A woman is the country’s 75th murdered victim


Woman shot dead, man commits suicide and three police wounded in ordeal – Violence erupts on Cox Way off East Street!

Nassau, Bahamas — A bloody shootout in Cox Way off East Street Friday morning left a 33-year-old female and a 22-year-old male dead. The incident occurred around 12:30 am.

According to reports, three police officers also had to be rushed to hospital after the gunman opened fire on the officers who were called to the scene.

The gunman, who police record committed suicide by firing a fatal shot to the back of his head, is Beron Carroll. The woman he fatally shot during the ordeal is Casey Adderley.

BP still is unclear as to why the gunfire erupted or why Carroll turned his gun first on Adderley and subsequently on police. Some suspect the young man had had a dose of purple haze just before the incident, a drug that causes its addicts to turn on love ones.

Adderley died shortly after being taken to hospital.  She becomes the 75th murder victim for the year.

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