‘Da Pussy Cat’ acknowledged his name in Englerston last night


val_4697<<< Perry Christie on Bay Street. [File Photo]

Nassau, BahamasMembers of the Progressive Liberal Party were out last evening at a rally in the Englerston community preaching the gospel of Change to a choir of a few.

Bahamas Press listened to the PLP diatribe transported on the airwaves opened by Hubert Ingraham and the FNM. PLPs refuse to acknowledge for the life of the country how they held shackled for years the people of this country by denying free speech to them.

Bahamians living prior to 2002 knew what life was like to not hear anything on the radio from the FNM or any opposing voice to the PLP. However, Christie could be heard live NOT RECORDEDbut live telling the world how he cannotcuss‘ on radio, the nerve of him.

The aging fatigued leader of the PLP, who is nearing the age of 70, was all over the radio telling his handful group of supporters how he ran the PLP into disappointment at the polls in 2007. Christie believes the voters of this country have forgotten how SLACK, RUDDERLESS and Slothful he ran the country when he was Prime Minister. He must have forgotten how he permitted SCANDAL AFTER SCANDAL to decay and annoyed his supporters while he sat down and executed nothing. Christie must think the people of this country overlooked how he saw his own senator fall victim at the hands of Obie Wilchcombe and nevertheless, he appointed ‘DA SNITCH’ as Leader of Opposition Business in the House.obie

Christie demonstrated by that appointment, if nothing else, he has NOT CHANGED! He confirmed by that single appointment, he cannot make right decisions. He showed by that single appointment he has poor political judgment.

Christie proved he could not withdraw himself or his party fromSCANDAL RIDDEN individuals, and thus he CANNOT put forward CHANGE TO THE PLP! How could the ELECTORATE HELP HIS PARTY AFTER SEEING THE PLP REFUSE TO CHANGE? Change must begin first inside the PLP.

Christie ignored how Ingraham rammed him to the wall for leading a party and ultimately the country into more corruption and scandals than the first PLP did. And now ‘Da Snitch’ sits comfortably at his side.

Attorney for Pleasant Bridgewater, Murio Ducille, labelled WilchcombeThe Initiatorin the John Travolta extortion case. Christie has seen nothing wrong with that label. Christie cannot change and thus, the PLP will LOSE! Plain and simple!

And so as Christie said in his address last night, Call me Pussy Cat all you want, I am a leader who leads with a heart.” Ok then, let your heart fool you then Mr. Christie, just don’t say we didn’t warn you.

As one writer namedfreetinkasaid, Dey mussee tink we fool eh!”


  1. @LOU
    Yeah, they paved it when the airport was going to be shut down. From what I hear that sat in cabinet and the Minister’s desk until the pressure was just too much. Yes,PC was too slow and took forever to make a decision, just like the decision to retire. Word has it that he is now asking for one million dollars to go, he aint worth $100. LOL!

  2. @wisdom
    Sure didn’t take PC long to pave the much needed Airport runway! Saved the Airport from being shut down! Some people have short memories and and too brainwashed about all this “too slow,don’t get the job done” foolisness. But if ya’ll can’t remember all that was done..and how timely, then continue to “enjoy” the present administration – keep trusting !

  3. LOU :
    Omigosh! That was well put together! You certainly coverd ALL..the bases! I’m so sick and tired of people on this blog (and the country) reasoning for choosing HAI over PC – bunch of bull! That’s why we ARE..where we are ..today! If the nation would have stopped to think of how well we wrre doing under PC, they would have NEVER put the pitbull back in power. Our caribben neighbors are still in shock as to why the Bahamians made such a choice! All becuase of this stupid idea of “who is too soft, and who is tougher”! Garbage! And that is what we are feeding on!

    Tooooo much slackness under PC. Please look closely to what is happening.
    HAI is hiring a lot of younger people in the Government ministries, who can be guided in the right way. HAI is getting rid of the old “UNCIVIL” servants.
    HAI promised the FNM would do this if he was elected. That is why soooo many young people voted for the FNM last election.
    Only PC cannot see that the world is looking for new faces in government.
    Hate HAI all you may when he says he ga do something he gets the job done. EXAMPLE: I was amazed how fast this government executed the Shirley Street paving.
    If that were PC saying he is going to pave a road, we would have to wait another month before PC say what his “Paving Committee” had to say. Then talk another year.

  4. @tink we fool
    so what does a Pharoah do ? Seemed confused! That is exactly why the “wrong” leader was “trusted” to “set the policies” that would serve the best interest of we the people!

  5. all this pharoah talk leading people i want a government that sets policy after the people’s mandate in the best interest of the people

  6. @Russell Johnson
    Yes, Brave left for Guyana on Monday, so he wasn’t in Englerston. That has nothing to do what I was talking about, Christie needs to go and let people who know how to make decisions and get things done take over. As far as loyalty, Christie don’t know the meaning of that. Ask most of his friends and colleagues. The only thing Brave can do as a friend for Christie is to tell him to retire!

  7. @Kendal
    I will speak to Christie and Brave as I believe there is an attempt to rob Christie of his staunchest ally.As far as am cobncerned there is no animosity between the two and Brave was not in Englerston as he went to guyana for the installation of Bishop moss.

  8. @Russell Johnson
    I am not speaking for Brave I am telling you the facts. Why stay loyal to someone who didn’t support you or has done everything possible to undermine you. It is only so long he can let Christie run over him, his supporters and backers will not allow that.

  9. @Kendal
    You cannot speak for Brave who is a loyal Christie supporter and a law partner for over 30 yrs.If rumours are true we get the chance in Elizabeth early next year then you can talk after the results are in.The PLP party will be campaigning to regain their seat that was hijacked by malcolm.Clever attempts by those running interference for the Govt on this site will be crushed.we ready now!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. @Forrester J Carroll J.P
    Mr. Carroll, will respect, people may be fed up with Hubert but they have given up on lousy Perry, at the end of the day we need someone who is different from the two, a man who gets things done! Brave Davis for leader and PM!!


  12. @Kendal Hey Kendal, it’s good to see that the PLP has your support, if you want Brave and your vote can be counted on work on that, also, read my statement in answer to Bahamasyouth, I personally don’t care who is the leader of the PLP, once the HAI and crew are out of power and not running this country into ground, and giving it away to his Oligarchy friends, if the PLP won’t look out for the working class of this country, they can move on too, need I say more for the FNM, because they only believe in borrowing from what we don’t have and sharing it with their cronies and trying to squeeze blood of stone, killing the taxpayers, Customs, National Insurance, etc., but this what ya’ll want, we’ll see what PC will do and what will happen in the long run, Brave thanks you for your vote.

  13. @Bahamasyouth
    Yes, PC is afraid of Brave, he makes a public statement saying he has deputized Brave to gear the party up for elections, but then he refuses to appoint any one on the various committees who supported Brave, he has in effect clipped his wings. Apparently, at recent party meetings he has made sarcastic remarks about Davis as being the money man. I guess he is talking about the fact that it was obvious that Brave spent money during convention. He laughs at that and makes it look like that is all Brave is good for. He is going to see though, because if the leader cannot attract money then he shouldn’t be Leader. I hope the majority of PLPs see that PC is a waste of time and go with some new blood and new faces. Perry need to stick to doing the shuffle and shuffle on into to retirement.

  14. @MEDIA
    My apologies to ALL…I’m sorry – won’t happen again..But I just couldn’t help it – awakened stole my thoughts!

  15. @LOU
    NOW LOU you know there is no CUSSIN on Bahamas Press you know better than that.

    COME ON!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. @awakened
    Omigosh! That was well put together! You certainly coverd ALL..the bases! I’m so sick and tired of people on this blog (and the country) reasoning for choosing HAI over PC – bunch of bull! That’s why we ARE..where we are ..today! If the nation would have stopped to think of how well we wrre doing under PC, they would have NEVER put the pitbull back in power. Our caribben neighbors are still in shock as to why the Bahamians made such a choice! All becuase of this stupid idea of “who is too soft, and who is tougher”! Garbage! And that is what we are feeding on!

  17. @Bahamasyouth Answering you point by point, no that is called you think you need to have a strong by your side, so HAI takes advice or criticism from who?, if they ain’t white he ain’t listening, when did he not not punish his administration, and what did that have to do with the great economy he managed in his term, are you some kind of sadomasochist, you like being led or something, the bad attitude of the youth today is because of this macho, Scarface, following American/Jamaican bad boy culture, if it ain’t way it soft, that’s why they round here dropping like flies now, ya’ll better grow up, if HAI so tough, why can’t he manage crime?, Castro them managing thiers, Shane did nothing that no other MP or Minister does the only thing that happen was the press/media that wanted th FNM back and you know that, worked with the HAI team and the white knights to fabricate that story, and you keep talking about PC losing, if this is what the Bahamian people were fooled into, tell’em take what they got, because they are sorry for putting HAI and his incompetent team in now, look how many Ministers in a down economy, they are fleecing our Treasury right in front of our faces, then Youth, you don’t understand what a good leader is, you want your kind of leader, like I said before the PLP picked who they want, and you are not sure of anything, so when PC wins what would you say then, you are young and you are guessing, who cares about polls, the facts will be on the ground, you run on all day about the PLP, but you did not answer any of the questions I sent for you to answer, but if you like it hard, have it, but I guess your waiting for an FNM hand out when you get out of school, but when these dudes finish with this nation if they are re-elected, U better find ya’sef a corner to sell phone cards on.

  18. @Awakened
    wait let me understand you clearly… “looking for some tough guy, that’s a female thing”…. Um thats called STRONG AGGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP. Its rather interesting that the week before the elections Alfred Grey said on the news that Perry Christie would win and he supports him. He also said hes a very passionate and always willing to take in criticism. Which is good to me but I feel a leaders should know how to YES take in advice and also know when to be a “Go-Getter”. Alfred Grey also said that him and his colleagues told Mr. Christie that he needs to BE MORE AGGRESSIVE and learn how to punish his administration when they do wrong. Scandals coming out of THE PLP was a prime example of why MR. Christie LOST. Shane Gibson mightve have been innocent of the allegations but still he is GUILTY for MIXING BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE. He shouldve at least Penalize him or some sort. His Second chances TAINTED HIS LEADERSHIP beleive it or not. His administration understood that, he HIMSELF understood it…. it just that Yal are avoiding these MAJOR things which hurt the plp in 07.

    Perry Christie is a very wonderful nice person but I personally dont see his personality traits of what I called a GOOD LEADER. The Progressive Liberal Party needs to really understand and TAKE IN instead of avoiding THE REASONS why THE PLP lost. I dont Think THE PLP understands clearly how much support they have… they have the BIGGEST BASE but yet loosing in ONE TERM………. THAT SIMPLY SPEAKS VOLUMES. The Free National Movement dont have much supporters like that….. A BULK OF THEIR VOTERS who voted in 07 are people who are INDEPENDENT like myself and/or NEW VOTERS.

    They had a recent Poll I cant remember the EXACT figures but Perry Christie had 43% and Mr. Ingraham had like 34%…. WHEREAS 23% said NEITHER of them…… Mark my words but you might think thats good news for Perry but I dont think so because if you consider the last elections Hubert had THE INDEPENDENT VOTES and THE YOUNG VOTES… And Im guaranteed 24% of those persons who dnt want neither of them WOULD Prefer Ingraham compared to Christie.

    Therefore The PLP must work… Must work…. Must work and revamp their-selves. Perry Christie really needs to REVAMP his leadership style before the people give him a re-run on 2007 elections. All I’m asking is to atleast be more TRANSPARENT and TAKE IN ADVICE and CRITICISM. Thats the PLP greatest flaw.

  19. @Bahamasyouth Again, like the FNM Com Unit, you said nothing, Brave is his Deputy, that’s that, why are you looking for more, the people in the PLP party have made their choice, why does that hurt you, who is challenging HAI, word is Carl had a few secret meetings and wanted to contest the DP post, HAI got wind of it and crushed him, (that came from the Steve McKinney show), if PC loses, that’s on the party they choose him, when HAI loses who is that on?, the party right?, and if PC has a don’t quit attitude, that’s positive, and what’s up with this looking for some tough guy, that’s a female thing, looking for a tough guy to protect them, man up ma’boy and protect ya’sef.

  20. @Awakened
    EXACTLY its about Perry Christe… Therefore Ingraham or The FNM or The Present Government SHOULDVE never been talked about on this topic. THE matter is Perry Christie leadership has been challenged and undefeated numerous of occasions. My problem is that you and Russell seem not to understand that his leadership is at stake from this day forward. Beleive me and you Perry Christie MIGHT just win in 2012 but I would rather Brave Davis running the show because most people can relate to him and would give him a chance compared to CHRISTIE who is known for weak leadership thats why he lost in 07. We can row or debate PERRY CHRISTIE but the people spoke loud and clear that Perry made too much mistakes that made him loose the elections. THE Question for 2012 would the people prefer the same man who lost?

    @Russell Johnson
    You would have to be a complete behind to beleive that… Furthermore in case you dont know but Perry Christie is very nervous about Brave Davis…. In other-words the ONLY PERSON who can maybe defeat or give mr. Christie a run for his leadership…. is BRAVE DAVIS.

  21. @william

    Dont lose any sleep as PC is well positioned to become country Leader again.Why so much hatred for PC?Obviously all this talk about my man Brave running for Leader is just a smokescreen.You all have PC to deal with and no idle talk or hope that the opposition will implode can work in your favour.For all of you out there who dont know Brave was in Guyana representing the Opposition at the installation of the Bahamian Bishop.No one from the Govt was there.Nervousness reigns supreme in the FNm as they can see the end of the road and only crabs will survive.PLP All the way,isnt that right Omar?

  22. @Bahamasyouth No Bahamayouth, the topic is about PC not about Brave,not Fred Mitchell, or Ms Martin, and if he is such a pussy cat, why are ya’ll so afraid of him, as a vibrant male, I love the cat, and you love the dog, that’s what the youth are coming too?, but seriously, in the letter’s subject matter there are the letter’s FNM, don’t you read the print above and not just the headline, I understand that it is a youth thing, but please spell out your words better, some of that whatever your writing is making sense, and yes I love PC and I love HAI, but mostly I love the B-A-H-A-M-A-S, let’s fix it!.

  23. @Tink we fool
    LOL im Chet then im Futurevoice then Im Omar….. such a ignorant fool…..


    Why cant yal perry christe followers man up and admit he made mistakes… if ya leader could admit it why cant yal??….cat have yal tongue or shall i say the pussy cat have it?

  24. @media BP, just a question, from what I have seen, it seems the HAI administration has had more corruption in their two and a half years as a government, than PC has had in his five as leader, but you prefer, to have HAI run us further up on breaks with his cronyism in the sun, than PC and his slothiness(my word!)?, I know your not here to take sides, but that is bewildering to me. Keep up the good work.

  25. I on a limb here but there seems to be a ground swell many incumbent governments buckling under this economic down turn the irony is the man who like fire summarily may soon summarily be dismissed. He served his party well as for the country ????????

  26. @ russell johnson
    i thouth you say he name chet chet from face book nah he name omar lol

  27. @Bahamasyouth
    Welcome back my kids actually missed you and are disappointed that you refused to show up last week.Whether you or anyone else like it or not PC is the undisputed PLP Leader.A small band of malcontentents for selfish reasons would prefer for PAPA to remain in power just to satisfy their barbaeic thirst for authority.Am glad you two oppose as I need operatives to get me and others riled up to continue to work towards voting out the FNM next Gen Elects.

  28. @william Hey you two get a room!!(LOL),……. and while ya’ll bashing PC and the oppositions biz, the country and going to hell in a hand basket and what is the ruling party doing again?, do any of you have any advice for our countries government, cause ya’ll got a lot for the opposite, I guess it’s nice to see that ya’ll care though, because you want them to win the next general election without PC at the helm, you guys are the best, PLP all the way!!!.

  29. @Bahamasyouth
    You and I are on the same page. Christie and his sinking ship will be minus Brave Davis as Christie, Obie and crew have now banded together to include Brave, you see Obie thinking after Travolta he didn’t stand a chance and Christie has saved him, so for right now he sticking with Christie, and Christie fears Brave because he has always taken him for granted. The support and popularity Brave has now attracted frightens Chrisite so he has banded together with Obie so he can help him undermine and oust Brave. Christie you need to go sit down!!

  30. @2 cents
    Oh yes…. At-least you know that Perry Christie biggest MIRACLE was when this TROVOLTA Scandal came out because it destroyed Obie Wilcombe’s agenda to run for LEADER…. Many people dont even understand clearly that “The CHANGE” team consisted of Fred Mitchel, Obie Wilcombe, G. Martin Hanna, Alfred Sears, Raynard Rigby (good COB lecturer lol) and plenty FOLLOWERS wanted PERRY CHRISTIE O-U-T!!! But the Trovolta case destroyed them therefore they jumped on the sinking ship with Mr. Christie.

  31. @Russell Johnson
    Your still delusional…. Why would the fnm fear Christie?… ARE YOU FORGETTING the reasons why the people kicked him out of office?…. I understand if you say Brave Davis but not Pussy Cat Perry Christie. Trust me Perry Christie is going to destroy the PLP chances come 2012 with his WEAK LEADERSHIP RESUME.

    @2 cents
    WE are IN the same shIP…. I agree with you 100% most people on this board think Im a FNM… Im no big fan of Hubert A. Ingraham but I prefer him ANYDAY compared to Perry Christie….

  32. @BP
    You said(predicted) that PC was going to loose a race just recently – you are 0-1! Will you strike out?? I will say this one thing again – the Bahamian people were not fair to PC, so GOD WILL… give us another chance! We demonstrated out right “UNGRATEFULNESS” ! Just like the children of Israel, we were wishing to go back to “Egypt” for “better” conditions..and “proven” leadership (someone like Pharoah). We wanted to be treated like slaves – we couldn’t get use to freedom ! Well, we have another chance – what will it be. Can we exercise the patience to be lead into “the promise land” or will we continue to say that the one choosen to lead us is too slow..too weak ! It’s a matter of choice !!

  33. If we were reasoning on pets maybe I would prefer a pitbull to a pussycat. As far as people go, I would choose Perry as a friend. Politically, I’m no fan of HAI because he seems to cater to the Baystreet elite. As someone who leans PLP but with no partisan loyalties,I am frustrated that Perry Christie is still leader of the party because his political weakness allowed the people of the Bahamas to make governing a choice between he and Ingraham. I support competent people in the FNM and PLP and Christie for all his competence is a weak leader. In times of crisis we need better than we are getting from both parties. Now is the time for the old codgers to step aside and let the youth take over.
    Obie should have been finished because of his role in the Travolta affair and his interview calling Christie soft.

  34. Lolo lolo after hearing a very inspirational speech by Christie it is amazing to see an attempt to again disparage him for being human.Yes he acknowledged you BP but I prefer a pussycat any day compared to a pitbull that many times turns on its owner and his friends e.g Carl Bethel,ivoine Ingraham,Johnley Ferguson and many others.It is quite obvious that FNMs fear PC and dread having to face him in a Genertal Election again.PC aint going nowhere so buckle down and enjoy the ride to a better Leader,caring Leader one Leader our Leader PC.

  35. @ALL
    You all all sound so stupid! If the man says he has a heart, wouldn’t that be the right (heart) thing to do, to appoint a qualified leader, to lead house business!!! If he DIDN’T have a heart (like HAI) he would have “BURIED” Obie! So please get it RIGHT – can never please y’all ______ ! At least PC can confess and acknowledge his wrongs – it takes a big man to do that, and that is ALWAYS the way to heal/recover! At least when PC was PM, there was a sense of calm and peace over this country – quite the opposite now (violence, hatred, bitterness, backstabbing, chaos and needless bloodshed)..Need I say no more !

  36. @william All respect due William, and I’m not a PC fan by any means, but I think that PC has led this country in his 5 years better than HAI in all of his terms, now this a wide discussion, so I’m sure we can only scrape the surface on this subject, I am only giving you my opinion and what I have observed, we always think the billy goat gruff, and bad man attitude is what we need, maybe many feel that way, but does not make a leader to me, and we will see what the future holds, as far as what the Bahamian people want, we’ll see if they are fooled again, like they were in 2007.

  37. @2 cents
    You may be right! Obie right after his huge defeat went on JCN and told the nation that Christie is weak and Hubert is strong! He lambasted the process that he himself tried to manipulate and Christie rewards him with a position. Yes indeed something smells fishy there!

  38. I am truly disappointed by Perry Christie. That he would allow Obie anywhere near leadership of the party of Pindling means that Da Snitch got something on him. I believe that Hubert does too. Why else would Christie not step down after doing such a poor job as opposition leader? Looks like someone trying to cover dey backside. If you notice, official FNM’s leave PC alone. Who pulling the strings? Fill in the Blankety Blanks.

  39. BP, keep it up fair and balanced. Christie can never compare to Hubert say what you like! People will choose Hubert over Perry any day. The PLP talks about the poll that says if election was held now they would win, what they refuse to tell you is the poll also said that Bahamians feel overwhelmingly that Hubert is a better Leader. Yes Perry always trying to fool people that he has a heart, please, he say he changed too, and the very first appointment he makes shows that he hasn’t changed at all!

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