Obie “SNITCH” Wilchcombe attacks Perry Christie and PLP on Jones & Co.


4181247_w350<<< Obie ‘Snitch’ Wilchcombe. File photo.

Click to listen as Obie ‘Snitch’ Wilchcombe attacks the PLP leadership on Jones & Co.

Part 2 of Jones Interview with Obie ‘SNITCH’ Wilchcombe

Nassau, Bahamas — The bearer of sour grapes was told to BE BRAVE and stop whining as he attacked Christie on Jones and Co this afternoon.

Host Wendall Jones sat with defeated candidate of the PLP, Obiediah Hercules Wilchcombe, after his good cut-you-know-what for the Deputy Leader post of the PLP. ‘Da Snitch’ could be heard telling Love 97 radio audience the PLP and its leader is ‘weak and indecisive’. His comments came just days after the PLP’s National Convention where Party leader, Perry Gladstone Christie, was returned to power by a 84% blowout voting block. Voters rejected ‘Da SNITCH’ along with his close friend Glenys Hanna-Martin in other races.

Wilchcombe called Christie ‘indecisive and weak’ but forgot  just one week ago how his campaign had posted a banner at the PLP prayer breakfast with Christie and himself along with the words, “The Winning Team”. However, in an about face, ‘DA SNITCH’ attacked the leader of the PLP and began praising Hubert Ingraham. WHAT IS THIS!?

Wilchcombe contended that Hubert is a strong and better leader [than Christie] as he continued his dastard attack on Christie. He argued that the FNM is stable noting that the PLP needs to begin to speak with one voice. Could ‘Da SNITCH’ be suggesting that the PLP is unstable after he was rejected? Could it be that since Convention has rejected him, he is prepared to gun the party along with Christie at all cost? OBIE HAS GONE MAD!christie-1.jpg

Wilchcombe added PLPs made a mistake by not re-electing Hanna-Martin as Chairman of the Party, and we know why. He questioned where is the PLP taking the people and further added how the PLP has never defined its vision in the last Christie administration.

bradley-roberts-min-of-wor.jpgHow could Wilchcombe make such comments only hours before calling the Party to unite? Could it now be the case where ‘Da Snitch’ is ready to ‘takeout’ the PLP at all cost?

Here’s the man who said he was the last to sit at the feet of Sir Lynden. Here’s the man who said he was the only candidate in the race, which served in the Christie Cabinet. Here’s the man who hoisted a huge poster of him and Christie one week ago and penned the words, “The Winning Team”. And most importantly, here’s a man we now see as  holding sour grapes who is now ‘punch drunk’ and bitter with the PLP!

We know him as ‘Da Snitch’! And we say to Wilchcombe only Bahamas Press has license to attack Christie! Back off or we will come and see you! Christie is the UNDISPUTED LEADER OF THE PLP! DAMN SNITCH!


  1. @watching and waiting

    LOL OK THEN then want compare me to flicken Obie who he supports from 1675 or whatever…… Ignorance is a MENTAL SICKNESS. He want compare me to Obie who his LEADER PERRY G. Christie annually have in his administration. Yet he support Perry Christie. Last time i checked Perry Christie was 50/50 with Obie and Brave Davis. And he know he wouldve prefer Obie because he got SKELETONS in he lil closet.

    This is one of the MAIN problems I have with Perry Christie he CAN NOT CONTROL HIS ADMINISTRATION. In the Elizabeth Constituency there have been numerous COMPLAINTS about Malcom Adderley and yet he let him run again and IRONICALLY win in the elections.

    Russell and co. want say this OBIE CONFUSE and etc.

  2. @ Russell Johnson

    You see its hard to have a desent coversation with idots,you watch too much amercian television calling Obama Hitler. They (the PLP) cannot even have a fair enternal election without corruption

  3. @Kim Sands
    Kim I don’t know if you saw it last week when I said that I was only trying to get on BP’s nerve by saying that I supported Obie but if you check, you would find that I did say that prior to the start of the convention….

    I was supporting Fitzgerald for the deputy spot but I also said that Brave was going to win along with PC and Brad. I was spot on… I thought BJ would have gotten more votes but not enough to win… I talked to a few people at convention (old and young) and they were very angry at the way BJ entered the race… They thought that he was totally unfair to PC.. They thought that he should have made it known to PC along time prior to placing his hat in the ring!! I saw their point and I had to agree… I always thought that BJ allowed his followers to push him in the ring at the wrong time!! But I also think that by BJ throwing his hat in the ring forced PC to see that there was a good amount of people who were not please with his leadership style!!! I hope that this wakeup call has awaken PC to do things differently!!!

  4. @watching and waiting
    I was an FNM but changed from 1972 when they sought to takeover the country by use of firearms,fires and intimidation.Stop this barroom talk and get real as no PLP member has been accused or charged with any crookedness.Now lets talk mona vie or the local Govt elections or Saunders beach or……..Some of you must fans of Hitler,Mugabe,Al Quida and the Klu Klux kLAN/

  5. I am scared the put the country back in the Hands of all these crooks, everything the PLP put there hands on looks mucky. By the way I am a plp, sorry use to be

  6. @Bahamasyouth
    You are so confused and must be related to Obie.Since you know how to use a computer please google Davis name and get informed.He is a damn good defence attorney who was left out of the last Cabinet bcos he had unfinished work.Listen to you again:” I really dont like FNM and I sure as hell dont like PLP”.A born UBP thats all and what you are,you make me sick.

  7. @Kim Sands
    Well in case YAL dont know Perry Christie didnt endorse nobody he was on the FENCE when it came to DEPUTY leader. If you ask me…. Theres plenty positive review about Brave Davis and plenty negative reviews about Obie. I really dont trust Obie for nothing he seems very wicked. And as far as Brave Davis but please forgive me for saying this but WHO IS HE?…. I mean he just appeared out of the blue these couple months but in 2007 I wouldve NEVER KNOW WHO HE WAS. Has he Ever stood as a MINISTER? ….. I dont know ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. And from what I understand he wanted to focus on his LAW FIRM well thats fine but to me thats a slap in the face and now he want POSITION?

    I really starting to get really annoyed with the plp…. i guess ill have to vote FNM AGAIN SADLY… I really dont like FNM and I sure as hell dont like PLP

  8. @Tink we fool
    I agree 100%…. All Im asking if that both parties have young people in so that when THEIR TIME IS RIGHT… They can run for LEADER. Only a few people comes to mind in THE PLP… Fred Mitchel marital status will be a problem but if you ask me hes PM MATERIAL. Alfred Sears Weak but Smart leadership style will be a problem. Brave Davis I guess will be some what ideal but you dont know much about him to say anything. Obie Wilcombe WEAK and WIcked…Thats basically it.

    Whereas the FNM got Branville who needs more experience, Tommy who is weak but very intelligent. Brent weak and intelligent but the TRUST factor is questionable. Vincent Vanderpool Wallace very brilliant but not being a lawyer will be a problem. Zhivargo Laing arrogant and poor people skills will be a problem.


  9. @ bahamas youth I feel what your sayin before any of that can happen there needs to be a paradigm shift the mechanisms arent in place to foster that at this time the ground work needs to be laid if you look at the african continent they wouldnt in many countries look at young leaders study it you will see the trend and dat fnm crew will eventually implode watch n see. cant see tommy bowing to bran and laing is closest to HAI so how that ga work We have to wait and see. Your right thou the younger members need a chance to get seasoned .remember sean mcweeny was young when he first went in politics….I really hope there is vision to accomodate the future because if not we in trouble

  10. @Objective Thought
    If I could remembered correctly you were willing at one point to throw your support behind this treacherous man. You keep saying you don’t trust him, but you were willing to support an Obie and Christie combo and all I was trying to do is to show you that it didn’t make any sense to do that. I am just please to know you are finally seeing the light and to see you understand what I was trying to show you all along. Obie isn’t nothing more than an opportunist. People might think I like to run on and talk foolishness all the time, but one thing about me, God has blessed me with a good perception. Sometimes, I might be little off target, but for the most part I don’t be that far off. I don’t believe you understood how terrifying it was when Obie decided to run and the possibility of him winning the Deputy Leader spot and to hear people saying they were willing to support him, when you know in your heart if he was to get that position that would be an enormous mistake. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t able to breathe proper until after the election, until I realized the results were in and he did not get the position he wanted. Let this election be a wake up call to him, to let him know the Bahamian people have his number and we don’t want him mixing up in our business. Now it is up to Perry to show the people he serious about change and remove those treacherous people like Obie from the party. It is these same people from Christie camp who have people question his leadership, when they all over the place telling people he is a weak and indecisive leader.

  11. Obie is a sore loser and has the all for me baby attitude.When he spoke a few weeks ago condemning BJ for nominating to be party leader he was trying to get the Christie supporters to back him for Leader.That backfired now the hurt is emerging.It just goes to show that no one can be Leader in waiting but must have resources to compete.I now await Obies punishment as he still has not accepted the outcome of the convention results.One Leader and not any other Obie ran a very poor campaign in GB during the Gen Elect and was only able to win his seat.He had no bearing on the results in other areas of GB.With him in leadership position in the PLP we would be bound to go down in defeat in 2012.With Brave we have someone who wants to win and prepares to win.When persons like Obie get out of hand Brave knows how to make them tow the line.Has any one trmrmbered that when Leslie Miller wanted to get out of hand a few yrs ago in Parliament it was Brave a backbencher who scolded a Cabinet Minister for being in contempt.I say like Sir Lynden said at the PLP convention in the early 1970s :fish,cut bait or get the hell off the boat.Our Leader Mr Christie would not be as harsh but as a supporter I will no longer standby and let anyone get out of hand.Seats occupied by PLP representatives belong to the party and are not because of any popularity of the members occupying.Obie since you read this blog please explain this latest outburst.

  12. @Tink we fool
    NO NO What im saying is Both parties already dont have YOUNG people in office who can WAIT THEIR TURN to get PM. Now im no big fan of Brent symonette or Tommy turnquest but just pointed them out mainly because of their EXPERIENCE. Something that Branville dont have. And furthermore AT LEAST the FNM has more than 3 people who could look the part instead of ONE PERSON like the PLP

  13. Bahamasyouth :
    He said that yes Perry Christie rallied up his BASE (die hard PLP’s) but he did NOT reach out to the YOUNGER GENERATION. In all honestly, PLP leader task is to enthuse swing voters which are normally young voters to win!
    Perry Christie task is to enthuse YOUNG VOTERS and Swing voters. And this task is a serious one that Christie must tackle in order to win. Obie Wilcombe isnt my cup of tea BUT HE Talked PLENTY SENSE about the leaders of the PLP.

    Bahamsyouth, it seems like you are just repeating the same thing over and over about PC and the youth vote. Its rediciolous and untrue.

    I done tell you before the youth vote in the Bahamas belongs to neither political party. The FNM didnt get it in 2002 and the PLP didnt get it in 2007.

    End of story.

    Stop trying to give the impression that the PLP has lost the youth vote and the FNM has a lock on it. The FNM doesnt.

    Your wrong! and your ignorance in these matters is annoying. Its like your on repeat, saying the same thing over and over. Get a new talking point and some facts to back it up.

    @Objective Thought
    OT, like i said in a previous post, the one thing this election did was it made people to show their true hand and true character. We now know those who are willing to play fair, the back room dealers, the deceiving hustlers, the political camouflaged, and the selfishly ambitious.

    Obie so bug right now. When he found out Bradley was running it was a surprise to him. Had he known Bradly was going to run, Obie wouldnt have run. In Obie’s mind, it was suppose to be Obie vs Ken Dorsett for chairmanship, not Obie vs Big Bad Brad.

    I am so glad Obie lost. There is a God who answers prayers.

  14. @ objective thought we shall call him brutus has he no shame i know rejection is tough but man get the message the people have rejected his view is he now sayin what he sayin after sayin him and pc are the team to beat??? Oppurtunist i say

  15. BP, ya see this is what I was talking about last night… PC now has someone who he can TRUST at his side.. He can now sleep without wondering who will stab him in his back… Obie cannot be TRUSTED!!!! He is tooooo SELFISH!!!

  16. @bahamas youth dat cadre of people dont have what it takes Brent has experience but the rest hungry you can always start your own party how many doors you knock on i hope you ain just get a degree and think thats the only prerequisite……its like you want the older generation be put in a home or a hole obie talkin out of turn given the avalanche he faced in the vote. you talkin bout electing a mr photo op, mr god tell me, and mr vote fa me my father in politics cant work they arent people friendly watch the scandals if you cant see it like dat one who couldnt see conflict if it was a yellow buss they would be building mansions for them and theres fa sure

  17. naomi :
    Well he has now challenged Christie to show that he really has changed and discipline him or ask for his resignation . God knows he has some serious baggage!

    Ya nevva now. Maybe ol’ Obie gat something up his sleeve. He seems to like to collect dirt on people.

  18. bahngr :
    Here we go again. Another useless fart who Christie elevated to his highest level ofineptitude and it came back to bite him in the….!
    But Christie tried to play both ends against the middle again and that’s what this is all about. I only hope that he knows where Brave is because he played Brave as well.

    Great observation. Let’s see how it will all play out.

  19. @Big P
    Im loving this SO SO TRUE…. Yet some of the PLP’s say Wait your turn blah blah blah. They dont know they lost in 2007 and that they needs to wake up and smell their OWN Starbucks and try to fix it before its too late.

    Altec and Co… are DIE HARD PLP’s they obviously voting PLP despite who the leader is. People like me who are in 20 to 25 yrs old are SWING VOTERS. Both parties needs to appeal to people like me in order to see OFFICE. And as far as I see the problem with BOTH parties but mainly PLP is that they dont have much YOUNG POTENTIAL PRIME MINISTERS in OFFICE. I only see Fred Mitchel who comes close to a ideal PM….. Whereas for the FNM Brent Symontte, Tommy Turnquest, Zhivargo Laing, Branville McCartney ETC…. has the experience or/and characteristics to be PM.


    He said that yes Perry Christie rallied up his BASE (die hard PLP’s) but he did NOT reach out to the YOUNGER GENERATION. In all honestly, PLP leader task is to enthuse swing voters which are normally young voters to win!

    Perry Christie task is to enthuse YOUNG VOTERS and Swing voters. And this task is a serious one that Christie must tackle in order to win. Obie Wilcombe isnt my cup of tea BUT HE Talked PLENTY SENSE about the leaders of the PLP.

  21. Also BP… I heard that Almost none of PC parliamentary group showed up to the party’s installation banquet last night. Now tell me how it is that Christie is being installed as leader and pretty much NONE of the opposition MPs and Senators were there? BJ, Fred, Glenys, Alfred Sears, none of them.

    This needs to be investigated.

  22. LOL the PLP what a sorry bunch of self indulged deluded individuals Hubert wins again the Rematch Perry the Poodle vs Hubert the Pitbull ya know who ga win that one LOL. Perry doesnt have the mass appeal that is needed to win the next elections and the demographics of people under 40 is about 60% of the voting block they are not in favor of trying a lepoard who cannnot change his spots my God PLP’s what were you you believe Gambier House wins elections..come on man you had a chance to prove to the nation that you were an innovative and dynamic party yet you chose a has been weak leader to lead you into the next elections Hubert is having cocktails and laughing all the way to the bank lol…now we have Perry Brave and Hubert the 3 law partners running the show when will my people learn its all about them not you….except fot those die hards who getting their contracts if their man wins hmmm so thats why they are die hards who could care less if the country goes to hell in a handbasket as long as they get straight lol my my my here we go again

  23. Here we go again. Another useless fart who Christie elevated to his highest level ofineptitude and it came back to bite him in the….!
    But Christie tried to play both ends against the middle again and that’s what this is all about. I only hope that he knows where Brave is because he played Brave as well.

  24. Well he has now challenged Christie to show that he really has changed and discipline him or ask for his resignation . God knows he has some serious baggage!

  25. BP i am watching it now and all i can say is, WOW! Back handed disses!

    From his demeanor, i say he still mad he lost chairman to Bradley, but boy make no mistake he dissed PC a couple times.

    I guess he isnt getting BJ’s old position in the house! LOL!

    And he wonders why no one trust him!

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