Asians block Dorchester Road once again for a second time and nothing is said!

A large bin has sat for days on Dorchester Street blocking access to motorists. This time the street sign is removed!

NASSAU| The Chinese really do not give up in taking over the roads in the capital city of New Providence Bahamas. 

A few weeks ago, Asian workers tried to block off Dorchester Street near the Pointe on West Bay Street. The street was ordered to be reopened after BP published the incident in photos shared widely on social media.

DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister of Works Desmond Bannister in late June had his Ministry order staff at The Pointe to stop the work that resulted in the closure of Dorchester Street.

But, on Emancipation Day, as BP was inspecting the decay of the capital city, once again someone has placed a huge trash container in the road on Dorchester Street, completely blocking access! What is this? 

Are there not laws to follow in the Bahamas when blocking off roadways in this town? Or is it that anyone can just block up the road at any hour of the day and obstruct the flow of traffic?

Minnis, you see this? Even the Asians have no respect for you! And where is the ROAD TRAFFIC POLICE who have charge over these matters along with the WORKS Ministry? … Yinner better wake up around here!

We report yinner decide!

Asian Pointe workers closing down Dorchester Street from the Bahamian public back in June. BP caught them closing the road without permission from the Government.