Abaconians tell Hubert 'YOU HAVE NO SHAME!'


Abaco is tired of this miserable life created by Hubert Ingraham and his wutlless band man of merry men and women. In protest this weekend residents of Abaco came out in full force to tell Ingraham just how they feel about him.

Some shouted ‘Hubert Gats to GO!’ At the FNM convention Mugabe Ingraham told supporters he refuses to stench like Christie. So why is he still hanging around when his loud rejection has now spilled into the streets. And like Robert Mugabe, Ingraham refuses to GO!

An Abaco resident said, “Abaconians are indeed fortunate and most grateful this weekend as God has been most gracious to them in providing a full moon to give them light as BEC has failed miserably to deliver power. The question should be put to the Wutless PM what is he doing about the sad state of affairs with this situation? He need to take his hand out ‘da cookie’ jar and get dis mess fix. Is he to busy drinking rum and chasing shirt tails and threatening them (TO BLOODY THEIR FACE). Enough is Enough Hubert Gat To GO.”



  1. Humans like bahamians are such a joke! They are like babies, like children, getting vex because they cannothave their ways! Its all selflsh! If any of those protestors had any sense, they will see that Ingraham has the best interest of all bahamians at heart..if he was like the plp’s, he would only do work in his continstuency, and give favors only to PLP’s, it does not work that way..in these hard economic times, people need to be thankful that they have food to eat and a roof over their heads! ask the protestors if they are willing to pay some taxes to help pay and take care of infrastrutures, etc. you bet cat gat dere tongue!!! Instead of using their christian principles, to offer ingraham prayers to help lead our nation, they torch and crucify him, like the did Jesus. Always the people with the good heart and intentions are whipped! God help us to see the truth, and work together. Ingraham cannot forsee problems, he can only do what he can with whatever resources we have. God bless you Mr. Ingraham, most forward thinking, and inteligent bahamians know the truth!

  2. Some of the blind Abaconians are just to busy kissing Huberts *** to see the way he treats them for christ sake his constituency runs from the northern side of murphy and dundas town to the tip of crown haven but yet he has only found the need to tar and fix the road in Coopers Town from the welcom to Fire Road sign exactly to the thank you for coming to Coopers Town sign exactly.I am confinced that his ass must tast good because they are just hooked on kissing it.WE NEED FRIGGIN CHANGE.i guess after so many years of kissing Huberts hip they know nothing else so its time for Abaconians to taste some real good treatment to apprecitae it or maybe they’re like some women that like bad treatment.

  3. If you ask me Hubert gats to go but you know who REALLY HAVE TO GO?……….. perry christie. I find it stupid that some people who agree that Perry is worthless but they still support him.

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