Christie AGAIN? WELL MUDDO! Five more years with Ingraham Delivered!


christie-at-convention<<< PLP leader Perry Christie rallies his troops Friday night. Photo by: Tim Clarke/Tribune staff

Nassau, Bahamas — PLPs gathered themselves at the Wyndham last week and literally told the nation they refuse to Change! The re-election of party leader, Perry Gladstone Christie, confirmed the organization is ready to lose the next election, whenever it is called.

PLPs also confirmed, OVERWHELMINGLY by an 80% BLOWOUT, that they are prepared to give Christie a second chance. We believe this is a mistake, a BIG MISTAKE!

The Party’s decision reminded us of a woman who loves being abused by her lover. He could slap her to the floor, threaten to throw her out of the house, kick her in the bedroom, break her arm and knock out her teeth. Yet when a neighbour reports the matter to a supreme authority the wife says, “I fell down the stairs.”

Last week elections were déjà vu for the PLP. An absolute repeat of PLP history. Politicos would remember this was the same mistake the PLP made in 1997 when Sir Lynden was forced to stay on as party leader. Prior to the 2007 general elections, the electorate in 1992 had told the PLP Pindling days were done, but what did the PLP do? They dismissed the ‘Voice of God’ and returned Pindling back to the leadership of the Party at Convention.

One would think PLPs would learn from their own page in history and send galloping on a white horse into the sunset Christie who seems to be preoccupied with everything else except opposition business. But Christie says he has change. He said he’s new. He said he would do better, well, we shall see.

Noticeably absent from the PLP conclave last week was PLP backbench member, Malcolm Adderley, who also serves as Chairman of the Gaming Board and almost daily reports to Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham.

Christie should now exercise his new found strength in politics and begin to serve Malcolm his first warning shot. Christie in his last few weeks leading up to the Party elections could be heard threatening his opponents. Telling like a parent to a child what will happen too them if they challenge his leadership. Even his wife Bernadette Christie took to the big screens after a long hiatus in the political dealings of the PLP. We hope Christie would keep this up and if he doesn’t, BP will be here to remind him.

Christie says he has changed, and stated PLPs should expect to see a “New” Christie. His ad nauseam is nothing new. We believe he has become seasoned in the art of deception through ‘POLITRICKS’. We wondered if anyone sitting in the hall remembered Christie’s presentation to Convention in 1998 when he promised to create the ‘New PLP’. Well to be honest that “New PLP” is today worse than the old. And here they are again canning a ‘new’ beer in its Convention factory hoping to sell the same old concoction to the electorate, again. Hmmmmmmm!

From the ‘New’ PLP to now the ‘New’ Christie, Yeah Right! To put it blunt, BP has concluded old dogs cannot learn new tricks.


  1. @watching and waiting
    “watching and waiting” is right you noticed that Lyden had plenty young and old people in office. And with the young ones they were POTENTIAL LEADERS OF THE PLP’S. But People like Rushless Johnson they feel that the young should wait their turn which I agree on but WHO YOUNG ARE LEADERSHIP MATERIAL IN PERRY CHRISTIE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION?…. These Biggest PLP’s want say this and that about CHANGE.

    The Free National Movement is filled with YOUNG Leader’s ready to be Prime Ministers. From Loreta Butler to Branville McCartney to Desmond Bannister to Zhivargo Laing.

    Im No FNM…. In 2002 The PLP had MY VOTE. In 2007 The FNM had my vote and now come 2012 THE FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT WILL HAVE MY VOTE. (Once TOMMY dnt lead).

    THE PLP so Ignorant that they just running the same POLITICAL GAME from 2007 which they lost. At least try find and fix the reasons why they lost. One of the MAJOR REASONS they lost was because of the SCANDALS which haven’t been fixed but still continue. Try fix Perry CHristie’s leadership style which he said hes working on so lets give him a benefit of the doubt.

    From what I see Fred Mitchell is the ONLY PERSON I see who can lead the worthless PLP’s somewhere. Hes The Only PERSON who I MIGHT EVEN VOTE PLP FOR! You might could call him a SISSY or this and that BUT HE HAS MORE BALLS than PERRY CHRISTIE and MAJORITY of the WASH OUT PLP’s

  2. I truly agree while we respect Sir Lyden and his sons leadership, they are all the generation of bye, bye. The bahamas needs a new look.

  3. PLP is still looking like the country’s past as a young person I can only see future in the FNM. Christie was Minister of torisum when I was in the 6th grade.

  4. Wisdom :
    Dr. Nottage go and form a NEW POLITICAL PARTY.
    Keep the same name:
    C – Crooks
    D – Drug Dealers
    R – Rapist
    BJ, come clean to the Bahamiam people, we like to here the truth.
    Base on our culture we would give you a chance, but you have to come CLEAN!

    This is real NASTY of you!!! This is the reason I don’t respect people like you!! Clean ya brain out with some bleach!!

  5. BJ looked like he add 20 years to his age after, that “CUT HIP” Christie put on him.
    If ya can’t beat a washed-up Christie, go do what you do best!
    The PLP remines me about playing “Street Fighter”

    “Street Fighter doesn’t change for Players, Players change for Street Fighter”

    Street Fighter… a series that has always amused me. I remember playing Street Fighter 2 on my cousin’s Super Nintendo more than a decade ago and here I am today, with it’s fourth official iteration on my Xbox 360. It has a fresh look and new faces, but at the core it of it all, it is still Street Fighter. Are you ready for the fourth?

  6. Dr. Nottage go and form a NEW POLITICAL PARTY.

    Keep the same name:

    C – Crooks
    D – Drug Dealers
    R – Rapist

    BJ, come clean to the Bahamiam people, we like to here the truth.
    Base on our culture we would give you a chance, but you have to come CLEAN!

  7. @Objective Thought
    “Objective Thought”- I agree with you. So true…The best thing about Perry Christie is that he has Brave Davis as he deputy. The only MINOR problem I have with Mr. Davis is that I find it inexcusable for him to sit down in parliament year afta year and hardly say something until these last few months. I have received positive reviews about him so I guess its all good.

    Perry Christie has plenty potential he passed the first test with me when he ADMITTED HE MADE MISTAKES. Not like so many PLP’s who dont see their own flaws. But Christie made a wise decision with his speech. His task is to ENTHUSE the young VOTERS between the ages of 16 to 40 which basically is MAJORITY of the POPULATION.

  8. Well everyone knows that I always thought that PC could win the next election if he had the right people around him and I think that he has that now!! I am not a supporter of Brave and he would have to earn my support but more important than me, PC now has someone he can TRUST as his right hand man!! I still feel as though the PLP would not have had to fight as hard as they will have to with PC as its leader to win the next election as they would have to if BJ had become the leader.. Well, PC now has to prove himself over the next 12 months or he could still be replaced before the next election!!!

    Best of all in this convention was the emergence of Brave as deputy leader of the PLP!!! PC now has someone he can TRUST and TRAIN to be the next leader of the PLP… It’s a 2 for 1 deal..

    Everyone also knows that prior to the election at convention, I made it clear who I was supporting and I also made it clear who I thought would win and I was spot on!!!! Congrats to all the winners!!!!

    PC, Brave and Brad has my full support to win the next election because ANYTHING is better than what we have now which is NOTHING!!!!!!

  9. Wisdom :Altec, Wake up! The FNM is dancing because Mr. Christie is back as the PLP leader.Nothing different has happened last week, Hubert Ingraham is still the Prime Minister, and the PLP is still out of power!YES! you right Christie proved BP was wrong. But will the Bahamian people give PC another chance in 2012?II must admit BIG BAD BRAD is Mr. Ingrahams worst night mare.
    But like stated in another post BIG BAD BRAD would be hurdled befor the courts in short order, MARK MY WORDS;
    One should remember the famous quote from Sir. Cecil Wallace Whitefield in the early 1970’s “…prosecute their backsides in jail…( this was one of the most blurred statements towards PLPs across the nation, however the prophecy seems to be manifesting 30+ years later)It appears that the FNM is carrying out what I call “THE SPIRIT OF Sir. Cecil’s statement.PLPs should remember that; Sir. Cecil’s movement that would culminate in the formation of the Free National Movement came to a head on 18 November 1970 when it became clear to eight courageous parliamentary members of the Progressive Liberal Party that their effort to entrench democratic principles in the PLP would fail.In my opinion, those 8 courageous parliamentary members of the Progressive Liberal Party sold their loyalty to foreign powers.For the last 6 years I’ve observe the FNM and it’s backing of former “Colonial” and “Foreign” powers are try to land ALL PLP MPs in JAIL!


  10. @anne do the same with rabid brad as u call him its 919 last time i check you may get a prize lol street sip sip is not admissible in court and is very unreliable but if you know somthing by all means

  11. @ anne so the doctors that treated 90(diabetes) are criminals as well according to your logic listen to vat naomi tellin you 90 is in jail how was he kept from justice in actuality he was extradited pending a further appeal so far as i see it no favours were bestowed why didnt you give evidence since you are posessed with all the facts and save us all the expense at trial

  12. I like the singer USHER must submit my CONFESSION.I was DISAPPOINTED that mr.Christie won.While i am A PLP ALL THE WAY,i feel that our Bahamas has outgrown my hero SIR LYNDEN PINDLING and his two SONS.Bahamians must realize that sir Lynden served as prime minister for 25 years,mr.Ingraham would have served 15 years as prime minister by the year 2012,and mr.Christie 5 years.So sir Lynden and his 2 sons would have RULED our country for the last 45 years by 2012.This is TOO MUCH TIME FOR 1 FAMILY TO BE IN POWER IN A DEMOCRACY.Please Bahamians LETS MAKE MR.INGRAHAM AND CHRISTIE RETIRE BEFORE 2012!!

  13. @Gary
    You are such liar and only want to make something of nothing.All of the ballot boxes were opened in front of agents for each candidate and when they were transferred the agents accompanied them.Stop trying to throw mud on the reputation of honorable men and women.You started this stupid rumour at the polls and now you come here repeating it.In the name of fairplay get lost and stay lost.

  14. @Tink we fool

    On point! And that’s coming from a young person. This is the microwave generation. A lot of these so called young voters in the PLP screaming for change probably aren’t even involved at the branch level, never read the party’s constitution but because they’re young that should serve as the sole and absolute eligibility criteria to serve in top leadership? NON SENSE.

    And we do have young people that are on the rise in the party. Most of us only paid attention to 3 races – Leader, Deputy Leader and Party Chairman. Most of the National Vice Charimans recently elected are under 35. Has anyone celebrated that? Sound the alarm on that? Of course not. It takes tons of time to be nurtured and developed to serve at such levels. So relax, breath, get involved and learn the ropes, your investment won’t go unrecognized or without reward.

  15. lol!! C’mon guys….you know he needs two terms as Prime Minister to collect his PM Pension!! Stop hatin!!

    As for Ishaq who thinks that Rabid Brad and Philip Brave 90 Davis are going to add balance to PC’s rule – we’ll see. Brad is tainted from before (but of course we all have short memories) and Brave’s platform of solving crime is a joke when he is responsible for trying to keep major criminals from justice!

    I guess the young people need to rock purple and gold in 2012 and give the BDM a chance.

  16. @ red blooded very astute observation have you seen the tide the surge he wont be able to lead this ship as a passive particapant old ship new engine

  17. @ wisdom the fnm music cut off no danceing fa dem they wont be able to explain the deficiet ahead due to the current economic plight HAi lookin for more revenue now you saw he made the statement on bank profits the tax structure needs to change….as well as the issue of fnm future leadership that will be a nasty fight

  18. @ bahamas youth over night want lead overnight what youth kick pindling out!???????? when nah das a furst hahaMr pindling left after the lost.. so what you propose we give you and yours a chance den what you ga have us on the hollywood circuit like turks island while you negotiate deals to your benefit on our behalf? nah the youth along with the middle age and seniors have to work no one entitle to anything get in da boat catch fish or cut bait until an opening arises get in the trench and stop envying the throne.If you work hard enough ya just may get there fa sure

  19. Although Christie did win again, I think we should not underestimate the impact of the elections of Brave Davis and Bradley Roberts. Both men in my opinon are men of action which in my view should make Christie a more balanced leader.

    I also like Brave’s speech on Friday, where he reminded everyone of the message of CHANGE and advised all that he has the STUFF needed to help Christie keep focused. So BP, while I understand your frustration, do not lose heart, Chnage has come to the PLP and it will be ready to Change the Bahamas.

  20. @Wisdom
    Interesting post but what many fail to realise is the fact that the Police vote has shifted to the PLP.Officers are very disgruntled with this Govt and when they start attacking present and former Policemen at their convention sparks will surely fly.This asinine statement that PC cant beat HAI is ludricous since PC beat both HAI and Tommy in 2002.Every PLP candidate must have the testicular fortitude to defend party policy and point out to the FNM their many transgressions.We have turned back as you correctly stated but what many dont know is that persons from pre 1967 are still around besides their offspring.Young people never sit in chairs but prefer to mingle on the outside.There were more young persons outside the convention hall than all persons seated inside.I notice that no media outlet has mentioned that.All of you Christie bashers will not get away with their stupid assertions as I will keep their feet to the fire.This foreign and FNM Govt. plan to land PLP members in prison will not work bcos we have seen the conspiracy and will call the Govt. out.As we go along with dialogue I shall reveal many reasons why this FNM Govt is bad for the Bahamas.So BP the one who is a true Christie hater and had no vote at convention get lost.

  21. Altec, Wake up! The FNM is dancing because Mr. Christie is back as the PLP leader.
    Nothing different has happened last week, Hubert Ingraham is still the Prime Minister, and the PLP is still out of power!
    YES! you right Christie proved BP was wrong. But will the Bahamian people give PC another chance in 2012?
    II must admit BIG BAD BRAD is Mr. Ingrahams worst night mare.

    But like stated in another post BIG BAD BRAD would be hurdled befor the courts in short order, MARK MY WORDS;

    One should remember the famous quote from Sir. Cecil Wallace Whitefield in the early 1970’s “…prosecute their backsides in jail…( this was one of the most blurred statements towards PLPs across the nation, however the prophecy seems to be manifesting 30+ years later)
    It appears that the FNM is carrying out what I call “THE SPIRIT OF Sir. Cecil’s statement.
    PLPs should remember that; Sir. Cecil’s movement that would culminate in the formation of the Free National Movement came to a head on 18 November 1970 when it became clear to eight courageous parliamentary members of the Progressive Liberal Party that their effort to entrench democratic principles in the PLP would fail.
    In my opinion, those 8 courageous parliamentary members of the Progressive Liberal Party sold their loyalty to foreign powers.
    For the last 6 years I’ve observe the FNM and it’s backing of former “Colonial” and “Foreign” powers are try to land ALL PLP MPs in JAIL!

  22. @Bahamasyouth
    One more thing, in 1992 the youth vote didnt kick Pindling out, The PLP lost in every demographic in the country in 1992 and 1997. The entire country was tired of Pindling, but you are probably too young to remember that.

  23. @Bahamasyouth
    Bahamsyouth, i dont even know why i take my time to respond to you because your post are always filled with errors. You always seem to rewrite history or ignore certain parts of it in your post.

    First off, your always mentioning the youth in the context of the PLP cant get the youth vote. its nice how you went back to 1992 but you failed to mention 2002 when then went for this same PC.

    I done tell you before and this will be the last time, the youth vote in the Bahamas belongs to neither political party. The FNM didnt get it in 2002 and the PLP didnt get it in 2007.

    End of story.

    Stop trying to give the impression that the PLP has lost the youth vote and the FNM has a lock on it. The FNM doesnt.

    Your wrong!

  24. Well BP lets remember that 1992 the YOUTHS kicked Pindling out and we ga do it again with PERRY. There’s plenty noise in the straw-market with SAME OLD TIRED PEOPLE singing the same OLD Tunes and talking about UNITY.

    Altec yes Perry Christie won overwelmingly at the PLP CONVENTION voted by THE PLP’s delegates. What you needs to remember that Perry needs more than just those 1,000 plp delegates. He needs THE YOUNG VOTES. Whoever gets majority of the young votes substantionly WINS THE GENERAL ELECTIONS!…. Wasnt yal saying tell the young people WAIT OUR CHANCE in 92 well we DIDNT and KICKED PINDLING OUT!!!!!!!

    Perry mightve won the battle but wont win the WAR!!!

  25. Well i guess this is your way of saying congratulation to PC. Its way late, but better late than never.

    BP, be honest, from reports that was coming to you 7-14 days before convention, you knew PC was going to return as leader, you saw that you and Fred Mitchell’s forces totally misread the level of anti-PC sentiment. But it was too late to walk back the 18 months of “PC will be defeated at convention” rehortic you religiously spewed.

    It should now be clear for all to see that the bulk of Bahamas Press’ PLP sources are disgruntled PLP’s. it should also be clear now that Bahamas press was in fact apart of this disgruntled insurgent group that tried to topple PC at convention.

    To the readers of this blog if you dont know who these groups are, just look back and see who endorsed BJ, Fred, and Jerome. Look back and see who were all in the papers subtly dissing PC. Look back and see who were all on the talk shows leading up to the election taking talking about “time for change.” Hint, hint, Jeffery Lloyd had one of them on last week Thursday!

    It indeed was a small group of people who got enamored with their own echoing voice. They mistakenly assumed that the feedback on talk radio and the popularity of this blog was the actually the level of dissatisfaction towards PC. What a mistake!

    As convention came closer, the insurgent group saw that they didnt have the votes, but BJ knew he couldnt jump out of the race seeing that his jumping in created such a splash. But Fred Mitchell took his name out of nomination to avoid embarrassment and political damage to himself.

    The grand scheme failed and failed miserably.

    And now BJ’s political career is on life support, Fred Mitchell is cowering somewhere hoping that PC looks gracefully upon him, Jerome Fitzgerald is acting like nothing happened and Bahamas Press still cant believe they got is so wrong. These men and the factions behind them are still in disbelief.

    Ladies and gentlemen, let me state this unequivocally, I have no problems with anyone challenging PC for leader. What I and many in the party took issue with is THE WAY IN WHICH IT WAS DONE. The one thing this election did was it made people to show their true hand and true character. We now know those who are willing to play fair, the back room dealers, the deceiving hustlers, the political camouflaged, and the selfishly ambitious.

  26. Yes he won with Val Grimes cheating and switching the ballot box! Grimes is really a cheater. no voting list just show up and vote. BJ was a fool to let them do this to him. do you really think he only 200 votes? i am told that Grimes moved the box and was coaught by one of Moss workers and Moss confronted him and he said noting was in the box. but the switch was made. Koed Smith knows about it ask him.

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