Temple Christian School presented with the Dr. Keva M. Bethel Memorial Award


The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year – First Runner Up, Judah Lloyd graduated from Temple Christian Elementary School on Wednesday, June 6th, 2015. He graduated in the Top Ten (Top Graduating Male) from the Class of 2015 and received 15 Awards. In recognition of capturing First Runner Up in the 2015 Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Awards Program, Temple Christian Elementary School was presented with the Dr. Keva M. Bethel Memorial Floating Plaque.

Judah Lloyd presented the Dr. Keva M. Bethel Memorial Floating Plaque to his Principal, Mrs. Charmaine Porter.

At the Student of the Year Ceremony, Judah won a $5,000.00 scholarship courtesy of The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. for high school and a new computer donated by Jonathan and Michelle Ford.



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