Abner Pinder dies in a Florida hospital…


Abner Pinder dies.
Abner Pinder dies.

Eleuthera, Bahamas – Confessed drug smuggler, Tribune letter writer, FNM Spanish Wells General and Local Government Councilor for the North Eleuthera community, Abner Pinder, has died following his battle with cancer today.

Bahamas Press got the news a short time ago, which has since been confirmed by relatives.

Pinder died in a Florida hospital.

He was defeated as Chief Councilor back in 2011 for the first time in 15 years by Gil Pinder.

Abner and BP began a long editorial feud after he failed to prove that he was indeed the true writer of letters appearing in the Tribune. We had directly asked Abner to provide us his comments posted in his name and he couldn’t produce anything nor could he advise us what the letter appearing was all about. This was an interesting discovery.

After Abner’s confession as a drug smuggler came to light, he was absolved by both Hubert Ingraham and Tribune Publisher Eileen Dupuch-Carron as she gave him space in the national conversations on the editorial page. Mr. Ingraham allowed Abner to carry out his import operations with a basin at the local airport in the Eleuthera community.

May he rest in peace.

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  1. Although I never met Mr. Abner personally, he and his family are distant relatives of mine. This article reeks of jealousy, bitterness, and unprofessionalism. Sounds like the “writer” needs to take advice from Mr. Abner and make amends with his/her own past. I’ve never read a “professional news” article that sounded like someone had a personal vendetta against the individual in the article, ESPECIALLY when it is on the man’s death! The writer should publicly apologize to his family. This is so sad and disrespectful.

  2. BP you are the most disgusting people in the world to publish such garbage. Abner was a great man and did all he can for anyone who needed him. It didn’t make a difference to him if they were FNM, PLP, black white he did what he could. I’m ashamed to be a Bahamian after what you wrote. Then you can say may he rest in peace. The nerve of you. You don’t know how many people you affended with this article.

  3. wasn’t it just yesterday that BP that they were about to usher in a new age of media dissemination for the Bahamas? back to the same old, same old.

  4. This is how a REAL MAN gives respect & honor to a man & his grieving family! Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis

    6 hrs ·




    TELEPHONE: 393-7853

    JUNE 5, 2016


    It is with a great sense of sadness and loss that the Free National Movement pauses today to mark the passing of a truly great FNM and a great Bahamian, Mr. Abner Pinder.

    Abner was an outstanding son of the historic Settlement of Spanish Wells, Eleuthera. He served for many years as Chief Councilor and Council member in the Local Government District serving North Eleuthera and Spanish Wells. Abner, in his private avocation, was a renowned Seaman and community leader. In fact, certainly in FNM circles, he had long been dubbed as “The Mayor of Spanish Wells.”

    His commitment to public service and the empowerment of his community led Abner to become a life-long political activist. As a prominent member of the FNM both on the Island of Eleuthera and in the wider Bahamas, Abner was an established fixture at every political Convention and very many of our meetings of the Central Council, firstly as an Advisory Councilor since 2005.

    The Honorable Dr. Hubert Minnis, Party Leader, expressed his personal sorrow at the loss of Mr. Pinder, saying: “Abner was a great friend and an ardent FNM. I and every other Leader of this great Party have had the benefit of his salty wit, good humour and great insights. He was appointed by me as a member of the National Party Executive Committee in 2012 because of his keen political insight and experience. He truly fought for the best interests of the residents throughout the communities of Eleuthera

  5. BAHAMA PRESS…..You are the most disgusting paper in the Bahamas. You ought to go hide your head in the sand .I have never know any people to carry on after somebody dies, why are they shame to say who they are. ABNER was one of the best men in the Bahamas all of you ought to be put somewhere by yourself you are not fit to be with other people. While the whole Bahamas mourning for all of ABNER`S family and friends you can write something as disgusting as this. Why don`t you talk about all your friends that are in drugs..

  6. It seems to me that someone is extremely jealous! Jealousy is ugly my friend and I’m pretty sure whoever you are you will never live up to Abner! If you could only see all the comments and tributes people have written today that are only good and kind words because everybody knows the real truth. You are obviously very confused!

  7. I don’t know why someone would write this distasteful article but you should be ashamed and this needs to be deleted. We lost a husband, father, brother, leader and a friend today. Whom ever wrote this doesn’t seem to have any sympathy or compassion and it’s sad how they took this opportunity to attempt to bring someone down that is no longer here to try to make themselves feel better. You need to find a better way to spend your time, this behavior is disgusting.

  8. With all the wonderful selfless acts of kindness this man has shown to anyone who he could help this is all you have to day about him! You should be ashamed! He may have done things he’s not proud of in his life, we all have. But he dedicated his life making amends & serving the people. He has never hid his past but turned his life around, giving back freely to all he could which there aren’t to many that can say that. He will be greatly missed not only by his grieving family but this community & all the lives he touched. Abner Pinder is a man who no one can ever replace or shoes no one can fill. How about honoring his memory with the dignity he deserves & showing his family the compassion they deserve!

    • Bahamas Press should be ashamed for publishing such disrespectful, distasteful, disgusting garbage!!! Abner Pinder will be honored & remembered with dignity as the selfless, giving, loving man he was & for the love he had not only for family, but his country, community & all the lives he helped along the way! This is offensive article ultimately shows the lack of compassion Bahamas Press has for his grieving family, community & all who loves him!

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