The Man who takes on Christie…Paul Moss



  1. @Kim Sands

    hey gurl did you get a chance to listen to steve mckinney’s show this evening? if not it’s coming on at 11pm tonight on gems 105.9 listen to Paul Moss and tell me your opinion…..

  2. In order to vote you have to be an elected delegate from your local branch of the PLP or a stalwart councillor. Stalwarts are selected by the party, it is the highest honour that the party can bestow on a member and is given to those long-time supporters who have worked hard in furthering the aims of the party.

  3. Can somebody please help me out here? Who will be allowed to vote for the leader, deputy leader and the chairman positions in the PLP? I was here thinking anybody could of vote if they wanted to. I remember somebody on here were telling me they were a stalwart member and they could vote and I did not realize why they were saying that. Do you have to be a stalwart member to vote and how does one become one?

  4. Altec :

    Examiner :@Altec BP is now on the CDR team,but will wait until Thursday to disclose. I am getting this information on the ground from sources close to BP. In fact , the exact quote was “BP has had an epiphany, a road to Damascus experience and is now supporting the team of Christie, Davis and Roberts.”. Examiner is now smoking BP out of the bat cave.[Reply]

    BOL! BP done seen the light? so what am i going to do with all these diapers, pampers and depends?

    The pampers should be delivered right next to the convention hall, right outside Obie’s office. He can share them with Paul and BJ.

  5. home bouy next to hin represent grass roots ech back to paul he vote fnm he first time then plp 3 ah da last elections wow and he want to lead.and his view anyone who takes a life will get theirs taken he sound like the lord” he is an attorney surely he could have expoused his view in a better way……so are we killin the executioners too they taking life??or did he mean take lives of those who take life in the comission of a crime??????these people hungry man and they lookin to get they belly full at the tax payers expense more of the same next and better not fa my money paul come down come downlol

  6. LOOOOOOOOOOOOn jokes paul lookin fustrated he gatta plan hey i hope he gat an escape plan.if he persist in this fanciful idea he will be relagated to another one of nassaus mercurical characters. he cant believe he ga win…I can believe this steam turkey ving and vite rice vs serf and terff youll should no better an ant on everest come down come down from this grand delusion

  7. Examiner :
    BP is now on the CDR team,but will wait until Thursday to disclose. I am getting this information on the ground from sources close to BP. In fact , the exact quote was “BP has had an epiphany, a road to Damascus experience and is now supporting the team of Christie, Davis and Roberts.”. Examiner is now smoking BP out of the bat cave.

    BOL! BP done seen the light? so what am i going to do with all these diapers, pampers and depends?

  8. media :@JRHey Jr your such a great advocate, you can submit articles on here and we will publish. At your will.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP, I thought I told the wutless webmaster not to come back on this site.

  9. @Altec
    BP is now on the CDR team,but will wait until Thursday to disclose. I am getting this information on the ground from sources close to BP. In fact , the exact quote was “BP has had an epiphany, a road to Damascus experience and is now supporting the team of Christie, Davis and Roberts.”. Examiner is now smoking BP out of the bat cave.

  10. @Examiner
    I done tell yall, calmer heads will prevail and people eyes are open and realize that PC is the best chance to retain the gov whenever the bell is rung!

    Notice how quiet BP gone? he belly done start breaking down. i suspect him to write in the coming days some exaggerated story of how PC stole/fix the election so he would win.

  11. Altec :big bad brad is on Love 97’s Issues of the Day right now!
    The results of the convention races will be as follows:Leader: PCDeputy: Brave DavisChairman: Big Bad Brad!

    Altec, I am on the ground at Convention and did not see too many BJ supporters or Paul Moss for that matter. The word on the ground is that people are voting for the CDR team. That stands for Christie, Davis and Roberts. I am on the ground until Saturday, I am not leaving the hotel. I have taken my Imodium ad, I will not go to the bathroom. The Snitch looks lost with mailman, Wilmott and a band of idiots walking around.

  12. big bad brad is on Love 97’s Issues of the Day right now!

    The results of the convention races will be as follows:
    Leader: PC
    Deputy: Brave Davis
    Chairman: Big Bad Brad!

  13. @JR
    Hey Jr your such a great advocate, you can submit articles on here and we will publish. At your will.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. When you use other people’s work, you should give them the proper credit BP. Otherwise, you’re a plagiarist. Give Controversy TV and everyone else you borrow videos from their proper due, even if it hurts you to do so. its only the right thing to do.

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