Large trash bins placed in communities for garbage disposal

Large Bins in Communities...

Min. Kenred Dorsett
Minister of the Environment and Housing

RE:  Placement of the Large Trash Bins

June 2nd, 2013

For Immediate Release

New Environment Minister Ken Dorsett

On May 30th, 2013, I announced via press statement that the Department of Environmental Health Services would be placing large bins in strategic areas around the island of New Providence for the use of those persons affected by flooding caused by the torrential rainstorm of last week and those generally that may have large items such as furniture, mattresses and the like that need to be disposed of.

Further to that statement, please find below a list of where these bins can be found around the island:

Freedom Park, Fox Hill
Englerton Basketball Park, Lincoln Blvd.
Pinewoods Gardens Basketball Park, Bamboo Blvd.
Police Statement Basketball Court, Elizabeth Estates
Front Section of Freedom Farm, Yamacraw Beach
Kool Acres, Fox Hill Road Southern End
Near to Grace Gospel Chapel, Grace Avenue (Marathon)
Claridge Subdivision, Roads and Parks Compound
Salem Basketball Court, Kemp Road
Pond & Okra Hill, Earnest Street, nears to Ponds Liquor Store
Dumping Ground Corner Park, Bain’s Town
Black Village Corner adjacent to BEC next to the Parking Lot
D. W. Davis School Compound
Sandra Avenue, Sunset Park (Southern Shores)
Carmichael Road Opposite Beverly’s Kitchen
Kensington Gardens Basketball Park (Golden Gates)
Nassau Village Basketball Park, Taylor Street
Mason’s Addition Basketball Park
Basketball Court, Taylor Street off East Street
Basketball Court, Poinciana Avenue, Coconut Grove
Windsor Park

The bins will be available for the period of one week or until June 6th, 2013.  I would like to thank all of our corporate sponsors and partners such as Bahamas Waste Limited,  United Sanitation Services, IMPAC, Boomer George Trucking Service and Direct Waste  for their participate in this exercise.

I ask that all persons please utilize this facility to rid their surroundings of items that need to be disposed of.