the fnm did the equivalent of freeing the slaves when they opened the airwaves. The 5 years that the PLP spent in government was spent trying to undo what the FNM had done. There were constant attacks and threats against journalists by the plp party and the government because no one in media was scareded of them, or prepared to cover up their corruption, incompetence, and their slackness and lack of discipline.

  23. @tp
    TP….how can we not be angry with the current administration. PEOPLE SHOULD BE OUTRAGED. From day one, there have been countless people that have been targeted simply because they voted for the party of their choice. How can we not be angry when it is clear that nothing is being done to deter crime, an issue that was a big part of their 2007 campaign. How can we not be angry when you have a man sitting in the US jail and the government has not yet filed papers to ensure that this man is extradited to answer to the charges made against him. I could go on for days. SOUR GRAPES? No! Perry Christie has his faults we have established that, but I would take him any day over a tyrant like HAI who rules by intimidating others and bullying others. The only reason that there isnt anyone making waves in regards to the leadership of the FNM is because those bunch of pu***** fear him. HAI may walk on water for you, but he and his party are failing shamelessly and calling themselves great.

  24. Press the report is most enlightening. It would do a lot of people on this site good to reveiw what was said and maybe they would,instead of bad mouthing the government come up with means of how to overthrow them.As it stands now running down Mr Ingraham and the FNM is only coming of as persons spitting sour grapes.

  25. The Wutless media had one story on the PLP convention day, say it is going to be a political bloodbath!!

  26. @Trinity
    The PLP always had or appeared to have a ‘deep bench’. When you look at their performances in Parliament I would say that the persons who are not just ‘fluff’, would be BJ, Fred, Brave and Alfred Sears. As far as leadership qualities, well I am not too sure. Obie is a good speaker, but I am not convinced that he is too much more than that, not much depth. Hopefully the PLP will get its leadership crisis sorted out and not destroy each other along the way.

  27. I don’t believe that Lady P is challenging the leadership either. In my opinion, she believes that not enough is being done by the opposition. This is the time for the PLP to rise up and be heard and they are not doing this. The FNM is faling miserably, and the PLP needs to highlight these failures. The problem is that the media “favors” the FNM, thus many of these shortcomings are understated or not mentioned at all. I think Lady P is trying to get the party going as it seems to be at a standstill. I do believe that Mr Christie has served his time, but the question of leadership poses a problem. I believe that there are many viable candidates, more so than in the FNM.

  28. @Drama King
    BOY DRAMA this some deep stuff ech? Algernon and Bulgie on on side, Lady Pindling on the next. Boy things gata be bad in these organizations.

    Well listen, WAIT UNTIL tomorrow. Very early tomorrow there’s another BREAKING STORY from BP. Deep in the heartland of Andros, they’re flipping land. Again we have the facts! We have the prices and we know the people involved. Stay Tuned, BP readers, this one ga be HOT HOT HOT!

    Bahamas Press/editor

  29. This is so deep, I dont even know what to say right now. We need change but I dont know if we need scandal ridden dinosaurs coming out of the wood works to “help”. I cant say if that is the answer.

  30. @JR
    JR , I agree with you. Lady P represents the ‘old’ PLP, they really would be truly going backwards. She did a lot of good but boy the reverse could be said too. An ‘old’ PLP told me the other day that she represented the ‘worse’ of Sir Lynden. I thought the PLP’s slogan was Forward ever backwards never. I understand one of the possible candidates for Deputy has already latched on to her gown tail, Heaven help us all if she falls for that clown!!

  31. So Omar, you finally found your tongue but had nothing to say about the land theft going on in the Land and Survey’s department? Typical opportunists. You only come out when there is a chance to pile on but when your so called issue is front and centre, as usual, you have nothing to say. The problem with the PLP also includes the shameless opportunist that hang on the fringes looking for what they can skim. They had that with their campaign and they have it now with all the hangers on still milking the party of its life. Omar can count himself in that group. What happened to SOUL? I guess its not important now that you know you won’t be running eh? Opportunist.

    Answer me this Media, if the PLP is turning into the SCP under Christie, what will change with Lady P? Isn’t she the epitome of senior citizen and “old” PLP?

  32. This report is serious. I am very moved by this report. as usual BP good work.. WOW! I am very upset after review of this report…

  33. The country’s biggest problem is Hubert Alexander Ingraham and Perry Gladston Christie are one and the same.They are pulling one massive scam on the Bahamian people.Notice how quiet mr.Ingraham was during mr.Christie’s term in office,indeed mr.Ingraham only found his voice during the election campaign.Meanwhile,all we can hear from mr.Christie is a roar of SILENCE and nothing else.Bahamians must wake up and come to the conclusion that both men deceived us and were under achievers in office.Bahamians control less of our economy today after 17 years of mr.Ingraham and mr.Christie than we did in 1992.Both gentlemen believe that only foreign investors and management can run anything successfully in this country.That’s why they are proposing to sell BTC to foreigners and the cable 15 year monopoly was given to Canadians.To paraphase William Shakespear we need to start anew first get rid of both Ingraham and Christie!The Bahamian middle class is suffering a slow and painful death as we lose our jobs and homes,we are being told by these two gentlemen that it doesnot matter how educated our children become and the fact that our children must train these foreigners and how better and more qualifications than these invaders.We are told that the foreign man/woman is just better than us.Well,i say that with the help of GOD we the ordinary Bahamians made this country great, with the highest per capita income out side of the USA and Canada.We developed tourism and banking and the world followed us,we were the originals and we can do it again!!!

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