Glenys Hanna Martin and Her NASTY TACTICS AGAIN!


glenysNassau, Bahamas — Breaking news now coming into Bahamas Press that the nasty tactics of  Glenys Hanna-Martin and her ‘VICKED’ display of NASTINESS is once again now being displayed at the Convention Center on Cable Beach.

Bahamas Press is on the ground at convention and has been advised that the National Progressive Institute and its members will not allowed to vote at Thursday’s election. BP can confirm that the group is now being advised that they will not be allowed to vote in the upcoming of the Convention.

According to the Party’s website, , the NPI is, “An advisory arm of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) that focuses on policy matters and engages the Bahamian civil society and community stakeholders about their issues and concerns, organizes “round table” discussions throughout the year, is designed to engage the wider Bahamian community and brings young progressive Bahamians together in settings where they can speak to their future vision of The Bahamas”.

Bahamas Press is advised that the NPI is being blocked because someone has suggested that the division was not functioning, however, several branches under Hanna-Martin have not been functioning , those members will represent at the convention after BP disclosed the ‘vickedness’ afoot.obie

Last week Bahamas Press noted that there is a candidate, OBIE ‘SNITCH’ WILCHCOMBE, who is also convention chairman will use his bedroom bully to block potential voters of the Party. We confirmed last week that old Stalwarts and Delegates were being blocked as participants in the voting process. Since we brought this to light, HANNA-MARTIN authorized the election of several delegates. HOW COULD THE PLP BLOCK PEOPLE WHO BUILT THAT PARTY? AND THE YOUNG PEOPLE WHO ARE THE FUTURE TO THE ORGANIZATION?

Meanwhile the SNITCH can be seen walking around the convention shaking, sweating and limping. We know he scared out of his pants. WHAT COULD HE BE THINKING OF THIS TIME?

Bahamas Press is also advised that Hanna Martin’s aunt is registering persons advising them to vote for Glenys and Obie, while the Party is blocking scores of young people and old stalwart. No wonder young people found it hard to support the PLP last election. Young people and independents often decide the outcome of general election, the PLP was advised of this why are they continuing this foolishness.  These the same people who making Mr. Christie look bad behind his back and talking about they supporting him to his face .



  1. Sorry if this post is a repeat but the first one didn’t show up, so I’m reposting. May we come together and save our nation. We must learn from our past (both the slavery, and the UBP rape of our people and nation, the brilliance of the original PLP but then the demise into “illicit/illegal” activities, the UPP/FNM secret relationship, and the sale of our beaches, and much of our best public lands to foreign investors who, typically (not always) do not have our best interests at heart. Sadly there are a few good politicians in both major parties, but due to the secret control of party leadership (by England and American and Bilderberg Group, Council On Foreign Relations and the rest of the global New World Order/Matrix) our small nation is doomed, unless we truly free ourselves totally. We must declare imperial religions, school systems, literature, thought processes DEFUNCT/WORTHLESS and work towards a Caribbean, African mindset and financial system. What works for them (the slave system, England, etc) doesn’t necessarily work for us.

  2. @Kim Sands
    shock ain’t the word cause i thought he had completely retired, you know Martin finish right…..i really don’t know what smith put his hand in the race for cause the hotel union battle still fresh in these plp minds how they did them people, some of those people who didn’t get paid for all those weeks some of their relatives are stalwarts voters….gal I can’t wait till friday, I wonder how does one become a stalwart voter….

  3. @LIZARD
    What you saying girl? I guess when they ready, they will let us know what they talking about aye? The last time I heard from you, you sound like you were in shock. I know how it is, sometimes you is be reading these things and you just can’t believe your very own eyes. If BP don’t look out they will cause somebody to have a heartache.

  4. Ummm did somebody died from aids??? that is indeed very sad. Well if somebody did died from it, I am sure they wouldn’t be the first or the last. Just keep praying and maybe one day, they will find a cure for it.

  5. The author of this message is as slimy as they come and one not to be trusted. Why isn’t something written here about partner in crime who died from aids.

  6. No need to worry about her, she will loose her chairmanship and Obie will loose his deputy leader bid.

  7. I have trouble keeping track. didn’t you anoint her “the giant killer” not too long ago?

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