BAMSI cannot find a vehicle in its registry! Rogue staffer sold BAMSI truck for $12,000 and kept the funds…


Agriculture Minister Michael Pintard must investigate and deal with the thief at BAMSI! – Meanwhile BP is learning BAMSI Chairman Tennyson Wells is set to leave the Institute by summer…


NASSAU – BAMSI is fast becoming a place of hot HOT for Bahamas Press. Based on information happening now, inside its Distribution Centre serious criminal incidents have occurred. Well, call the police!

You would recall that last year the Minnis Government hired some 70 persons at BAMSI – between January and February 2019 – as a reward for their political loyalty.

One of the workers employed, who we know is a rogue employee, was posted as a senior officer assigned to BAMSI’s Distribution Centre. He has commenced his private sale of the goods from the farms to vendors in New Providence.

Evidence of these private sales of produce items and a vehicle has been brought to the attention of Executives at BAMSI. But what has been done about it? NOTHING!

The police have not been called in to deal with the matter and the thievery by this rogue employee continues unpunished.

BP has done our investigations and we invite the Minister to take a look for himself and call police! The clandestine operation by the rogue employee has moved fresh produce from BAMSI for three months into two popular restaurants. [We shall not call the names at this time].

Additionally, a truck registered to BAMSI, which was recently refitted with a new engine and parts, has vanished off BAMSI books, thanks to the rogue employee! This matter also has yet to be reported to the police! Who is the new owner of the government vehicle?

Evidence shown to Bahamas Press confirms that the truck was sold for some $12,000. And yet BAMSI cannot find when it was sold, or to whom it was sold by the rogue employee. The government truck just vanished off the BAMSI property and off the earth! WHAT IS THIS?

Bahamas Press invites Minister Michael Pintard to ask questions about these serious and damning reports on BP. Remember, we were the ones who warned you about Michael Foulkes at BAIC. And now we are telling you something foul is developing inside BAMSI!

Stay Tuned – We ga report and let yinner decide!